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Author Topic: The Typo Thread  (Read 293036 times)


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #855 on: May 26, 2023, 02:11:19 AM »

This mercenary fleet is inappropriately referring to player's faction in all lowercase (player faction being Typhon Cosmopol with capitalization)
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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #856 on: May 26, 2023, 05:25:58 AM »

^ Thank you, it's now logged to get fixed!


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #857 on: May 26, 2023, 07:40:37 PM »

I know this isn't a usual "typo," but I think Coral Nebula could field their appropriate LC ships this time around. They shouldn't be using the Onslaught or Dominators but rather their actual capital ship (Invictus) and cruisers (Eradicators) since this is of course the 3rd Holy Armada. They should not be underfunded right? It's a good way to introduce LC ships if a player was doing the mission as well. This is one of the Armada sent to liberate a Luddic world. They should be sending their best, a mighty Luddic vessel, to liberate their world!

Unless it's intended these ships were basically Hegemony-loaned? Something like that? Or perhaps Invictus was discovered after this event?

I can excuse the Navarch for using a ship that the TT has access to, he must have a private collection of his own ships and buy on his own, but something that the LC is fielding that only the Hegemony fields feel weird.

Code-wise, it's only changing 3 lines to have the first Onslaught and 2 Dominators become an Invictus and 2 Eradicators? Might be cool.

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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #858 on: May 27, 2023, 10:23:13 AM »

I think I found one.  In the salvage/recovery screen after a battle, "The salvage chief reports that several ships disabled or destroyed during the battle can be restored to basic functionalty."  I'm pretty sure that should be "functionality".  Apologies for wasting your attention if this is some regional spelling issue like honor/honour or truck/lorry.  Mirriam-Webster, Gmail, this forum's spellcheck function, and all agree that "functionalty" is a misspelling or I wouldn't even mention it.


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #859 on: May 27, 2023, 07:14:59 PM »

In the description for the skill Carrier Group: "Effect increased by 1.5x for ships with offcers"


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #860 on: May 28, 2023, 11:55:16 AM »

More Sebestyen RNG phrasing issues:

"The N-Space Resonance Lab Department needs a small team of scientists transported to a research outpost..."

This one should not have 'Department'.

And, indeed, in the same batch of missions, I also have "The N-Space Resonance Lab needs the instrument package from a probe recovered...", which is correct.
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #861 on: May 28, 2023, 10:18:52 PM »

When searching for Coureuse on Fikenhild, you can get the comms ID for Agent Finlay from her childhood friend. Even if you are the one to initiate a conversation with him, you'll still receive dialogue options suggesting that he was the one to contact you, such as "It took you long enough to contact me."


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #862 on: May 29, 2023, 08:25:00 AM »

Coral Nebula could field their appropriate LC ships this time around.

Yeah, not a typo. I've made a note. The missions need to receive a pass for both balance and consistency (and... not being super outdated in general), and it's just a matter of when the right time is to do it. The time is probably more right now than previously, what with the factions getting more unique fleets, but... we'll talk it over.

When searching for Coureuse on Fikenhild, you can get the comms ID for Agent Finlay from her childhood friend. Even if you are the one to initiate a conversation with him, you'll still receive dialogue options suggesting that he was the one to contact you, such as "It took you long enough to contact me."

I think this works because he's chiding you for being "slow" to discover him (even though you're not) - he's an intelligence officer, and a _little_ arrogant, so I think it's appropriate.

More Sebestyen RNG phrasing issues:

"The N-Space Resonance Lab Department needs a small team of scientists transported to a research outpost..."

Oh man; this is a bit of a can of worms. I think I've "fixed" this back and forth once already; it really just needs a new, consistent take on the list of strings for "field of research" vs "concrete organization doing the research". Not trivial due to testing requirements; I've made a note, however!

(Other typos are all fixed!)


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #863 on: May 29, 2023, 12:11:51 PM »

I think this works because he's chiding you for being "slow" to discover him (even though you're not) - he's an intelligence officer, and a _little_ arrogant, so I think it's appropriate.

I should've clarified a little, the player has the option to tell Finlay "It took you long enough to contact me" even though he didn't contact you, you contacted him.

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding this conversation though.



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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #864 on: May 29, 2023, 12:53:11 PM »

^ Ohhh, hmm. I'll make a note to check the context; thanks!


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #865 on: May 29, 2023, 10:09:52 PM »

More Sebestyen RNG phrasing issues:

"The N-Space Resonance Lab Department needs a small team of scientists transported to a research outpost..."

Oh man; this is a bit of a can of worms. I think I've "fixed" this back and forth once already; it really just needs a new, consistent take on the list of strings for "field of research" vs "concrete organization doing the research". Not trivial due to testing requirements; I've made a note, however!

(Other typos are all fixed!)

Working as a researcher (not in an English-speaking country though, so take it with a grain of salt):
A laboratory can be a place (e.g. your local university's computer science laboratory), or an organization with employees (e.g. Jet Propulsion Laboratory). A department is an organization. It would not be unusual to be employed by a department or by a laboratory. It is certainly possible to have a laboratory department, but this seems to imply that the subject is so large that you should have an administrative division specifically to administer the laboratories.

Anyway, some misspellings or potential misspellings from ship_names.json (Flaggelant caught my eye and I decided to check the file)
Sorceror -> Sorcerer
Amoral Quandry -> Amoral Quandary
Fifty Rem And Counting -> and in lowercase?
Loot'n'Plunder -> Loot 'n' Plunder?
Here A-viking -> Here a-Viking?
Venusean -> Venusian
Reign of the Conquerer -> Reign of the Conqueror
Flaggelant -> Flagellant
Goetterdammerung -> okay really nitpick but is German and not Norse, since this section was called "Norse", doesn't really need a change
The Asymptope Convergence -> The Asymptote Convergence
Be Fullsome Void -> Be Fulsome Void?

Let me tell you by the way that I really appreciate the ship names in this game. Some are really funny, some are awe-inspiring, some are very clever. They really add a lot of character to the game, and are clearly a step above other space games in creativity.
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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #866 on: May 30, 2023, 01:50:53 AM »

typo, inconsistency, your choice

all 4 explorarium frigates are called Drone
both explorarium destroyers Drone
explorarium Cruiser Drone

all 2 remnant frigates are called Droneship
remnant destroyers Droneship and Droneship-Carrier
remnant Cruiser Droneship Cruiser and Heavy Droneship

so there's a clear rule being established.
Drone => Explorarium
Droneship => Remnant

now off to the capitals.

Guardian: Drone Battleship so far so good. explorarium, drone. as expected
Radiant: Drone Battleship... and the rule is broken. Maybe it's by choice to avoid droneship battleship?

Nova: Drone Battlecruiser... nope. 'cause Droneship Cruiser was deemed to be fair game, so Droneship Battlecruiser should be too

also out of curiosity...
Is it Philip Andrada (the entirety of the game) or
Phillip Andrada (the entirety of the true-and-accurate)

same with Hanan Pacha (the entirety of the game) or
Hana Pacha (true and accurate tm)


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #867 on: May 30, 2023, 07:12:11 AM »

Working as a researcher (not in an English-speaking country though, so take it with a grain of salt):
A laboratory can be a place (e.g. your local university's computer science laboratory), or an organization with employees (e.g. Jet Propulsion Laboratory). A department is an organization. It would not be unusual to be employed by a department or by a laboratory. It is certainly possible to have a laboratory department, but this seems to imply that the subject is so large that you should have an administrative division specifically to administer the laboratories.

Oh, I agree with all of this and it seems to hold up in English. The question is how much of this grammar we want to store and build in code (and the answer: as little as possible, because introducing complexity can cause errors). We've found a good solution and implemented it in-dev and it seems to hold up.

Anyway, some misspellings or potential misspellings from ship_names.json (Flaggelant caught my eye and I decided to check the file)

(Thank you for the corrections; very good!)

Goetterdammerung -> okay really nitpick but is German and not Norse, since this section was called "Norse", doesn't really need a change

This is an extremely German nitpick and I'm here for it.

Let me tell you by the way that I really appreciate the ship names in this game. Some are really funny, some are awe-inspiring, some are very clever. They really add a lot of character to the game, and are clearly a step above other space games in creativity.

Ah, thank you! I mean, the perhaps obvious inspiration is the work of Iain M. Banks.

typo, inconsistency, your choice

all 4 explorarium frigates are called Drone
both explorarium destroyers Drone
explorarium Cruiser Drone

all 2 remnant frigates are called Droneship
remnant destroyers Droneship and Droneship-Carrier
remnant Cruiser Droneship Cruiser and Heavy Droneship

so there's a clear rule being established.
Drone => Explorarium
Droneship => Remnant

now off to the capitals.

Guardian: Drone Battleship so far so good. explorarium, drone. as expected
Radiant: Drone Battleship... and the rule is broken. Maybe it's by choice to avoid droneship battleship?

Nova: Drone Battlecruiser... nope. 'cause Droneship Cruiser was deemed to be fair game, so Droneship Battlecruiser should be too

Hmmm. I'm not sure we ever discussed an actual rule here; probably just went with what sounded cool in each situation (always a good policy; no regets).

So, FWIW, there was no intent to systematize the nomenclature. Whether it should be systematized is an open question...

also out of curiosity...
Is it Philip Andrada (the entirety of the game) or
Phillip Andrada (the entirety of the true-and-accurate)

same with Hanan Pacha (the entirety of the game) or
Hana Pacha (true and accurate tm)

The game itself is canonical for itself. I won't be updating the True-and-accurate blogpost; it's intended to be a snapshot from my notes of the time, not an up-to-date reference.

(My own reference is in my private notes, which I update as appropriate.)


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #868 on: May 31, 2023, 06:07:54 AM »

I just remembered/re-noticed that everything ingame (at least in the places I searched) uses one-l Philip, except which generates the actual ingame person. Guess that should be changed!


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Re: The Typo Thread
« Reply #869 on: May 31, 2023, 06:31:34 PM »

Memory of Hana Pacha in ship_names.json, though its namesake is spelled Hanan Pacha in-game.

When scanning an Ice Giant for Hyperspace Topography, the notification says "Gas Giant Scanned".

And in the description when visiting Eldfell, "The main settlement is built on a dormant spur and populated largely by the ancestors of robo-jockeys who have found new work in the refineries." Shouldn't this be descendants, not ancestors?
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