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Author Topic: BattleFarer Forever [v 0.3]  (Read 132682 times)


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BattleFarer Forever [v 0.3]
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:30:55 AM »




It is the 200th cycle and the war for Corvus between the Hegemony and Tri-Tachyon continues to grow ever larger. Resources begin to dwindle and become scarce, but soon, rumours spread of a resource that is much more valuable than all the others. Known as “Tritinium”, this mineral has a large abundance in the Corvus sector, and it is this abundance which brought two new factions into the system. The GGG Heavy Industries Fleet and the Ordanian Fleet are two groups from separate systems who came into the system to take it over and acquire all of the Tritinium. After coming into contact with each other and the pre-existing factions of the pirates, Hegemony and Tri-Tachyon; a mutual treaty was enacted between all of the factions. The war between the Hegemony and Tri-Tachyon was to stop, and mutual sharing of resources between all of the factions was to begin. However, human greed eventually won out and the peace was broken when the Hegemony attacked a Tri-Tachyon mining station. Caught in the crossfire, the GGG Heavy Industries fleet and the Ordanian were dragged into the war. The system is now in total anarchy, with everyone at war with each other and the pirates preying on the injured fleets. There are travellers who come in from across the galaxy, with unique and powerful ships. Their goal is the same as everyone else’s, get the Tritinium.

A few years have passed since that time, and the war still rages on. You are a member of an independent company, with years of experience with fighting in space. You have been stationed on an outpost in the outskirts of the system, and will receive regular supply runs from your company. Your job is to quell the war and reinstate peace, whatever the costs may be. You have been given command of a fleet, with orders to kill if necessary. What will you do now? Will you take over the system and act as dictator? Will you allow the war to last and take your profits? Will you choose to make one faction supreme leader of Corvus?

The choice is yours.

--------------------[END OF LOG]--------------------

All factions are against you, including the Hedgemony, You will have a small outpost to use for repairs and supplies, sent to you from buddies in another sector. Noone is allied with one another, it’s all to play for now



I'm assembling a team

Apply now!

Head Developer: Myself (sproginator)
Team Manager:
Head Programmer:
Head Artist:
Beta Tester 1:
Beta Tester 2:



Unique Ships:

Absit Invidia

Originally a heavy cargo ship, this high tech ship has now been converted into a light, long range bombardment cruiser


This light cruiser proves to be a formidable thorn in any opposing fleets side. Fitted with 6 small turrets and 2 medium turrets, It is extremely effective at keeping pesky incoming fighters and bombers at bay

The Hive

A large energy-class capital ship, capable of long range punishment with it's hard point-mounted tachyon lance and it's ten auto-pulse laser cannons, Sure to make any opposing capital ship flee for it's life. However it's lack of many PD defenses and a shallow angled front-mounted shield make it vulnerable to attack from strike craft.


This capital ship features 7 large turret mounts, 8 medium turret mounts and 4 medium missile hard points. It can easily take on various threats on its own, but lacks the necessary PD defenses to cope with large amounts of fighters and bombers

Lady Of Pain

This heavy capital ship is capable of taking on numerous enemies on it's own, outfitted with 6 large turret points and 4 medium turrets, This ship is truly a force to be reckoned with

Regal Basilisk

This Heavy carrier boasts 5 medium turret points, 6 small turret points and 3 large flight decks. It's great at helping provide that supporting role large fleets need in order to maintain strike craft


This light destroyer is outfitted with 2 large hard points, and 2 medium missile hard points, originally designed as a wrecking bot for ship debris cleanup, it's large cargo hold helps provide great support for larger fleets

The Ordanian Fleet:



This High tech, Lightweight destroyer is capable of long range support using it's 3 large turret points fitted with varying beam weapons, whilst its 2 medium turret points help prevent incoming missiles

HABS Ramona

This high-tech frigate is outfitted with 1 large and 2 small turret points, Providing great assistance when dealing with other pesky frigates

RACR Knives

This lightweight frigate is great at helping provide strike craft backup when dealing with bigger ships. It's quick speed and agility make it great at drawing fire while bombers go in for the kill


This lightweight frigate helps provide long range bombardment support, sporting 1 medium turret point and 2 medium missile hard points. It can provide great suppressive fire when needed

SHABS Pilgrim

This heavy cruiser boasts 3 large turret points, 4 medium hard points and 1 large hardpoint for an experemental new weapon. It's main beam cannon is capable of ripping whole ships in half with a single burst, but leaves the Pilgrim practically helpless due to the high flux cost

The GGG Heavy Industries Fleet:


GGG HI Graves

This mid-range cruiser is outfitted with 3 large turrets, 3 medium turrets and 4 small turrets, providing a very destructive advantage to any fleet that possesses it

GGG HI Ingram

This mid-range frigate, outfitted with 2 medium turrets and 2 small turrets can help provide great support during small skirmishes


This mid-range frigate, equipped with 3 medium turrets and 2 small turrets helps provide a supporting role to any fleet by helping remove any threat from fighter and bomber squadrons

GGG HI Patel

This lightweight frigate boasts 3 medium turret mounts, great for providing anti-destroyer support

GGG HI Richter

Sporting 1 large, 3 medium and 4 small turret points, This lightweight destroyer can effectively sweep away many threats it encounters




Current Team:


Progress Report:

Okay, so we got a bunch of new stuff added, some secret stuff but some i can brag about

Added Xangle's Smoke Effect script, which was refurbished by Uozmoz
Added Lazy Wizard and Xangle's Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing scripts
Added a new Minelayer weapon, for use with the Regal Basilisk
Added a bunch of other weapons, unlike any that's been seen before
Added the framework for the GGG and Ordanian factions
Added the rest of the uniques to get spawned

Fixed the spawning without enough crew problems
Fixed the spawning without enough supplies problems

Edited some ship stats and weapon stats for balancing
Edited the Wreckerbee unique faction to have 3 ships patrolling instead of one (major buff, watch out!)

No new DL link yet, that will hopefully come when all the GGG and Ordanian ships are implemented



Support us!:

Copy the code into your signature!



Blade Skydancer = Weapon coding help and tips
SilverWingedSeraph = Ship sprites
The Messiah = Banners
The Soldier = Weapon help and bugfixing
Machine = Some absolutely wonderful ship sprites and for two new factions
Doogie = Ship sprites
STARSTRUCK = Ship sprites
Bad Boy = Ship sprites
Gunnyfreak = Dual Hellbore Weapon, Amazing new adaptations of the WeaponDamageEffects script
FlashFrozen = Faction coding and implementation
Lazy Wizard = Decorative weapon coding, general help and faction coding and implementation, a ton of epic plugins and weapons
Xangle13 = Amazing scripts for smoking weapons and penetrating armor bullets

Without you guys, None of this would be possible, So from the bottom of my heart, thankyou!


For the record, Sprog does have my permission to use all these sprites, yes.

Quote from: STARSTRUCK
Should be fine, tovarisch. Go to town.

Just saw this. I like that you are putting BSF ships in. You can use any of my ships as well.
...I like triangles.

Quote from: Bad Boy
Wow, glad you like em. I don't think my ships are as good as the others in this but that's your call.
So feel free to use whatever ships you want for whatever purpose you want.
This seems like a cool mod so I wish you all the best with it :)

A massive thanks to all you wonderful people! Without you, this mod would not be possible
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 09:59:48 AM by Sproginator »
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 09:01:12 AM »

All current ships added, Enjoy, Mod not available for download yet due to extensive work being required first
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
- Albert Einstein

As long as we don't quit, we haven't failed
- Jamie Fristrom (Programmer for Spiderman2 & Lead Developer for Energy Hook)


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 09:15:53 AM »

Love the designs, especially the Anamar; looking forward to it being complete :)

Minor critique of the sprites:
First, sorry if any of this is even mildly offensive, I haven't shown any art here so I should probably refrain from offering critique, but I thought I'd note the things I saw :)
1.  I'd like to see stronger highlighting and try to emulate the lightsource model used by SF's artist (see the Dram for a really clean example of where the lights are).
2.  I think that the sprite edges need to be a bit cleaner; probably the easiest quick fix would be a one-pixel inset, lowering the opacity of the border pixels and elimination of the gray fuzzies I can see on some of the sprites.
3.  I see various small things going on where you've tried to apply "paint stripes" to areas.  You might want to review them and make sure that both sides are 100% symmetrical, etc.  Also be aware that they're going to need some pixel editing to clean up panel lines, and it would be nice to see some hand-edit to give them a rougher edge, suggesting some wear.
Please check out my SS projects :)
Xeno's Mod Pack


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 09:17:58 AM »

Love the designs, especially the Anamar; looking forward to it being complete :)

Minor critique of the sprites:
First, sorry if any of this is even mildly offensive, I haven't shown any art here so I should probably refrain from offering critique, but I thought I'd note the things I saw :)
1.  I'd like to see stronger highlighting and try to emulate the lightsource model used by SF's artist (see the Dram for a really clean example of where the lights are).
2.  I think that the sprite edges need to be a bit cleaner; probably the easiest quick fix would be a one-pixel inset, lowering the opacity of the border pixels and elimination of the gray fuzzies I can see on some of the sprites.
3.  I see various small things going on where you've tried to apply "paint stripes" to areas.  You might want to review them and make sure that both sides are 100% symmetrical, etc.  Also be aware that they're going to need some pixel editing to clean up panel lines, and it would be nice to see some hand-edit to give them a rougher edge, suggesting some wear.
All sprites were done either by SilverWingedSeraph, or members of the battleships forever community, hence the name hehe, I just make it work here, kind of like a homage to BSF :)
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2012, 09:24:17 AM »

All sprites were done either by SilverWingedSeraph, or members of the battleships forever community, hence the name hehe, I just make it work here, kind of like a homage to BSF :)

I presume you asked for permission to use their sprites? Would be a good thing to add in order to avoid any complications.


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2012, 09:25:09 AM »

All sprites were done either by SilverWingedSeraph, or members of the battleships forever community, hence the name hehe, I just make it work here, kind of like a homage to BSF :)

I presume you asked for permission to use their sprites? Would be a good thing to add in order to avoid any complications.
Indeed I did, he even edited the backgrounds off for me, I'll see if he fancies posting here so I can quote him :P
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2012, 10:39:27 AM »

Haha I see some of those from the community pseudo-chainship project :)
They have some really good ships on those threads, might have to check it out. They're all community built and thus free to use by the community, according to Seraph anyways.


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2012, 12:32:28 PM »

For the record, Sprog does have my permission to use all these sprites, yes.


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2012, 03:03:27 AM »

Progress report, almost done on the unique sprites being ready, next up is the Ordaniun Fleet
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2012, 11:49:59 AM »

Finished off balancing my current ships, i noticed they needed a ton of work, Now then, I have a request:

I'm urgently in need of weapon ideas, sprites, and the coding, if anyone fancies helping, please, either pm me on here or on steam.

Steam name is sproginator66

Any help is greatly appreciated!
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
- Albert Einstein

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- Jamie Fristrom (Programmer for Spiderman2 & Lead Developer for Energy Hook)


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 10:44:22 AM »

Update: Finally added some new weapons, the Wreckerbee features 2 built in tractor beams, Which are rather fun to use
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2012, 07:35:51 PM »

great ships can't wait for the mod! :)


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 02:24:47 AM »

great ships can't wait for the mod! :)
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
- Albert Einstein

As long as we don't quit, we haven't failed
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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2012, 10:08:53 AM »

I may have to get back into spriting sometime.  These look pretty fun.

I use BFF sprites to bash all my normal SF ships anyways, hehe.  I do heavy Photoshooping to them though, to make them more Starfarerey.

"If it aint broke, don't fix it."


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Re: BattleFarer Forever
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2012, 10:23:30 AM »

I may have to get back into spriting sometime.  These look pretty fun.

I use BFF sprites to bash all my normal SF ships anyways, hehe.  I do heavy Photoshooping to them though, to make them more Starfarerey.

Wish I could kitbash and sprite properly :)
A person who's never made a mistake, never tried anything new
- Albert Einstein

As long as we don't quit, we haven't failed
- Jamie Fristrom (Programmer for Spiderman2 & Lead Developer for Energy Hook)
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