Been testing more, and am now up to a 4 condors along with 3 frigates, 2 destroyers, and a fast cruiser to stay in front, each with 2 of broadsword, warthog, khopesh, piranha. Still fighting pirates, but larger fleets with multiple cruisers. Khopesh is in the lead, but the Warthog is significantly closer; Broadsword and Piranha both lag, though the latter gets the occasional big hit in. I've built in expanded racks with Pilums on all the Condors, and their Pilum spam is very nice and quite useful. About half as much damage as the wings and they add a lot to total suppression of the enemy with all the hitpoints to shoot down and EMP (and occasional hull hit).
At this point the carriers are at 100% boost for unofficered ships: both fighter skills, support doctrine. Against these enemies it is ok, but I'm just dreading what is going to happen as enemies get more skills. I'm only level 6 at this point, with 5 in leadership, and I'm still flying the starter wolf, so my flying isn't contributing that much.
I'm at ~90 DP right now and winning ~+85% xp pirate fights (2 level 5 officers boosting my size and in combat ships, not too much sample size of bigger enemies to compare to). That's not bad, not great. That said, I have had one surprise fight that wasn't even that hard go horribly wrong: I had to recover all 3 condors afterwards (only had 3 at that time). I wasn't paying attention and an eradicator got into them, at which point, well...