To Hellas;
To preface again since what you quoted misses the context (at no fault of your own, I have too many posts here) of my discussions here, my gripe is that most HT ships get straight upgrades with SO, which either means either with SO the ships have the PPT to work in a slower playstyle fleet or, the point that I underlined in my other posts, the ‘best’ way to use that high tech ship is by making your whole fleet SO since your ppt will be low anyway. Then that low ppt makes you need to rush your gameplay, likely with full assault since SO ships cover each other pretty well with SO and slower kills means ppt lost. I’m not really against SO being best for some ships, but I am against how it encourages deliberately avoiding the hullmod or rushing your gameplay if you want to use certain HT ships.
Remember, SO makes a ship potentially do more, sometimes a lot more, with their DP and I would argue for most HT ships that ‘more’ is better than the longer PPT, less impact of not having SO.
Afflictor and Shade - give it the phase tuning skill, wolfpack, hardsub and combat endurance and I think SO is great on these ships, the more speed a phase ship has the better the AI can pilot it. I say ‘think’ since I haven’t tested SO on them so I’m not going to argue one way or another, could be with phase tuning and helms alone they have enough speed and having more doesn’t improve it.
Omen - loves getting SO. More opportunity to use emp arc emitter which iirc won’t get reduced range, more opportunities to get AMBlaster hits, more speed to avoid damage, the higher flux might even make it more survivable with field modulation elite. While it’s a ‘sometimes’ exception that can also be used as an escort or harasser for a slow playing fleet, it still has pretty low PPT. Not low enough to make it unusable for that role obviously, but I don’t think it’s best-in-class for that reason.
Tempest - it just does much more with SO than without. The flux gets fixed, 600 vs 450 range is not much of a concern for such a fast ship, its drones die by design anyway so keeping range to preserve drones is whatever.
Wolf - Same as Tempest, but I have literally never used wolf [P] so, just a forewarning there.
Scarab - I have used Scarab a lot - but only non-SO ones. I do assume it gets better impact per DP with SO even keeping in mind the ppt issues, but since I’ve barely used SO Scarab that’s just an assumption
TT Brawler - unless you’re using beams, TT Brawler is a uniquely DP efficient way to spam gravitons, I don’t see why you wouldn’t use SO. More opportunities to hit AMBlasters, more opportunities for ion pulser action, more flux for heavy blaster. Less chance for the brief moment Plasma Jets isn’t online to be caught out. I don’t think beam spam fleets are anything more than viable right now, but hey that’s a slight exception.
Hyperion - This is a case where SO isn’t just an upgrade, Hyperion might require SO to get its DP value when piloted by the AI. It’s a great ship but the AI just doesn’t seem to get much impact to warrant all the investment if you don’t give it SO. At the least it’s a big power upgrade.
Harbinger - SO is arguably the best AI-piloted build for Harbinger. Arguably since it’s not proven obviously, but here’s why I assert that. The top speed helps fix Harbinger AI. Phase tuning helps counteract the SO PPT penalty, too. I actually tested this one a lot since I used it in a vanilla tourney.
Medusa - I only really see Escort Package on this thing as a companion to a short range capital. Retribution, not-beam Odyssey, Storm Needler Prometheus. In those cases, I’d use S-Mod escort package and SO together. I think Escort Package Medusa for the range is ok, but given how strong Sunder and Manticofe are for that role and how good Medusa is when it isn’t tied next to a capital, I don’t see it. One thing I know though is that Medusa can be used for an endurance battle’s flanks - keep the medusa in a corner of the map far away to conserve ppt, Rush them in to secure flanks/rear, hide again. SO Medusa could do this faster and so maybe conserve ppt overall, but I haven’t tested it.
Shrike - I’ve used non-SO Shrikes and SO Shrikes before. They actually strongly enjoy the SO buff since it helps fish them out of any bad situations their system put them into. SO Shrike seems to live longer on average even with lower PPT, though Shrike is still prone to death either way. Pirate Shrike has enough OP for SO. Either it’s early in the game when you don’t actually need as many hullmods that you hinted at and the power increase of SO is more valuable, or it’s late game and you have 2-3 smods to give Pirate Shrike.
SO Doom - this might be a case similar to the Harbinger. Line the Omen System range should be unaffected, top speed might fix phase ai, phase tuning gives enough ppt to counteract SO. I haven’t used it in AI hands yet though, so idk.