- It does deal hard flux damage from its explosion -
Unless you've changed how the script works, then the paladins explosion doesn't. The script (at least currently) specifically doesn't do any damage to the target of the beams, so a paladin is only a hardflux source if you install High Scatter Amplifier, and that feels more like a "meme build" than something standard/serious to me.
- it's not *that* far off from doing primary-weapon-levels of damage, so if all of a sudden you can focus more of them on the same target, while shooting over friendly ships, etc...
Paladin is (at least currently) at best
loosely comparable to the Autopulse Laser,
(i'm not comparing it to the gigacannon despite having the same sustained DPS, because of the extreme hitstrength of the gigacannon) but has only 2/3 of the sustained DPS, 2/3 of the hitstrength (1000 "damage/sec", split into 5 beams each at 200 damage/sec, then halved to get 100 hitstrength)
In terms of burst damage the Autopulse has over double the burst output, but eats through its charges (roughly) twice as fast so there is a more even comparison there, but you have to consider that when combined with the paladin being soft flux damage, and being less effective against armor it's not as close anymore.
But then we get to the real issue with using the paladin as an offensive weapon, (and this issue even has an impact on its use as a PD weapon!) it is a short duration burst beam. Due to how burst beams work, you very rarely get the actual listed damage with every pulse, due to the in-engine beam damage tick calculation not lining up with the actual time the beam is active.
I did some basic and easily repeatable testing to give an example of this:
Sim Atlas (1.0 shield) single Paladin shots, I saw damage values from single shots ranging from 143 to 180, when they should be doing 200, so i was losing somewhere from ~10%-30% of each shots damage.
And if you then take this burst beam bug/issue into account when looking at the paladins stats (let's average it at a 20% loss as that seems somewhere around the average from testing) you get: ~533 burst DPS, 160 sustained DPS, and that's far less appealing as far as damage values go for a large weapon.
This was a bit of a wall, but
TLDR: paladin isn't all that great as an anti-ship weapon in the first place,
and does less damage than it's statcard suggests because of an engine "bug" with how beams work.
I think if the goal is "make people use the paladin more" then rather than cutting flux/damage from 0.75 to 0.25, it might be better to only go down to 0.4-0.5, but increase the damage it deals by somewhere from 20-50%.
Yep, the temporal shell (and gigacannon's existence) looks to be a liiittle overlooked in some of these comments. This ship is going to be a beast. Even at 20 DP it would be decent, but I somehow expect its DP to be lower. Put your bets in now, I'm guessing 18 DP!
From the screens shown, with no caps and no skills the ship has 7200 flux capacity to start with (and any flat bonuses (Caps/Ordnance Expertise) will scale slower thanks to design compromises)
Due to the doubled flux cost to fire energy weapons, Gigacannon is going to cost 3000 flux per shot. that's nearly half of your capacity to fire a single shot, imho that sheer fraction of your flux bar to fire a shot is going to make gigacannons far less appealing than you might think at first.