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Author Topic: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)  (Read 3541 times)


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The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« on: October 07, 2024, 05:52:25 PM »

In the New Weapon Ideas thread, (yet) another 800 range HE weapon was proposed. The community's desire for this weapon has gone unabated for literally years and despite repeated proposals for a weapon that fits this niche, one still hasn't appeared from the ether.

Background: Why Not?

Those of us who have been around awhile know that the lack of this 800 range HE option has, thus far, been intentional. To quote Alex:

Another point to consider here is that 1) most ships have the option to mount some kind of missile weapon, and 2) many missile weapons fill the anti-armor role, moreso than e.g. the anti-shield role. So there's ... not really something I'd call a "gap" here, since there are some good options - but coverage is somewhat lighter because there's overlap elsewhere. The more of a wide range of HE options you provide for a ballistic slot, the more that devalues some of the missile options.

(And HE pairing with a Gauss... I mean, the Gauss doesn't need anti-armor help to begin with, and it's also kind of meant to be in its own class range-wise, so...)

A lot of 'true high end HE weapons' are recipes for making frigates utterly nonviable. That makes them kind of a questionable balance proposition; some of the more creative midrange HE weapons in mods (the Blackrock Sunfire PDE is one of my favorites) are designed the way they are to keep them from becoming vicious frigate-murderers.

And, yeah, that! The old Heavy Mauler was a bit too good at that, too, but something like the Heavy AC but HE would also be brutal.

In other words, Missiles fill the "gap" left by a generalist HE option not named the Hephaestus Assault Gun (which only gets by because it's a Large slot that few ships have). There's also another issue with another Medium HE option: role overlap. Most ideas that I have seen for a 800 range HE obsoletes an existing weapon, or comes close to it. The trickiest part of this is finding a niche that complements the current Medium HE options without overshadowing them: a "good at everything" weapon becomes optimal.

Click if you want read my design goals
My inspiration for this weapon came from an 90's movie: The Pentagon Wars. In it the Bradly Fighting Vehicle has a clear initial vision but due to design-by-committee, feature creep, and dueling egos/priorities, what was supposed to be a troop transport turns into a "do everything" vehicle that excels at nothing and doesn't even carry very many troops. The weapon I am proposing for the 800 HE role takes a page from that philosophy. It's as if some weapon engineers took a look at the existing Medium HE weapons (and also looked a little outside) and tried to make a one-size-fits-all weapon that, on paper, looks really good but in practice falls very short of being a great weapon. Perhaps this is a Lion's Guard weapon.

So, what does the Heavy Mauler have? Good range, fairly accurate, decent damage/shot. Check. Let's make sure this is 800 range, accurate, and though we can't have the same damage/shot, let's get close. What does the Heavy Mortar have? It's cheap with good sustained fire. Let's have some of that, too. The Assault Chaingun: man, if it had better range, it'd be incredible! Let's make this thing go full auto! etc. etc. etc.

What you end up getting is a slow-firing weapon that is clearly inferior to the Heavy Mauler for armor cracking, a weapon that doesn't have the sustained damage or is as brutally efficient as Heavy Mortar, can't compete with the Assault Chaingun for raw damage at any range, and feels more like a poor-man's HAG with severe limitations. Basically, you get a gun that is less than the sum of its parts and has a unique Achilles' Heel that the designers completely overlooked...

The Gun

(Ignore the placeholder Assault Chaingun sprite)

If you read my design goals, you'll see that I tried to mix-and-match some of the key features of the current Medium HE lineup to create a Frankenstein gun that excels at nothing and is individually worse at any given niche of its HE brethren. That said, it's not intentionally awful.

It features a "full-auto" mode that is activated when shields are down (it uses the "USE_LESS_VS_SHIELDS" tag). At full bore, it fires 3 times a second with roughly half the accuracy of the HAG: not great, not terrible (it's markedly better than the HAC). However, it has a tiny magazine, and 1 round/sec recharge. At baseline, it fires 14 times before it reverts to the sustained damage number. That means the 400 DPS on paper is only for brief moments but it does allow for some burst damage.

Most of the time, it will operate like an inferior pre-burst Heavy Mauler. 1 round/sec, accurate, but only 133 damage/shot and with 200 less range. In this mode, it is clearly worse than both the Heavy Mortar in both sustained damage and in flux efficiency and inferior to the Mauler due to it's lack of damage/shot and ability to put multiple shots on a single point. It also can't compete with the Assault Chaingun at all due to the low magazine size. What it can do, is outdamage the Heavy Mauler for short bursts, put more rounds on target than the Heavy Mortar, shoot further than the ACG, and act like a poor-man's HAG for about 3 seconds at a time.

One key feature that makes it lose some of its luster is that it can't take advantage of Accelerated Ammo Feeder. Because it is a charge-based weapon, AAF doesn't increase its reload speed. That makes this weapon somewhat lackluster on something like a Hammerhead or Eradicator. It can increase its usefulness via Expanded Magazines (and especially S-modding it), but that still doesn't help the AAF ships all that much. This is intentional because despite this being a fairly generalist weapon, it has clear weaknesses. What this (hopefully) avoids is making any existing Medium HE option obsolete or feel lacking in some way. I also don't see this thing erasing Frigates because it just doesn't have great sustained damage.

Because of these obvious drawbacks, it does seem somewhat fitting for this to be a Lion's Guard weapon, though I could make an argument that it's not quite that bad.


If you want to play around with this, I've included the stat line for the weapons_data file. Input the values over the Assault Chaingun line and give it a whirl. Personally, I find it in a no-mans land of lackluster, which is exactly where it needs to be. It pairs with the HAC pretty well (and isn't a flux hog) but its damage leaves a lot to be desired, even when it can use its burst.

Weapon Data
name   Assault Chaingun
id   chaingun
tier   1
base value   1000
range   800
damage/shot   133.33
impact   5
turn rate   20
OPs   10
ammo   10
ammo/sec   1
reload size   
energy/shot   133.33
chargeup   0
chargedown   0.3333
burst size   1
burst delay   
min spread   0
max spread   10
spread/shot   3
spread decay/sec   10
beam speed   
proj speed   800
launch speed   
flight time   
proj hitpoints   30
tags   he15, SR, lowtech_bp, midline_bp, merc, ind
for weapon tooltip>>   
primaryRoleStr   Anti Armor
number   4.5

Feedback welcome. :)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 06:32:46 PM by FooF »


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2024, 07:21:17 PM »

Did you test it with expanded magazines?


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2024, 07:33:19 PM »

You made a longer range mining blaster.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2024, 08:12:37 PM »

Did you test it with expanded magazines?

I did. Obviously, 50% more shots does help its sustained damage but the real kicker is that it can fire ~30 shots in full auto. The problem is that it costs 400 flux/sec to do so and it's not super-accurate. So, even with the boost, it's not a world-beater and you're paying for it with the worst flux efficiency of the lot. At that point, it's a lesser HAG but, as many forum-goers can attest, the HAG proper isn't OP. With S-modded EMags, I'd say this weapon is clearly better than the Heavy Mortar in all ways except efficiency, but I think a 10 OP weapon utilizing an S-mod should be. Likewise, it is generally more useful than a Heavy Mauler but on certain ships, like the Eradicator, the fact that it can't benefit from AAF is huge downside.

I mean, you have to understand that the Heavy Mortar will outdamage the MAG in the close-to-medium range band. That's by design. The MAG is just more accurate at range and kind of makes up for it if it gets a solid burst on armor. However, the MAG should outdamage the Heavy Mauler, on average, though it can't penetrate armor nearly as well.  If I could describe it this way, the MAG has a high floor but low ceiling. In a protracted engagement, it only gets one burst before it gets limited by ammo. It's one saving grace is that it's fairly accurate. You have to back off, vent, or turn it off to get the charges back to burst again. It feels like it's always on the cusp of being solid but it's just a little too inconsistent to get there. However, if it was consistently good, it would be an obvious choice. I'm not saying I've finally figured out the 800 range Medium HE issue but this feels like its on the right track for not being a clear "best-in-slot" option. To be honest, all the Medium HE options have pretty significant downsides and this is no different. It would have its uses, but it's a lateral move from the H. Mortar or Mauler, at best.

You made a longer range mining blaster.

Eh, not quite, though the comparison is valid. The Mining Blaster doesn't miss, that's a huge plus but the short range is an equally huge disadvantage. Also, the Mining Blaster's scripted damage means it is way, way better against armor than this new gun. Heavy armor laughs at this new gun's damage/shot but 3-4 shots from a Mining Blaster can cripple the same armor. I tried putting 3x Medium Assault Guns (MAG?) on an Eradicator and letting the Railguns take care of the Kinetics and against a Dominator, the Eradicator had a tough time. 3x Heavy Mortar (which can take advantage of AAF) did pretty well, as did 3x Heavy Mauler, but 3x MAG struggled against the Dominator's armor even when it could get close and unload its bursts. (Also, the Eradicator had a hard time supporting the 1200 flux draw during full auto bursts)

On an Eagle, 2x HAC + MAG felt marginally better than Heavy Mortar but not as good as Heavy Mauler. Eagles tend to stay at range so the range matching helped but then you had to close in to get the burst damage to make a difference. The Heavy Mauler punching through armor accurately and consistently was clearly better. S-modded EMags on the Eagle also benefits IR Autolance and Heavy Burst Laser, which kind of makes the MAG a better fit here.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 08:16:44 PM by FooF »


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2024, 12:11:08 PM »

Kek, I like it.
>it is a charge-based weapon
Maybe even lower max ammo or fire rate a bit, to make it worse... :D
Well, I didn't test the "MAG", so...

Overlap or not, I wish we had a few more small weapons: maybe another 1 or 2 energy ones and maybe another 1, 2 or 3 for ballistics and maybe even another smol missile or something else...
Welp, seems like I demand for bloat by accepting overlap, but I really sort of want a few more small guns.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2024, 12:40:48 PM »

Kek, I like it.
>it is a charge-based weapon
Maybe even lower max ammo or fire rate a bit, to make it worse... :D
Well, I didn't test the "MAG", so...

Overlap or not, I wish we had a few more small weapons: maybe another 1 or 2 energy ones and maybe another 1, 2 or 3 for ballistics and maybe even another smol missile or something else...
Welp, seems like I demand for bloat by accepting overlap, but I really sort of want a few more small guns.
A short range IRAL that had stats closer to a thumper to fill the niche that only the Cryoblaster is currently filling, would be wonderful. Cryoblaster is basically a requirement for some high-tech and remnant builds due to limited medium energy slots, and not enough good options for anti-hull. I would also except an exceptionally high ammo frag based missile system, assuming the missiles have tracking and do not fire until the at least the enemies shields are down.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2024, 02:07:45 PM »

I think this all depends on the accuracy, because the use less vs shields tag is a very powerful buff to this kind of weapon, but the charge-based nature really makes it suffer as anti-hull (as opposed to anti-armor). That said, it would be a great companion to thumpers with the S mod. My gut feeling is that the magazine size should be a little smaller, but I'm just theorycrafting here so pile on the salt.

Better accuracy than a HAC means that with a little investment in recoil reduction it should be reliably hitting destroyer sized targets... but otoh, it will be hitting them all over, which is not very efficient for drilling down the armor in one spot.

To be honest I'm liking this weapon's approach: it's going to need investment in both an S mod and recoil reduction to really shine, it won't work with ammo feeder, and it won't really be that good of an anti-hull because its sustained DPS is low. But its hit strength is quite good, it has the amazing use less vs shields, and it fills the 'medium range, medium accuracy' niche while having a distinct mechanic going.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2024, 04:36:12 PM »

Accuracy: while in semi-auto/sustained fire, it is very accurate. The recoil resets before the next round. This is intentional. It has to be more accurate than the Heavy Mortar or it would flat out be worse than it in most regards. The shot speed is the same as the HAC (800), so it’s not super fast nor slow. Elite Ballistic Mastery does help a lot with accuracy.

Max spread is 10 (Mortar’s is 20, HAC is 18, HAG is only 5) so it occupies a middle ground in the HE lineup. At full auto, it quickly sprays, though not to the extent of the HAC. The HAC doesn’t care where it hits on shields so it can be loose with accuracy but this weapon needs a little tighter shot group to fulfill its intended purpose. You are correct, though, it is poor at anti-hull.

Regarding the ammo count, I played with a mere 5 and I definitely had a “what’s the point?” moment during testing. It contributed so little and it made the on-paper max DPS feel completely disingenuous. Even at 10 (~14 shots total before empty), it really only gets one full or two partial bursts per engagement. Most of the time it is plinking away once per second due to the tag, or not at all because the magazine isn’t full.

Also note that the AI will happily blow all its ammunition against fighters so this weapon is frequently firing once per second for entire engagements. For those that can remember the old Heavy Mauler, in these situations it is similar but objectively worse due to less damage and range.

As an aside, the whole “this thing sucks…but it’s kind of good?” vibe is precisely what I’m aiming for. If it’s hard to make a strong opinion on it, I think it’s doing its job.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 04:43:22 PM by FooF »


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2024, 10:59:45 PM »

Generalist HE countering frigate argument is flawed. Anything beats frigate armor, kinetics included. Frigate relies on shield and evasion, and a generalist HE suck at cracking shield, evasion is sufficient vs medium accuracy weapons. Kinetics are sufficient at cracking frigate armor, and I dont hear HVD makes frigate useless. If anything it counters frigate more than medium HE. It crack shield, ultra accurate, crack the armor in 2 hits, almost undodgeble.

When I want generalist HE I am thinking of low armor cruisers and armored destroyers. Stuff like enforcers. Still too nimble to rely on mortar, but tough enough to resist kinetics.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 11:15:01 PM by TK3600 »


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2024, 11:18:50 PM »

Generalist HE countering frigate argument is flawed. Anything beats frigate armor, kinetics included. Frigate relies on shield and evasion, and a generalist HE suck at cracking shield, evasion is sufficient vs medium accuracy weapons. Kinetics are sufficient at cracking frigate armor, and I dont hear HVD makes frigate useless. If anything it counters frigate more than medium HE. It crack shield, ultra accurate, crack the armor in 2 hits, almost undodgeble.

When I want generalist HE I am thinking of low armor cruisers and armored destroyers. Stuff like enforcers. Still too nimble to rely on mortar, but tough enough to resist kinetics.
Agreed. A single burst beam like Phase Lance outright deletes squishy frigates. And if you think "well it's only 600 range", remember that it gets boosted by Advanced Optics, and then on top of that all the other % modifiers. So literally the same as proposed weapon but undodgeable, high burst, and perfect accuracy. IR Autolance can also nuke them but you need more than one.

So both are average OP cost medium weapons with medium range in their category. I see no issues here.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2024, 11:24:53 PM »

If anything, a burst weapon counter frigate even more. It can cripple/kill a frigate before recharge kick in. Especially with busted smod ex-mag.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2024, 06:42:31 AM »

Popping frigates is as much about accuracy as it is about damage. Phase Lances are a combination of brief, but high, damage with perfect accuracy. But they don’t deal hard flux and overall DPS is low because they have long reload times. The real frigate killer is the Pulse Laser because frigates have a hard time avoiding it and they’re equally hurt whether it hits on shields or armor. HVDs and Maulers, while accurate, fire at such distance that evasion still works and their overall DPS is low.

This proposed weapon isn’t particularly good at hurting Frigates but it’s not bad either. Better than then Heavy Mortar for single shots because each shot has a better chance to hit. If the frigate drops shields, this weapon’s burst can pepper it with increased damage but like Thaago said, it will be scattered across the hull rather than focused (unless at point blank range).

Regardless, it’s not me you have to convince about the frigate argument. Even if frigates weren’t a prime consideration, anything more generally useful than what is proposed (even if taken another direction) would obsolete or be clearly superior to existing options. That must be avoided at all costs. Otherwise, this becomes a 15 OP analog to the Heavy Needler. I’m not against that idea but, historically, players have wanted an HE equivalent to the HAC, which is only 10 OP and also good-not-great.


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2024, 08:03:46 AM »

Otherwise, this becomes a 15 OP analog to the Heavy Needler. I’m not against that idea but, historically, players have wanted an HE equivalent to the HAC, which is only 10 OP and also good-not-great.
And more common/easier-to-acquire than the elite Heavy Mauler/HVD/Heavy Blaster (but not Open Market common like Heavy Mortar/Arbalest).

Heavy Mauler is one those weapons that is common only after player finds the blueprint (or can otherwise order a hundred from an arms dealer).


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2024, 09:40:41 AM »

just give heavy mortar 800 range and make a 700 range he gun that's better than heavy mortar in all aspects but the range


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Re: The Medium Assault Gun (attempt #422)
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2024, 09:53:47 AM »

just give heavy mortar 800 range and make a 700 range he gun that's better than heavy mortar in all aspects but the range
That's a straight out nerf to Heavy Mortar, for no reason honestly.
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