Hi Lukas, wanted to give some hopefully usefull feedback regarding the Strikecraft XO.
I have been trying to make fleets with lots of carriers as of late, so naturally I tried to use the Strikecraft XO...However I have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to just use any other XO for better results.
Strikecraft XO is one dimensional only buffing fighters (with a couple buff to their carriers that only affect fighters in some way). There are no buff or interesting abilities for carriers, ships that happen to have fighters nearby or the fleet as a whole (or even some form of debuff to enemy fleets like the smallcraft XO has)
As such,Strikecraft XO cant compete with any of the others XO that buff all the ships(or most) in the fleet in some way. Having the Strikecraft XO feels like having a pure ballistic/energy/missile XO that only buffs the weapons and nothing else. I feel that a rework where the focus is on the carriers instead while having only a couple buff to fighters would do wonders. I am also thinking on something that allows you define your carrier style, either going battlecarriers or pure utilitarian carriers (with buff to other ships/fleet, maybe in the form of speed, better PD, coordinated maneuvers/ecm/Eccm, etc)
On the topic of fighters buff, something I notice is that there is too much focus on top speed, which is kind of a trap because there are a lot of fighters that in order to do their damage they have to orbit an enemy ship, and too much speed without a buff to maneuverability can make them miss a lot of shots.
Another detail about fighter buff, is that maybe would be a good idea to add 1 skill to the other XOs, Techinal could have 1 to buff their shields/flux, while warfare could boost their durability, so fighter buffs are not so concentrated into 1 guy (like how missiles buffs are in both the warfare and tactical XO)
Hope this was constructive, keep up the good work