Hey so - is there a good directory of skills?
Wondering if there's a subskill that has BOTB's DP effect
Do you mean Best-of-the-Best? Best of the Best only has its s-mod effect in SiC, since its already competitive enough with other capstones.
didn't even know there were incompatible skills between aptitudes, really gonna need that full aptitude/skill list and the incompatibilities 
Its pretty much just Logistical stuff & Automated stuff atm. The automation ones only matter with submods, as both RAT and Dustkeeper XO add an aptitude that both do automation, just differently.
I absolutely love your mod. It adds a lot to the game & opens up a lot of ways to play I wouldn't have tried otherwise. I'd like to ask though, is it possible to increase the number of executive offices you can assign? Whether through the game or by changing the mod settings/config. It feels like technical or automation officers are almost always a must-have due to the automated ship skill being locked to them & a lot of content expansion mods play heavily on automated ships, leaving you to micro-manage the other two slots & I just don't find that enjoyable.
Wish you all the best with your future work! (:
For me the 3-slot limit is a core aspect of the mod, so its not something i will change. Its there to encourage different kinds of builds on both the skill side, but also in how you you shape your fleet, so for example saves where maybe you just dont have access to automated stuff for once. A large part of the mod is pretty much designed to break myself out of the habits i put myself in to in Vanilla, and personaly the game has become a lot more fun because of that.
Maybe in the future i could add another tree with an automation skill, not super likely though.
Emergent Threats has a tree with a +90 points automated skill however.