Thank you for the kind words, everyone!
Just to clarify, Java 17 or modded Java 23 would not help much if the best my decade old system can go for is 4GB RAM in vmparams? (I could go 6GB, but a lot of folks say that I should keep half of my 8GB free (technically 7.5GB due to Nvidia 970's peculiarities)
It would likely help a lot, it's just straight up *faster*. Ram is not everything here, not by a long shot.
Enemy fleets I'm actually interested in simulating, to test my fleet composition, roughly in order of importance:
- Special Omega-Ordo bounty
- Double Ordo(as approximation of the above that's a lot easier to find)
- Single Ordo(for getting cores)
- Doritos
- Ziggy
- Guardian(for my exploration fleet)
- Maximum power Mothership spawn(for my exploration fleet)
- Star Fortresses
... Even a single Ordo cannot be properly simulated because the enemy fleet size seems to cap at 240 DP, and I need to beat about 20 of them first to collect all the AI cores needed to know how to beat them.
100% intentional.
(Edit: I feel like I should elaborate here - the simulator is purposefully not geared towards large-scale fleet combat, and does not include the very-high-end/special enemies. Easy enough to add those in with some text edits, though.)
I did not expect you to tackle the sim at this time Alex, but the changes sound really great! I see myself spending way to much time in there, and finally optimizing my fleet for specific factions. Codex next? It could use the same meta-progression unlock mechanics. Gotta Scan 'Em All!
Haha! Definitely thinking about the Codex, too.
Kinda tangentially related, but simulator enhancements make me think of this: It could be a nice immersion/QoL option to have an after-battle dialog option that pretends that the last battle was actually just a simulation. That would prevent the "need" for a reload when your fleet gets wiped, and enable you to either try again (this time for real!) or turn tail. It would of course cost a Story Point (0%).
Your forces have been defeated in the last encounter.
You decide to....
1. Proceed
2. Shut down the simulation. Good thing you ran it, now you know what not to do. [1 SP, 0% XP]
The main problem with this - and I agree the idea is nice in principle - is that it would be such a pain to implement. So many things cue off battles that undoing all of this is impractical; the most reasonable way of actually doing it is saving the state prior to the battle and then restoring it. I.E., reloading
... this is making me think of allowing reloads in iron mode as a 1 SP, 0% bonus XP option, though. A bit meta, but kind of tempted!
Will Guardian tie into some more quests or lore in the future? I think it's a bit odd to leave it out, especially since it now spawns in generic derelict bounty fleets now (unless it was removed and I missed it).
I'm not sure if it needs it, really; there are already Implications. But we'll see.
Oh will you be able to simulate stations? Would be nice if you could.
No, but it's easy to add in with a text edit, if you want!
Instead, one thought I had was that being able to use blueprint ships in the simulator would be really helpful for the player if they want to test the new blueprint they just found and decide if they want to actually build it or not. Being able to fight blueprint ships also means you can try fighting your own faction for fun. If you don't want this to be something that just instantly unlocks the moment the player finds a random cartridge in some backwards ruins, it could require the player own a Heavy Industry building first to become available.
Hmm, that "makes sense", but I'd talked about the downside of using blueprints for unlocks in the blog post - it doesn't really count as "encountering" the ship; having a Heavy Industry or some such doesn't actually change that.
So I'd say this actually goes against the grain of the design; I don't want the simulator to mess with the normal flow of the game in this scenario, which would involve actually building the ship. "You don't have to because of the simulator" would just be a downside imo.