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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2c  (Read 152876 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #165 on: July 18, 2024, 04:52:14 AM »

Ok so after some more testing its definitely the micro missiles that are tanking my fps. Not that the mod should be adjusted just for my PC, but it seems like overkill anyways. 40 from a single salvo on the Maelstrom and 80 from the Panda. Who knows about the Starfortress, its a ton though.

Seems like cutting the larger ship salvos by about half (adjusting damage and durability to compensate) would still serve the purpose of overwhelming pd. Maybe its just me but it seems like way too much. Aside from the performance issue I just find it so cluttered.

Just some feedback, not a criticism. I think it used to be less? Was it increased at some point?

Anyways as usual thanks so much for keeping this alive and well  :D


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #166 on: July 18, 2024, 04:49:10 PM »

What were the changes to the frigates?

Prefer detailed changelogs on what actually was adjusted. DA frigates definitely needed buffs but I'd like to read what kinds they got.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #167 on: July 18, 2024, 05:21:13 PM »

What were the changes to the frigates?

Prefer detailed changelogs on what actually was adjusted. DA frigates definitely needed buffs but I'd like to read what kinds they got.
Mostly some hull and armor buffs

Ranger Dimitri

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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #168 on: July 21, 2024, 07:15:29 AM »

Anyone got a link to the alternate skins for DA? Though wonder if there are any plans to add them for the new ships, granted I get this post is mostly for maintaining the mod, but hoping that more new stuff will come out. Also, is Wanzer Gantry a learnable Hullmod still? Been playing for a while and haven't had any luck with getting it, did happen upon the Sniper modspec granted, either way, glad to see this venerable faction is still alive and well even with everything that's been going on. It's honestly amazing how it's still stuck around after all these years even when other factions were left forgotten. Here's hoping that it will continue to last for years to come! Perhaps even to whenever Starsector 1.0 comes out!


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #169 on: July 21, 2024, 06:59:21 PM »

Does anyone know why the Vapor frigates spin out so much when jetting around?

I've been trying various hullmods to get them to stop doing that, like increasing maneuverability, but nothing really works. It's most obviously a problem if you stick beam weapons on them, but it's an issue with others -a lot of strike weapon unfortunately fire in that window of time the frigate's nose is off target, which wastes them.

It's like the mass of the frigate is improperly distributed and ruins its ability to stay on target after sudden movements, which it does constantly because that's the ship's hallmark ability.

Caymon Joestar

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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #170 on: July 21, 2024, 09:58:58 PM »

Anyone got a link to the alternate skins for DA? Though wonder if there are any plans to add them for the new ships, granted I get this post is mostly for maintaining the mod, but hoping that more new stuff will come out. Also, is Wanzer Gantry a learnable Hullmod still? Been playing for a while and haven't had any luck with getting it, did happen upon the Sniper modspec granted, either way, glad to see this venerable faction is still alive and well even with everything that's been going on. It's honestly amazing how it's still stuck around after all these years even when other factions were left forgotten. Here's hoping that it will continue to last for years to come! Perhaps even to whenever Starsector 1.0 comes out!

The skins can be found on tart's Patreon, there's also a link to them in his thread. The alt skins are mainly made by other spriters so its up to their respected authors if they want to or not.

Wanzer gantry isnt a learnable hullmod anymore, its now built-in only on certain diable ships like the storm

Does anyone know why the Vapor frigates spin out so much when jetting around?

I've been trying various hullmods to get them to stop doing that, like increasing maneuverability, but nothing really works. It's most obviously a problem if you stick beam weapons on them, but it's an issue with others -a lot of strike weapon unfortunately fire in that window of time the frigate's nose is off target, which wastes them.

It's like the mass of the frigate is improperly distributed and ruins its ability to stay on target after sudden movements, which it does constantly because that's the ship's hallmark ability.

Sounds like your vapor are getting flamed out from emp or hitting something when using their ship system because I haven't seen that happen to them and that's about the only cases where something like could happen.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #171 on: July 23, 2024, 10:56:23 AM »

Had a pretty game breaking bug during a knights of ludd playthrough where the capitals in their fleet just stopped working at all. The ships lost all hit detection and were no longer able to attack but kept deploying fighters. They ceased to be a threat but they basically just stayed on the field never losing CR and basically making my fleet have 0 CR lol

Just experienced this same bug twice. It was a Maelstrom battlecruiser in a fight against a station that I joined midway through, no hit detection, invincible, etc. I retreated my forces and then joined again. Same thing, although this time it affected a different Maelstrom battlecruiser, and I was able to destroy the one that was previously bugged.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #172 on: July 23, 2024, 05:04:04 PM »

I've been paying with this mod for a while now. 2nd play through, many hours (cant really guess) and I have not come across this. It might be helpful to list your mods so it can potentially be narrowed down.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #173 on: July 23, 2024, 05:05:11 PM »

Wanzer gantry is built into a few ships now. It adds one more wanzer to a wing. So you can have 4 Heavy dudes. Ravens? On the cruiser carrier. And if you use RAT you can add another day to a ship. I have 5 cruisers (the one with 1 large weapon slot) and each one has 2 wings (4 wanzers) it’s all pretty overpowered haha. I also had one cruiser with 3 wings and 6 sniper wanzers haha it’s fun. I also had the sniper kit but I don’t really get the point. Seems like it helps with avoiding PD maybe but I find the points are better used to just buff flux. Either way the faction seems to be in a solid place. I thought the frigates are ok. Maybe I don’t know. I only use Vapors to capture points and harass. But they are pretty effective. Huh wrote this like 2 days ago and never posted, whoops. Just having a baby will do that…


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #174 on: July 23, 2024, 07:13:54 PM »

I've been paying with this mod for a while now. 2nd play through, many hours (cant really guess) and I have not come across this. It might be helpful to list your mods so it can potentially be narrowed down.
It's not a mod issue. I've just now recreated it with just console commands and diable enabled. An ashfall, Two maelstroms and a pandemonium all bugged in the same battle. It's very easy to do so.
Start a new game with console commands to help. I'm assuming you are only using these two mods as well.
Skip the tutorial so you spawn at jangala which has a star fortress
open the console with ctrl+backspace
Turn on dev mode with "devmode"
Set your relationship to hegemony to max with "setrelation hegemony 100". This is so you can help them in the fight about to happen.
Then spawn a diable fleet with "spawnfleet diableavionics 300". It needs to be a high number so the capitals spawn, 300 should have 3-4 capitals.
Avoid the fleet so it engages the station, then engage the fleet while it is still fighting the station. Might help to reproduce if hegemony fleets join first, there should be some patrols nearby that will join.
In battle, open the console and use "reveal" to remove fog of war so you can look at the enemy ships easily. You can use the station's video feed or target an enemy ship and press T. You don't need to deploy anything yourself.
Watch any ship with the phase grazer system, if they use any weapons or the ship system, they didn't bug. Even while bugged, they can still deploy shield and spawn fighters.
If none of them bugged, press escape and choose end battle. This takes you back to the engagement dialogue and you can restart the fight. If it takes too many tries and the diable fleet's CR falls too low (4 or 5 engagements), use "nuke" to remove the fleet and try again with a new one.

While writing this I thought I might as well mention I am using java 23 during all this.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #175 on: July 25, 2024, 11:02:45 AM »

Oh interesting. I don't play against Diable so that would be why I guess.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #176 on: July 25, 2024, 11:32:22 AM »

I'd guess it could also happen if you assisted them in battle but I haven't done that in forever since they're always teaming up with legio.


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #177 on: July 26, 2024, 12:22:51 AM »

Am I just using them wrong or are the strife wanzers literally useless they do barely any damage to enemies with stripped armour I get it's fragmentation but I swear I see more than half their shots just land around their target and miss kinda a shame since their animations are so cool only really useful for numbers but i'd rather just bring frosts for that which actually do damage and are cheaper seriously for 12 op the strifes just kinda do a whole lot of nothing then on the other end we have the avalanche which is frankly ridiculously good to the point it feels a waste to bring any other wanzer besides maybe a raven I have regularly watched them solo frigates other than that I like the new ships except maybe the frigate I used it maybe 3 times and it just dies without doing much no matter how I built it but honestly that might just be me lmao the new destroyer is pretty fun though large slot on a destroyer is great and a lot of fun to mess around with haven't played diable for a while but overall enjoying the new aditions!


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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #178 on: July 28, 2024, 09:42:28 PM »

I've run into an occasion with the Pandemonium in which case building-in Dampened Mounts did not lower OP cost for Diable weapons (S-mod bonus). It did raise the ships deployment points though, as tooltiped.

I wish the super destroyer had a larger, more realistic hitbox because it bothers me much that the silly looking oversized arms and engine "legs" are just a graphical gimmick that can be shot through.

Regardless, Diable seems to be in its peak moment, it was never so smooth and enjoyable as long as I remember it. Thank you, Caymon Joestar for taking care of it  :)

Caymon Joestar

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Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« Reply #179 on: July 29, 2024, 02:42:40 AM »

I've run into an occasion with the Pandemonium in which case building-in Dampened Mounts did not lower OP cost for Diable weapons (S-mod bonus). It did raise the ships deployment points though, as tooltiped.

I wish the super destroyer had a larger, more realistic hitbox because it bothers me much that the silly looking oversized arms and engine "legs" are just a graphical gimmick that can be shot through.

Regardless, Diable seems to be in its peak moment, it was never so smooth and enjoyable as long as I remember it. Thank you, Caymon Joestar for taking care of it  :)

It does work, you have to add and remove a hullmod for the op discount to take effect in the refit screen due to how the game works
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