My beef with the Perseans is, once again, the *size* of the crisis compared to the trigger.
Pirates hate you for existing: understandable, they're pirates. They're also easily handleable either manually or by just bribing Kanta with lobsters or a Fusion Lamp.
Pathers hate you for using tech: understandable. Not easily handled in vanilla, but mods allow you to render them irrelevant similarly to how other factions can deal with them, and your patrols will fight them off if you're developed enough to attract major attacks.
Tri-Tach hates you for being too prosperous: you can be an inconvenience, their calculation is based on a balance sheet so you can prove you're better to bring on as an asset than to annoy, and they don't directly blockade or attack you, plus the mercs are bribeable.
Luddics hate you for attracting people away from the Church: again, reasonable, they're also fairly simple to deal with and if you're like me and want some Invictii for system defense it's useful to set off. Giving in to them basically just entails losing a bonus, too, so RP potential.
Hegemony hates you for using AI cores: don't use AI cores, simple. Their major attacks can be fought off as well, and aren't instantly dropping giant death fleets on you, just inspection fleets, which after being fought off multiple times allow you to tell Baikal Daud to *** off.
The Diktat, being mostly insular, reacts only to you having fuel production that threatens their dominance of said market. You can get them to *** off by demonstrating you're capable of making things even worse for them, or fighting them off.
The Persean League takes an interest when you have 2 colonies or one at size 5. Basically, for existing. Not too bad, pirates do the same...but pirates don't launch *14* fleets at you to blockade your colonies, and they can be stopped entirely with negotiation. The Persean League requires you to do the same thing as you would for the Sindrian Diktat crisis - namely fighting through their capitol's defenses to steal their stuff - for a *reduction* in League dues. Your negotiation amounts to making their victory less complete, while *fighting* the blockade is ridiculous because, again, they launch *14* fleets for comparatively little. You could have less people than it takes to crew an Invictus in the ass-end of nowhere pulling rocks out of an inhospitable hellhole and the League would still send enough people to fill a size 5 colony halfway across the sector to bully them into submission. Every other faction has an element of 'proportional response', with them committing relatively limited resources or using cutouts to avoid getting directly entangled, and being able to be negotiated with without too much in the way of backlash - and they have ways of ameliorating the crisis beforehand.
You can avoid selling too many different products to avoid Tri-Tach. You can reduce colony items and AI cores to avoid Pathers and the Hegemony. You can choose to not sell fuel to avoid the Diktat. But if you have 2 colonies or one that grows without hazard pay, you are *going* to have to face the League, and they are *going* to commit a disproportionate amount of resources to being an annoyance.