Off the top of my head, a simple idea. Active ability that when used, halves all weapon ranges, increases base speed by x/y/z and doesn't enable always zero flux boost. But increases flux dissipation and maybe even fire rate. The downside would be that ship takes 2x damage EVERYWHERE while the ability is active. So shields, armor, hull, everything. Give it a cooldown so it can't be spammed and abused by skilled players.
Don't even have to bother with CR and DP shenanigans, these ships will be dangerous but also pop like flies. The true meaning of turning off all system limitations.
Details can obviously change a bit but I believe something in this spirit to be the key. The ship MUST have a clear downside when using this ability, not just logistical and PPT penalty for example.
Also a visual effect would be needed to make it clear which ship is going ham.