Do I understand correctly that there is no other way to get new ships besides hunting?
Hi Fallenslav!
As of now, you have to defeat hunter fleets to gain the ability to salvage voidlings. There is a way to gain a single blueprint for building your own voidlings, if you finish the magicbounty quest chain.
If that's the case, why not try to make a dialogue with a patrol that allows you to take their creatures to them.
Hmm, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by this. Do you mean there should be a way to "talk" to voidling fleets to "gift" them voidling ships in your fleet?
If so, I'm not really sure if that makes sense lore-wise. You are not really supposed to be able to peacefully interact with wild voidling fleets.
And another question. What is that script that prevents you from taking more than one alpha creature in a fleet?
It's a hullmod. You can find the code
There might be a way to get voidling besides hunting them. I got a building blueprint relating to voidlings but haven't tried it yet.
There's actually two different kinds of blueprint you can get, one by finishing the hunter quest chain (which gives you the building blueprint) and another by finishing the magic bounty quest chain.
I will add, though, that, as this is still in alpha, both of those are still kind of unfinished and probably not all that useful. We will almost certainly improve them in a future update =)
Voidlings Hatch spams small voidling patrols and nothing more.
Yup! As of now, it only spawns fleets to protect the system it was built in. Which, to be honest, probably isn't super useful most of the time.
But we will probably add something to that building in the future (maybe producing a small quantity of void chitin per month. But given that void chitin is currently only useful if you also use the Exotica mod, we probably would also have to add another use for void chitin^^ If you have any interesting ideas, feel free to suggest them =)).