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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

Author Topic: Very short writing prompt about trade in the sector  (Read 890 times)


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Very short writing prompt about trade in the sector
« on: July 26, 2023, 09:11:45 PM »

Though of writing something about SS, after brainstorming a bit. I just leeched off company time to finish it. Hope you enjoy the short story, and thanks for reading.

Once humans expanded through the galaxy, utilizing a special gate structure to travel between star systems. These gates were by made by the empire known as The Domain of Man, which lead humanity. One day, the gates connecting systems malfunctioned, causing several sectors of space to lose connection with earth. One such sector was called the Persean Sector. A fleet under the Domain military-- the 14th Battle group, was stuck in the sector during its transit from Earth. Subsequently, the 14th Battle group made its way into core of the sector, declaring hegemony in the sector by domain emergency law. Thus, creating the faction known as the Hegemony of Man.

Planet Jangala:
A jungle world that is part of the Corvus star system, orbiting the red giant. Often called as the “Jewel of Corvus”, it’s a habitable planet with dense vegetation covering most land in the planet. The climate is humid with heavy seasonal rainfall, where a large amount of animal species call home. For the Hegemony, Jangala is a major source of food and organic materials (raw materials used in making consumer goods), with most of it’s industries being plantations. The atmosphere, while dense, is filled with toxic plant spores produced by native flora. As a result, surface visits to Jangala requires a filter mask. Moreover, local flora seems to have a rampant growth, constantly stretching their vines into human habitats. Deforestation operations have to be conducted routinely, so as to hold back the planet’s plant life.
As the ship thrusters came to a halt, the pilot slowly lined up the ship to its designated spot. The freighter’s landing gear crunched against the steel floor, as the ships came to a complete stop. Flicking a switch, the cargo bay doors dropped down gradually, revealing the bustling port of Jangala station beyond the docking bay. The central citadel is filled with all manner of people, from local plantation owners to independent traders. Station residents came and went, often buying goods off traders and stores alike. Holo projectors filled the walls of the citadel, displaying recruitment posters for the navy, while some flaunted the supremacy of the Hegemony compared to it’s rivals. 

Wading through crowds of other spacers, the crew pushed along several pallets of storage containers. As they moved towards the immigration counters, they were stopped by a Hegemony officer and his armed colleagues. A routine goods inspection by a logistic officer, who recorded the amount of goods coming in the hegemony planet. The logistics officers assured the crew that their goods were in good hands, as long as they were in accordance with hegemony trade laws. At the order of their officer, the accompanying marines searched through the cargo, checking the contents of each container. Breaking open some storage crates, multiple cans of pressurized antimatter fuel were moved out of their containers. One of the marines took out a scanning tool, checking each can for it’s contents. As the marines reported back to their officer, the crew were allowed to move on once more.

Making their way towards the citadel, the captain of the crew approached a well- dressed businessman. The man had no outstanding features, except for the circular pin on his chest. A white circle cut diagonally, with a red dot in it’s center. It was a symbol for the Luddic Church. Wordless, the captain handed over a cargo manifest to the businessman, who produced a keycard in return. The exchange only lasted for a minute, as both parties left swiftly.

The thrusters of the freighter roared once again, as the pilot lifted the ship upwards, away from the docking bay. Adjusting their position, the pilot guided the ship out, away from Jangala station. Hegemony patrol squadrons waved the vessel through, as it sped towards the closest warp point. The pilot flipped on the auto-pilot, typing in the location of their home port at the nav terminal. With the direction set, the navigation crew retreated towards the common area for a round of celebration.
Another successful mission, the captain congratulated the crew, eighty thousand credits for the whole crew to share. Enough to pay for supplies , fuel and of course booze. 

While the sector isn’t truly peaceful, trade does prosper in the galaxy. 
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 09:15:12 PM by Capitalist_Stalin »


  • Ensign
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Re: Very short writing prompt about trade in the sector
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2023, 03:26:45 AM »

Cute little story! One thing I noticed is you called Corvus a red giant, when it's a yellow star. Not a very important detail, but I thought I'd point it out regardless.


  • Ensign
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Re: Very short writing prompt about trade in the sector
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 09:38:48 PM »

Cute little story! One thing I noticed is you called Corvus a red giant, when it's a yellow star. Not a very important detail, but I thought I'd point it out regardless.
Yeah i just noticed that error, thank you for spotting it.