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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content  (Read 222389 times)


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[0.97a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« on: July 13, 2023, 07:23:38 AM »

LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion


Version: 0.6.2d

A mod focused on exploration and quest content

                                                          - New corp faction
                                                          - New AI exploration enemy
                                                          - Questline
                                                               - Enemy Unknown
                                                               - Hostile Takeover
                                                               - Operation : Lifesaver
                                                               - The Delve
                                                          - Custom bounties
                                                               - The Peacekeepers
                                                               - Enigma Commander Umbra
                                                               - Project Helios Remnant
                                                               - Void Group Fragment
                                                          - Exploration content
                                                          - Misc vanilla+ content

                                                          - CAN BE added mid save, everything will automatically generate as if you started a new save
                                                          - REQUIRES: LazyLib, MagicLib, GraphicsLib
                                                          - Extra features with: LunaLib, Nexerelin, Exotica Technologies
                                                          - Supports: IndEvo, Commissionded Crews, Exiled Space, Starship Legends, Ruthless Sector, Better Colonies
                                                          - Incompatible with Extra Sytems Reloaded (Issue with Exotica integration that wil never be fixed)

                                                          - "How do I start the questline?"
                                                             - Talk to Jack Lapua on Asteria in Arcadia system, requires 20+ rep with Kesteven
                                                          - "Kesteven only has one market?"
                                                             - Their main planet is Asteria in the Arcadia star system
                                                          - "What do I do with Artifact Electronics?"
                                                             - You can trade them in at Asteria for Prototype ships and weapons after staring the second quest, or just sell them for cash.
                                                          - "Does this mod work mid save?"
                                                               - Yes, everything will automatically generate as if you started a new save.                 

                                                    Fair Warning:
                                                          - The difficulty is tuned higher than vanilla
                                                          - If you are not a Starsector veteran it is RECOMMENDED to turn on Easy mode / otherwise adjust the Settings file for your first playthrough
                                                          - This can be accessed by enabling LunaLib, and without it by editing the LOST_SECTOR_OPTIONS.ini file
                                                          - There's also TRUE STARFARER mode for all the challenge enjoyers, not recommended for the faint of heart

The Kesteven Corporation

Unique Features:
                                                          - A soft power corporate faction, with a line of advanced mixed tech ships
                                                          - Campaign Features:
                                                               - Take out loans at any Kesteven market
                                                               - Unlock an Artifact exchange for special items after some quests
                                                               - Unlock S-Mod removal service for your ships after some quests                                 
                                                          - Ships are built to adapt and augment your loadouts, allowing for some outside-of-the-box designs to flourish                   

Comes built-in on all Kesteven vessels


Spoiler Warning
The mod is best enjoyed blind, you've been warned
Content Spoilers
Enemy Unknown
An AI threat is out there, be careful with what forces you mess with
These forces are supplemented by a unique line of [REDACTED] weapons

Custom Bounties
Multiple hidden "bounty" fleets are out there in the sector for you to discover

Vanilla+ Content
New ships for vanilla factions, all with unique shipsystems and playstyles


Version 0.6.2d
- Fixed a major bug in Throne's Gift xp calculation that caused you to get way too many points

Version 0.6.2c
- Removed AI-Gen content, you might end up with some blank portraits due to this

Balance changes:
- Changed Converted Hangar augment. Now gives an additional fighter bay (Cruisers and up) and reduces fighter OP cost by 50%
- Volatile Flux Injector now incompatible with Safety Overrides

- Fixed Throne's Gift and HELLSPAWN spawning way too many event fleets
- Fixed a minor issue in Throne's Gift XP tracking past hitting max lvl
- Fixed a rare crash with the first Kesteven quest, when it could not find any R&D facilities
- Fixed Helios bounty getting stuck and spawning infinite wrecks in some rare scenarios

Version 0.6.2b

- Fixed custom background event fleets sometimes doing strange "warping" movements
- Fixed a crash with custom background fleet spawning logic
- Fixed a possible crash if both Nex and LOST_SECTOR are enabled for the first time on a save at the same time
- Fixed a crash if LOST_SECTOR is enabled for the first time on a save without Nexerelin

Version 0.6.2a
New Stuff:
- Unique Nex background that can be unlocked by beating the Kesteven questline
   - Throne's Gift

Balance changes:
- Sunburst DP reduced to 70->65
- Kingslayer base burn reduced to 7->6, added built-in Augmented Drive Field

- Fixed a rare but severe crash with the Unlimited Production Chip condition
- Fixed being unable to gain any relation with LP
- Kesteven actually know large ballistics now
- Volatile Flux Injector bonus is now applied correctly (slight nerf)

Version 0.6.1d
- Updated for 0.97a

Balance changes:
- Critical Point Protection increased S-mod Penalty 10%->30%
- Volatile Flux Injector increased S-mod Penalty 25%->33%

- Fixed possible memory leak (thanks Sundog)
- Fixed Space Time Anchor causing ships to take massive damage from beams
- Fixed rare campaign crash with the hintManager
- Frost system fleets actually prevent you from disengaging
- Fixed some unique ships having hidden fleet tooltips forever
- Fixed Eliza's fight sometimes making you hostile to Independents
- Fixed faction specific elimination contracts caring about hostilities leading to uncompletable contracts

Version 0.6.1c
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.xx versions-

- Fixed random campaign crash in fleet target finding logic

Version 0.6.1d
- Updated for 0.97a

Balance changes:
- Critical Point Protection increased S-mod Penalty 10%->30%
- Volatile Flux Injector increased S-mod Penalty 25%->33%

- Fixed possible memory leak (thanks Sundog)
- Fixed Space Time Anchor causing ships to take massive damage from beams
- Fixed rare campaign crash with the hintManager
- Frost system fleets actually prevent you from disengaging
- Fixed some unique ships having hidden fleet tooltips forever
- Fixed Eliza's fight sometimes making you hostile to Independents
- Fixed faction specific elimination contracts caring about hostilities leading to uncompletable contracts

Version 0.6.1c
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.xx versions-

- Fixed random campaign crash in fleet target finding logic

Version 0.6.1b
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.xx versions-

- No longer incompatible with newest Ind.Evo release

Version 0.6.1a
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

New Stuff:
- Added Critical Point Protection hullmod
   - Kesteven hullmod that lets you armor tank squishy ships
- Added a fun encounter for those with Automated ships   

Balance changes:
- Prosperity reduced flux dissipation 1000->900
- Nighthawk reduced flux dissipation 600->550
- Kingslayer swapped large composites to ballistics, reduced max OP 330->320, reduced top speed 40->35
- Sunburst base burn increased 6->7, swapped all universals to synergies
- BastionCracker Torpedo Tube OP cost lowered 10->8
- BastionCracker Torpedo OP cost lowered 2->1
- Modular Huginn wing OP cost lowered 22->16
- Bite ALG OP cost lowered 9->8
- Surge Plasma Scatterer increased base range 450->600
- Mega Flux Rocket Pod reduced max ammo 12->9
- Giga Pulse Cannon dps reduced from 444->404
- Volatile Flux Injector increased cap bonus 50%->67%
- Added a fun surprise to the Frost system, if you have IndEvo
- Blacksites with multiple fleets are now harder

- Fixed a rare crash with Inertial Supercharger
- Fixed S-Mod removal and Fleet size requirement skip options using 2 SP instead of 1 SP
- Fixed Sunburst consuming cores while mothballed
   - Also should no longer show up in Midnight's store
- Fixed some AI fleets being able to retreat when they shouldn't
- Fixed the Peacekeepers bounty not despawning in some cases, For real this time
- Fixed some CR tooltip texts
- Massively improved Kesteven's weapon selection - their autofits should no longer suck ass
- Improved AED AI, have fun :)

Version 0.6.0d
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Fixed the Peacekeepers bounty not despawning in some edge cases
- Mysterious signals intel is now removed when you find the source
- Compressed some BG music, saving like 30mb of your precious RAM

Version 0.6.0c
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Fixed a possible crash when blacksite fleets couldn't find a random market

Version 0.6.0b:
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Some visual changes and updates

- Reduced Mega Flux Rocket Rate Of Fire to 14s->17.5s

- Fixed a crash when hitting ESC on certain parts of the mothership fleet dialog

Version 0.6.0a:

- 2 new Enigma / (Pt) ships
   - Warfare-Class Destroyer - Heavy Gunship
   - Widow-Class Frigate - Gunship
- New custom bounty
   - Sunburst-Class Mothership
- Added "contract" contact missions for Kesteven, complete tasks for credits
   - Recovery - recover items from enemy fleets to complete
   - Elimination - destroy specific enemy ships or factions ships to complete
- Proc-gen objective defense "event"
   - Defend a station from enemy fleets to get big loot
- Added 2 "hidden" role-play endings for the questline   
- Updated Exotica support
   - Enigma ships can now spawn with two different unique upgrades - Temporal Conduits, Space Time Anchor

- Reduced Kingslayer armor 1,600->1,500, and flux cap 16,000->15,000
- Reduced Nighthawk flux cap 11,000->10,000
- Reduced Prosperity armor 1,600->1,500
- Increased Mercenary shipsystem cooldown between charge uses 2s->5s
- Reduced Sovereign DP & supplies/mo to 35->32
- Reduced Keres Storm Cannon sustained dps 112,5->100
- Increased Tremor missile damage 350->375
- Increased Bite ALG base range 350->400, Increased charge regen from 6s->5s
- Increased Temporal Paradox cooldown 15s->17.5s
- Increased Volatile Flux Injector s-mod penalty 15%->25%
- Abyssal tech type renamed to Void
   - Void ship Cruiser and Destroyer phase upkeep reduced, frigate is unchanged
- Reduced shipsystem base range of Causality and BF Pulse
   - Now scales with shipsystem range modifiers (like Sys-Ex)
- Installing SO on Enigma ships now has a CR malus

- Fixed game freeze when joining battles against Kesteven/Enigma (Finally, this one was ***)
   - Also fixes disappearing ships / impossible to end battles
- Fixed a possible crash when raiding a certain market
- Fixed a possible crash with the Inertial Supercharger hullmod
- Fixed a rare crash when using the artifact exchange
- Fixed a rare crash when starting the main questline
- Fixed Enigma not being hostile to some factions
- Fixed jank with fleets not supporting the player against Enigma
- Fixed r&d facilities and other entities sometimes having ridiculous orbit speeds
- Rewrote all Prototype weapon and hull descriptions
- Small additions and changes to questline dialog
- Added the ability to skip fleet size requirements with story points during the questline
- Made some fleet Intercept AI more fair
- Improved wandering Enigma fleet behaviour
- Stalker Enigma fleets are now more aggressive against NPC factions
- Enigma ships will now reveal their hidden stats if you use them in combat
- Made some edge case quest failure states more clear
- Made questline ending intel clearer
- Enigma AI captains now correctly have all elite skills, like other AI captains

Version 0.5.1a
- Reworked Stasis system
   - Now fires an interceptable projectile that explodes in an area effecting all ships, Reloaded with system use

- Prosperity, reduced max flux 32,000->30,000
- Nighthawk, reduced armor 1,050->950
- Devilcatcher, reduced armor 850->800
- Kingstork, reduced armor 500->450, reduced top speed 125->120
- Dragontail, reduced armor 450->400, reduced max flux 3,400->3,200

- Fixed a crash with prototype/enigma hulls
- Fixed a rare crash with the Freya EMGL
- Fixed a rare crash with cache core quest dialogue
- Fixed a possible major crash with Kesteven exile event
- Fixed a nullPointer with Nicholas quest dialogue
- Fixed Outpost spawning in Sentinel system and made random bounties not spawn there
- Fixed Enigma AI portraits to match the correct level of AI core
- Fixed being able to do unintended interactions with Frozen Heart market
- Fixed Frozen Heart comm directory having random entries
- Fixed being able to use Kesteven services after getting the *other* questline ending
   - Other ending now also caps your max relationship with Hegemony and Kesteven
- Fixed S-Mod removal giving 100x the bonus XP (oops)   
- Fixed Bite ALG and BF Pulse lightning chaining to phased targets
- Kesteven bar intel event fixed, it will now work consistently giving either warning beacon systems or survey ship/mothership systems
- Kesteven hullmods no longer can be received as drops. Instead received as quest rewards / bought directly.
- Derelict proc-gen Enigma cruisers spawn considerably less often
- Adjusted Nex dispositions for Kesteven
- Adjusted Enigma fleet spawning

Version 0.5.0g

- Fixed ship-systems not working correctly when using high levels of speedUp (4x+)

Version 0.5.0f

- Fixed a rare crash with prototype glows
- Fixed a rare crash with null markets in the sector
- Plasma Burst canister Cannon, added EMP damage
- Prot ships base shield reduced to 60* degrees
- Final Overdrive changes
   - Reduced charge-up to 2s, does not activate if ship is overloaded or venting
- Updated Temporal Paradox visuals and sfx
- Fixed rare miscalculations with player and ship stats in augmented weapons   

Version 0.5.0e

- Fixed a crash that could happen if a market has null factionID
- Fixed a crash with the EMflak system and OnHits
   - Fixed flask mines not working properly (it was always doing max damage)
- Fixed some dormant Enigma fleet captains not actually being AI cores
- Weapon changes:
   - Giga Pulse Cannon
      - very slightly reduced rof, becomes somewhat inaccurate after the first shot
   - Plasma Burst Canister Cannon
      - reduced op cost to 28, reduced rof
   - Surge Plasma Scatterer
      - reduced op cost to 12, buffed flux/dmg to 0.6, reduced rof slightly
   - Mega Flux Rocket Pod
      - reduced op cost to 12
- New and improved trail fx by Nia
- Improved blast wave effects, new fx sprite also by Nia
- Prot ships have new and improved shield fx
- Mass Targeting Array and Projectile Deterrence Field system range is now effected by Systems Expertise
- Mercenary buffed shield efficiency to 0.8, increased top speed to 75
   - Dramatically increased system effectiveness
- Reduced the amount of proc-gen stuff spawned slightly (around 20%)
- Added Megaport and Spool to Asteria
- Fixed Kesteven markets not having any officials if added mid-save

Version 0.5.0d

- Fixed a severe crash with a quest fleet
- Inertial Supercharger now has a S-mod penalty/bonus
   - Frigate, Increases the damage taken by weapons by 50%
   - Destroyer, no effect
   - Cruiser/Cap, Increases projectile velocity by 10%
- Volatile Flux Injector now has a S-mod penalty
   - Increases EMP damage taken by 15%
- Added support for Exiled Space
- Outpost spawning logic improved in cluttered sectors
- Outpost system is now correctly surveyed when spawning mid save
- Changed around how often and when Enigma fleets spawn
- Reduced r&d facility loot slightly (around 20%)
- Fixed r&d facilities rarely spawning in core systems
- Made some custom bounty intels clearer

Version 0.5.0c

- Fixed a crash with a quest fleet
- Fixed a crash with AOE damage
- Fixed bugged dmg with some AOE dmg onHits
- Fixed some [REDACTED] officers not actually being AI cores
- Made some hullmod descriptions cleaner and clearer
- Changed Bastion-Cracker dmg calculation against modular station and ships
   - Deals more dmg now against stations and modular ships

Version 0.5.0b

- Fixed a crash with a fleet spawner
- Fixed a crash with outpost gen
- Disengaging with special maneuvers now works properly against some fleets
- Kesteven intel bar event now correctly gives a warning beacon system
- Fixed various minor issues in fleet logic

Version 0.5.0a

- Released
- Updated localization files
- Removed Eternity-class
- Removed amogus

   -Additional Scripts :     
      - DarkRevenant, Nicke535, Sundog, Cycerin, Nia Tahl, Vayra, Tartiflette, theDragn, Histidine, Sebastian Lague, and LazyWizard [Andrey Sitnik and Ivan Solovev (easing functions)]
   -Additional sound fx :
      - :
         - Russintheus, Ianstargem, Eflex Music, Squidge316, unfa, Morgan Purkis, Madamdata, Anomaex, Xfromarge1, Probrix22
      - :
         - Pole Position Production, Bluezone,, PACEFX, Signum, ScifiWho, Nikolay Overchenko
      - :
         - 99Sounds
   -Music from :   
      - Deceased Superior Technician
   -Additional art :
      - Tartiflette, Nia Tahl, [Lorc, Delapouite, sbed (]
      - Avanitia
   -Everyone who contributed to all the neat free to use stuff in MagicLib, LazyLib, LunaLib and GraphicsLib.
   -Starsector Discord - for having lots of helpful resources and people.
   -Alex, David, and the rest, for the game itself and all vanilla assets.
   -Everything else - Kissa Mies

   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (
   (read the License.txt)

« Last Edit: August 25, 2024, 06:26:34 AM by Kissa_Mies »


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 11:19:51 AM »

looks awesome!

and the first row of ships especially look very 3d-ish kinda. like if they had depth.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 11:27:27 AM by justnewaccount3131 »


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2023, 05:15:08 AM »

Neat. Always love new content mods.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2023, 02:56:07 AM »

Lovely mod!
There is one problem that´s making it unusuable for me though:
Sometimes the ship that can get invulnerable for a few seconds permanently stays yellow and is untargetable for the rest of the fight.
I´m not sure what causes it, might have to do something with using the speedup mod? Happens pretty often when staying in the "strategy-screen" and letting the fight play out at x2, x3 or x6 speed. Also: most of my ships use beam weapons and fighters, maybe one of those might be triggering it too.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 07:57:06 AM »

Neat. Always love new content mods.
looks awesome!

and the first row of ships especially look very 3d-ish kinda. like if they had depth.


Lovely mod!
There is one problem that´s making it unusuable for me though:
Sometimes the ship that can get invulnerable for a few seconds permanently stays yellow and is untargetable for the rest of the fight.
I´m not sure what causes it, might have to do something with using the speedup mod? Happens pretty often when staying in the "strategy-screen" and letting the fight play out at x2, x3 or x6 speed. Also: most of my ships use beam weapons and fighters, maybe one of those might be triggering it too.

Oh yea it's SpeedUp, I'd highly advise against using more than 2-3x speed in combat. You were skipping 10 or more frames in a single tick which caused the system to skip it's turn-off check entirely, this transletes to 6fps or less real-time - which is real bad for your simulational accuracy and might cause other issues too.
Thanks for reporting though, I fixed the issues on my end, it should no longer happen so go re-download.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2023, 07:32:19 PM »

I am going to check this out, I was a really big fan of FSU, so I expect this will have some excellent content.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2023, 06:46:02 PM »

Woot, more ships!  They look lovely!


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2023, 01:59:06 AM »

Hello !

Just a small comment to tell you that I'm having lots of fun building the Kestevan ships. Not only does their design tick all the boxes I like, but I'm a huge fan of the whole "Augmented weapons/systems" hullmods and the ship systems themselves are very refreshing (the Mercenary might be my new favorite destroyer). The Dragontail and Kingstork might be a bit too powerful (their base stats are impressive even for 8/6 DR frigates) though. On the other hand, the Malediction and Verity feel very balanced while filling a good niche.

I also like the lore of Kesteven a lot. They really feel part of the Starsector lore as a smaller corporation-type faction !

The new threats are frankly terrifying and even their hostile encounter music sounds threatening. They are sufficiently rare (at least in my current playthrough) that each encounter feel unique (the "have a nice day" took me by surprise). Again, great job !

The only thing I dislike is the sound of the Blackbird destroyer when it kills an ennemy. The visual cue is nice, but the sound is very loud/annoying. Do you know if it's possible to tune it down or remove it ?


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Content Expansion
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2023, 04:39:20 AM »

Woot, more ships!  They look lovely!
I am going to check this out, I was a really big fan of FSU, so I expect this will have some excellent content.

Thank you!

Hello !

Just a small comment to tell you that I'm having lots of fun building the Kestevan ships. Not only does their design tick all the boxes I like, but I'm a huge fan of the whole "Augmented weapons/systems" hullmods and the ship systems themselves are very refreshing (the Mercenary might be my new favorite destroyer). The Dragontail and Kingstork might be a bit too powerful (their base stats are impressive even for 8/6 DR frigates) though. On the other hand, the Malediction and Verity feel very balanced while filling a good niche.

I also like the lore of Kesteven a lot. They really feel part of the Starsector lore as a smaller corporation-type faction !

The new threats are frankly terrifying and even their hostile encounter music sounds threatening. They are sufficiently rare (at least in my current playthrough) that each encounter feel unique (the "have a nice day" took me by surprise). Again, great job !

The only thing I dislike is the sound of the Blackbird destroyer when it kills an ennemy. The visual cue is nice, but the sound is very loud/annoying. Do you know if it's possible to tune it down or remove it ?

Thanks for all the feedback.
Hmm, the Kesteven frigates could use some slight adjustments - I'll think about it.
Huh, that's the first complaint I've heard about the takedown sound, I'll make slightly quieter I guess. For now you can adjust it yourself by going to data->config->sounds.json and editing the volume of "nskr_takedown".


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2023, 07:15:23 PM »

This is really good.  Loving it so far! 


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2023, 02:49:15 AM »

He really loving the mod but I do have a quick question

are you going to add a capital ship for the New [REDACTED] enemies and prototype?


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2023, 07:04:27 AM »

Huh, that's the first complaint I've heard about the takedown sound, I'll make slightly quieter I guess. For now you can adjust it yourself by going to data->config->sounds.json and editing the volume of "nskr_takedown".

Thanks a lot for this tip !

I'm thoroughly enjoying your mod. It's a very well-crafted mod combining quests / (some) new mechanics and a limited and well-thought number of new ships and weapons making it, in my mind, mandatory from now on for my next playthroughs.

I'm currently being demolished by the ennemy fleet during the 3rd mission, the ennemy cruiser is an absolute beast !


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2023, 01:30:49 PM »

Hi. A couple of remarks :

- Pirate ships from the Underworld mod appears in Kesteven military market when, realistically, they shouldn't. Perhaps it has something to do with how Kesteven markets are configured ? (no idea) ;

- Bounties and derelict (probes, ships, etc) can spawn inside Kesteven outpost system ;

- Kesteven is almost never at odds with anyone with Nexrellin. After taking a look inside the files, it probably is that way because Kesteven only starter disposition is with the Hegemony (despite their alignements). While covering other authors' mods is not realistic, I think it could add more flavor to the faction by slightly adjusting its preferences towards vanilla factions. From what I've read, I think it would makes sense for Kesteven to not be well-liked by the Luddic Church (its still a corporation developping technology even though it is not as extreme as TT) and TT (it's a direct competitor) and more or less neutral towards everyone else (except of course pirates and the Luddic Path). It would make sense (I think) to cap Kesteven max relationship with TT (something like along the lines of 0.7) and the Luddic Church (something along the lines of 0.5), to give it slightly higher chances of having negative diplomatic events with them and slightly higher chances of having positives events with the Hegemony.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2023, 01:41:49 PM by Selfcontrol »


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2023, 05:05:12 PM »

- Bounties and derelict (probes, ships, etc) can spawn inside Kesteven outpost system ;

Adding on to this, Kesteven's outpost can also spawn alongside other things - in my current game, it's in the same system as Sentinel. Dunno if that's a thing you'd want or not, it's certainly made Scythe of Orion easier when I get around to doing it.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and quest content
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2023, 02:30:39 PM »

This is really good.  Loving it so far!


He really loving the mod but I do have a quick question

are you going to add a capital ship for the New [REDACTED] enemies and prototype?

"Maybe eventually" I do have plans for a special cap encounter, but that is very far away.

Huh, that's the first complaint I've heard about the takedown sound, I'll make slightly quieter I guess. For now you can adjust it yourself by going to data->config->sounds.json and editing the volume of "nskr_takedown".

Thanks a lot for this tip !

I'm thoroughly enjoying your mod. It's a very well-crafted mod combining quests / (some) new mechanics and a limited and well-thought number of new ships and weapons making it, in my mind, mandatory from now on for my next playthroughs.

I'm currently being demolished by the ennemy fleet during the 3rd mission, the ennemy cruiser is an absolute beast !
Hi. A couple of remarks :

- Pirate ships from the Underworld mod appears in Kesteven military market when, realistically, they shouldn't. Perhaps it has something to do with how Kesteven markets are configured ? (no idea) ;

- Bounties and derelict (probes, ships, etc) can spawn inside Kesteven outpost system ;

- Kesteven is almost never at odds with anyone with Nexrellin. After taking a look inside the files, it probably is that way because Kesteven only starter disposition is with the Hegemony (despite their alignements). While covering other authors' mods is not realistic, I think it could add more flavor to the faction by slightly adjusting its preferences towards vanilla factions. From what I've read, I think it would makes sense for Kesteven to not be well-liked by the Luddic Church (its still a corporation developping technology even though it is not as extreme as TT) and TT (it's a direct competitor) and more or less neutral towards everyone else (except of course pirates and the Luddic Path). It would make sense (I think) to cap Kesteven max relationship with TT (something like along the lines of 0.7) and the Luddic Church (something along the lines of 0.5), to give it slightly higher chances of having negative diplomatic events with them and slightly higher chances of having positives events with the Hegemony.

Thanks for the feedback and nice words.
Kesteven just copies the Indie known ships so I guess UW adds their ships to that pool.
Good call on the Nex dispositions I'll mess around with them.

- Bounties and derelict (probes, ships, etc) can spawn inside Kesteven outpost system ;

Adding on to this, Kesteven's outpost can also spawn alongside other things - in my current game, it's in the same system as Sentinel. Dunno if that's a thing you'd want or not, it's certainly made Scythe of Orion easier when I get around to doing it.

Outpost just picks a random nearby proc-gen system. Going to stop it from spawning in Sentinel system, and stop spawning random bounties, other stuff I don't really care to mess with.

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