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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards v1.0.2b  (Read 14433 times)


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[0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards v1.0.2b
« on: July 03, 2023, 08:06:59 PM »

Get the latest release of the mod by clicking on the banner!
REMINDER: This mod requires LazyLib and MagicLib to function. Please download these dependencies and enable them alongside the mod.

"For the people that take up arms to defend what they love, for the brave few that dare to step into the unexplored abyss, for the troops that keep the peace in face of ever present evil.

That is what we assure quality to.

Yoshgramm-wen Yards, quality assured."

- Pre-Collapse advertisement, sourced from Yoshgramm-wen Yards media archives.

A lightweight ship pack with designs inspired by ships seen from Japanese sci-fi media. Also includes Metal Storm-themed weapons, an abundance of MIRV missiles, and a selection of strikecraft inspired by sci-fi and real life aircraft.

Kudos to whoever can correctly guess the influences.


v1.0.2b - latest
Balance patch, hopefully fixes the grievances people have with the Wuyissendor drone bombers and their gimmick; major thanks to Weebus_Christ from the USC Discord server for doing the balancing!

- Wuyissendor wing behavior adjusted so they should drop their bombs right before the target and not ontop or on the rear. Should avoid the problem of bombs bypassing shields.
- Wuyissendor built-in given some adjustments like increased launch speed and lifetime in accordance with the new wing behavior. Also dropped the bomb health to make things more fair and increased the weapon range too.

Minor update, misc stuff in summary.

- Lower fuel consumption for most ships, so they should have more range.
- Gave some more turn rate to the missiles of the Pickaxe and Pine Needle.
- Restored custom shipsystem AI for the Lohen-li.

Implemented new ships and new weapons. Major changes across the board for other ships and weapons, alongside fixes and changes to other aspects of the mod.

 - NEW > The mod's first batch of frigates: the Guoseihen-class and a secret experimental frigate.
 - NEW > Alongside the new ships, new weapons are added in: two new built-ins exclusive to the new ships, a new small ballistic PD with proximity shells, and two experimental phase-themed missile launchers that remain to be found.
 - Nerfed the Wuyissendor's speed, increased the bomb bay's range, and reduced bombs' lifetime.
 - Lots of weapon changes. See the Github release for details.
 - Major overhauls of distribution values to avoid flooding markets in both lightly and heavily modded games.
 - NEW > Major rework of the Wuhauser's ECM aura so its less painful to look at. Hopefully. Please provide feedback on that aspect the update.
 - See Github release page for more details I may have forgotten to list here.

Fixed a persistent NPE with the Seheryuan AWACS hullmods, plus a NPE with the Flux Shunt Jets. Additionally, minor XPDCG stat adjustments and changed the ship rarity values.

 - NPE occurrence with the fighter buffing hullmod script of the Seheryuan AWACS finally fixed.
 - NPE occurrence with the Flux Shunt Jets ship system dealt with.
 - Patched up several oversights in the code of some scripts.
 - Adjusted the XPDCG's refire rate and its projectile's split range.
 - Adjusted ship rarity value to compensate for the switch to .faction distribution and for players with mod heavy games.

Revamp of the distribution of the ships and weapons of the mod, doing away most of the tags and using the .faction files instead. Also more rebalancing of some weapons.

 - Removed most of the faction tags from the ships and weapons, instead using the .faction files to distribute the ships and weapons. Done primarily so the different .skin versions of the Luohoff would show up properly.
 - Stat readjustment of the modular Metal Storms and BMSAC. Will be the last time they receive a treatment, for now.
 - Updated mod_info.json

Another bug patch update.

 - Hopefully patched a NPE error associated with the Seheryuan AWACS/EWAR Craft.
 - Updated mod_info.json

Quickfix update.
 - Corrected misnamed variant names in the newly added CSVs.
 - Updated mod_info.json.

Minor update, here's the specifics.

 - Added title_screen_variants.csv so the ships now show up on the main menu.
 - Added sim_opponents.csv so you can battle the ships in Sim.
 - Updated the mod_info.json.


Balance patch. Lots of changes plus one addition. See the Git Repo release page for specifics. Summary of changes below.

 - Rebalanced the stats of the Metal Storm weapons to fix their broke OPness
 - Similar rebalance given to the Energy Storm weapons of the Vonlubu and Xuoffen fighters.
 - [NEW] Pirate/Pather version of the MSDCA.
 - Restatted the BMSAC so its also balanced.
 - Buffed the range of the SRSMB and SRASMB.
 - The GKKRL now fires missiles individually instead of a fixed burst.
 - The Lichming-nahuo strategic drone bomber wing now costs 25 OP.
 - Some ships received some adjustments to their DP, FP, and supply/month to account for their apparent strengths.
 - Updated package imports for scripts that use MagicLib stuff.
 - Hopefully fixed an NPE related to the Seheryuan's hullmod scripts.

Release v1.0.0b
Initial release version.


> Implement a drone frigate and a regular frigate. May derive from the Imperial ships from LotGH and the GP03 Dendrobium MA. DONE!
> Implement a cruiser-size capital-size drone logistics ship with wings of funnel drones to protect it. Will be based on the ARMD carriers of SDF Macross. Second capital will likely be a mecha, as silly as it sounds; will draw primarily from the Neo-Zeong seen in Gundam Unicorn.
> XIV versions.
> Remnant versions.
> Rebalance and tweak initial release weapons. Forever in-progress.


Fractal Softworks (aka Alex and David) - For developing this wonderful indie game and for supporting a healthy modding community.
StarSector Unofficial Discord (specifically Quacken, Gman, Kirbo, ruddy, and uh other people whose names I've forgotten) - For helping me out with art and script assets of this mod, especially for some scripts that I had trouble with.
Also from the USC Discord: Toaster, Weebus_Christ - For providing direct feedback and balancing help with the mod, as well as bringing up certain issues with the mod so that I could address them.

Some of the scripts in this mod may be direct copies and modifications from other mods, as such I think it'd be fitting to credit them at least. This includes:
Astarat - For the shell casing script used for the Stolas autocannons, which I copied and modified for a few weapons in my mod.
shoi (aka gettag), Sundog, Dark.Revenant, Harupea - For the some of the fancy scripts used to make Arma Armature functional, which I myself used a few for a ship system in my mod.
Tartiflette - For the weapon swap script seen in Diable Avionics, which have been used in Arma Armature and now in my mod too.


If you liked what you see, feel free to drop some support via Ko-fi!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2024, 11:21:38 AM by Derelict_Surveyor »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2023, 08:24:58 PM »

This is very poggers! I must add it to my sector.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2023, 08:41:11 PM »

Greetings, glad to see another believer of aesthetics in carrier design! I've taken interest with your ship designs and I'd like to advise you on a couple things regarding the sprites;

For starter, I'd reckon a tad bit of shading and lighting would do you nicely to bring out the shape more. From what I understand from looking at the carrier, it felt like a triple decked ship akin to the one you'd recognize from Space Battleship Yamato anime series. If that's the case, I think some faint white airbrush lighting around any area you deem higher than the rest would be recommended. You should also apply soft shading around the edges of the bridge to make the shape pop out if you know what I mean, oh and lighter green within the same area of course!

That's all I have to say for now, I think the others may also need a bit more refurbishment using the same technique as I mentioned above. Feel free to reply back to me if you have any questions or would like me to assist you in some ways. Good luck with the mod!


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2023, 08:47:30 PM »

This is very poggers! I must add it to my sector.

Thank you! Hope you'll appreciate it (if you find the ships that is, lol).

Greetings, glad to see another believer of aesthetics in carrier design! I've taken interest with your ship designs and I'd like to advise you on a couple things regarding the sprites...

Whoa, didn't expect someone like you to comment on this. I appreciate the interest you have in the ships I've sprited will try to keep the advice in mind when I inevitably resprite this initial fleet. Probably should also tell you that I made this sprites using a Blender render as a base and work off from there - basically what kazi did for their Mayorate ships.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2023, 08:55:46 PM »

Whoa, didn't expect someone like you to comment on this. I appreciate the interest you have in the ships I've sprited will try to keep the advice in mind when I inevitably resprite this initial fleet. Probably should also tell you that I made this sprites using a Blender render as a base and work off from there - basically what kazi did for their Mayorate ships.

Yep, I rarely make any appearance anywhere. There used to be a spriter thread where I'd usually hang out and learn from others but apparently that's a thing of the past now. I'm basically just a lone drifter in the midst of newcomers and veterans nowadays. Anyway, enough about me.

I see, I envy you for your ability to create things in 3D. It's a skill I haven't develop yet... and Mayorate? Damn, that's an old name dropped I haven't seen in years! If you din't mention the 3D bit, there's no way I'm able to tell that apart at all. Fear not, the techniques I mentioned earlier is a thing you can apply to your current sprites without requiring you to start over again. You just need to paint over them, that's all! I'm very much familiar with the process as I'm in the process of remastering my ships for the 7th time... if you weren't sure on how to do it and interested in further discussion on how to improve your stuff, I can invite you to my discord server and show you how to paint.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2023, 09:10:32 PM »

... if you weren't sure on how to do it and interested in further discussion on how to improve your stuff, I can invite you to my discord server and show you how to paint.

Appreciate the offer, though I might have to think on it. Real life is a getting a bit busy on my end, but I wouldn't mind getting some advice on improving my spriting.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2023, 05:47:41 AM »

Damn, these look pretty nice, especially the CA and CV.
V for Victory


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2023, 08:05:10 AM »

Looks quite interesting to me, will have to load this up and see how the ships and fighters play personally. Certainly curious about the mystery fighter.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2023, 03:15:41 AM »

Can't wait to test theses ships and stream it


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2023, 12:07:58 PM »

Hi! Love the design of the ships, really cool.

I ran into the following crash:

18293434 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at yoshgramm_wen_yards.hullmods.ywy_seheryuanAWACS2$ywy_fighter_AWACSMod.advance(
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Ship.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2023, 01:44:09 PM »

Hi! Love the design of the ships, really cool.

I ran into the following crash:

18293434 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at yoshgramm_wen_yards.hullmods.ywy_seheryuanAWACS2$ywy_fighter_AWACSMod.advance(
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Ship.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)

Thanks for telling me about that, will see what's up with that hullmod.

As a general update on the mod, currently working on a rebalance patch since it became rapidly apparent how broken alot of the weapons are in this mod. So look out for that.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2023, 08:51:51 AM »

Designs are nice but it feels weird man.
Japanese sci-fi media inspired design but with Chinese-like names.



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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2023, 11:41:43 AM »

Designs are nice but it feels weird man.
Japanese sci-fi media inspired design but with Chinese-like names.


Funny story on that. I saw the names for the characters in Legend of the Galactic Heroes and I couldn't help but think, "German-Chinese fusion, let's go." Some time into development I was thinking how dumb that decision was, but it was too late to go back on it so I had to live with these weird German-Chinese fused names.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2023, 01:55:50 PM »

Well, it does give them a bit of a Signalis vibe, at least without the fuckin horror aspect lmao.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Yoshgramm-wen Yards
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2023, 09:23:04 PM »

Alright, heads up folks, released the balance patch for this mod so thing's aren't hilariously broken anymore. Click the banner to go to the Git Repo's release page. Will update the opening post soon, but sue me its 12:22 AM here.
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