Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)
Re Onslaught builds, try Light Autocannon (not dual since they are actually bad, the 4OP one) on ALL of the small mounts and front facing medium mounts + IPDAI + Ballistic Rangefinder + elite point defense on your character or officer for a battery of 11 LACs for 1100 kinetic DPS with great efficiency, low cost and bonus 400 range over the base 700! Dakkadakkadakka. Pair it with Hephaestus and it is actually an incredibly powerful and fun build (in practice you will want HMG on the very front medium mounts though).
I actually love the vigilance but the trick to them is that you have to use them in organized packs of 3. One lead vigilance with heavy machine gun and sabot pod, and two escorts with harpoons(one with another hmg, and one with autocannon.)1v1 it will lose to any other frigate, but 3v3(or more) and they will eat your enemies alive. They also can erase destroyers with ease.
I'm surprised that works. You'll probably have better options in the the new update, too. The DEMs are going to be good pressure weapons. Currently, I keep a vigilance with max dmods around to flood the area around my carriers with pilums.
Hyperion, because I'm experienced enough with this game to make it work with 10 credits and three supplies to my name. It's a lot worse after this update since safety overrides is no longer an option, but I can still solo around 50 DP of pirates with a three d-mod Hyperion still.
Onslaught!I am a simple man. Big ship. Big guns. Cool name.
Quote from: eert5rty7u8i9i7u6yrewqdef on May 06, 2023, 06:49:11 PMHyperion, because I'm experienced enough with this game to make it work with 10 credits and three supplies to my name. It's a lot worse after this update since safety overrides is no longer an option, but I can still solo around 50 DP of pirates with a three d-mod Hyperion still.I'm kinda jealous cause I'll never be able to pilot this ship properly. :/
Have to agree with the OP, the Scarab is also my go-to ship. I remember watching a youtube video a few years back where a player used a bunch of SO Scarabs to farm redacted fleets so I tried it out and since then I've always used it in my fleets.When it got nerfed from 60 DP to 55 a few updates ago it hurt a little, but it's still strong enough to warrant having 10 of them in my fleet. Could probably further optimise it by adding / replacing hullmods but I'm lazy and it already shreds redacted as it stands now.