Unos Station-Must be commissioned/allied with Appro-Light and have at least Friendly relations to access.
-If you have less than 50 supplies, once a month you can request a small amount (100) of supplies.
-On the 7th of every month, you can meet with the Speaker and improve your relations with him by bribe- err,
donating credits to him.
--At 30 relations, you can get missions to hunt the Immortal-Light Front, with rewards including, but not limited to,
Prime Blueprints, Prime Parts, AI Cores, in addition to Gil.
--At 100 relations, you are rewarded with a special clone officer with
an additional skill for free.
Clone Officers-All Appro-Light officers have a ~33% chance of being replaced by a clone. They come in various "models", affecting their special (free) skill,
Thread Synchronization, which improves their ship's flux performance.
Gilbert's Requisitions-Can be contacted via the comms directory at any Appro-Light colony.
-After applying for a card, purchase Prime parts, AI cores, high-grade weapons, etc. with Gil, exchanged for credits or earned by doing missions for Truth Originem.
-The relationship with Truth Originem also determines the level of the card, which in turn gives you a discount: at the maximum relation level, you are given a level 5 card, with a 20% discount.
-The (ordinary) exchange rate of credits to Gil is 1000:1
Chaos Rift-Located in the upper-left corner of the Agustin system, guarded by Immortal-Light's fleets.
-Visiting the rift allows you to construct Prime ships from Prime blueprints and the requisite Prime parts.
-Immortal-Light's fleets will scale with the player's strength and over time
Blade of Conviction-The forces of Keel Higgs, will continually refresh Advance Sin-Cleanser fleets to attack Immortal-Light at the Chaos Rift, provided the Higgs fleet still exists. Their doctrine is (almost) identical to Immortal-Light's.
-Immortal-Light fleets will drop Contaminated Wreckage, which can be sold to Keel for credits and to gain relations.
-At Cooperative relations with Keel, they can "purify" the Immortal-Light Isomery of a ship in your fleet once per month.
Dynasty Seeker-After acquiring any Prime part by any means, obtain the mission "Invitation from the Dynasty".
-After completing that mission, on every odd month a Secret Prime Meeting will occur on a random non-hidden market, where you can contact the Seeker to trade your Prime parts for AI cores, blueprints, or other Prime parts.
Mysterious Lockbox-Purchased for an exorbitant sum at an Appro-Light bar, finding the password and unlocking this strange thing rewards you with the blueprint for the Doctorate-class battleship.
Mist Broadcast Bombs-Once you are neutral or higher to Appro-Light, you can spend a few story points at the abandoned Breaking Mist Generator to acquire a factory which lets you produce bombs which take effect on the campaign level.
Laplace Conversion-Requires Diable Avionics.
-At a Diable bar, you can convert a Pandemonium-class dreadnought (and 800,000 credits) into an Appro-Light version.
Spectre Pioneers-Every 15 days, if the Spectre Pioneers do not exist (or have been destroyed), they are spawned to patrol the Agustin system.
-This fleet has some special variants it can use, and provided its flagship has not been salvaged, it will always be captained by the same person, with a special flagship: Tenshi, and the unique Scholar of Iniquity.
Exile Outpost-A silent fleet orbiting Imhotep.
-Inspired by a certain Appro-Light fanfic (
Fossic link)
Cyberpunk Bartender Action-Located in the bar at Spectre Nest, Jill somehow arrived in the Sector. You can talk to her to learn more about Appro-Light.
-The crossover was authorized.