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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: Your One Ship  (Read 7223 times)


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2023, 01:16:01 PM »

sorry, missclicked
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 01:17:33 PM by smithney »


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2023, 01:40:46 PM »

Apogee. Gives a platform to play with large missile and energy slots as well as being a very flexible cruiser to lead exploration missions. Plus I just really like the design.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2023, 09:58:09 PM »

Shade.  Two AMBs.

Nothing quite like baiting a couple of frigates for a few moments, phasing in between them, and waiting for the turrets to lock on before unphasing to fire.   It's raw agression at its finest.

Kinda hoping the Gremlin catches my eye after the next patch.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2023, 10:33:20 AM »

One word. Dominator. Over the years, this has been my absolute favorite flagship. And as for the boys in the late game, it's Atlas.

Europa Jupiter

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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2023, 11:13:05 AM »

One Ship... The One Ship for me...

That will be Paragon. Hands down. I just love that beast. It's look. It's majestic shape. The hole in middle... Weapon placement... I just find it elegant, pretty and very cool to fly around with.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2023, 01:42:35 PM »

If we're talking as a player controlled flagship, I'm seriously enjoying the Monjeau from hazard mining incorporated.  It's a destroyer with a fast ship system that lets it play dodgeball with all but the fastest missiles and projectiles and a pair of built-in HE guns that just GRIND anything unshielded.  It has this weird armor buff that makes it nearly immune to beams so it's not instantly hard-countered by them (but god help you if they hit exposed hull,) and best of all it has an ammo feeder to really kick those guns into overdrive (I love ammo feeders, deal with it.)  It fluxes out extremely fast, even with hullmods but it's maneuverable enough to back off to vent when needed.  It's fast, strong, doesn't get instagibbed by braindead weapons and can go the distance in skilled hands but still gets punished badly if you screw up.  It's just a lot of fun to fly.

One good reaper shot will still ruin your day though.  And those suicide ships from the luddic enhancement pack are DEATH.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2023, 02:48:44 PM »

Shade.  Two AMBs.

Nothing quite like baiting a couple of frigates for a few moments, phasing in between them, and waiting for the turrets to lock on before unphasing to fire.   It's raw agression at its finest.

Kinda hoping the Gremlin catches my eye after the next patch.
The gremlin next patch is going to get rugged construction more sturdiness and decoy flares, and loses delicate machinery (and phase field) hullmods right? It sounds like an interesting change. I still feel bad for the crew that has to man it though.
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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2023, 05:12:52 PM »

Caveat Emptor, I've been gone for awhile and haven't played vanilla since before the skill rework, but the Omen.

I found it to be a great force multiplier in player hands.  The AI is competent at dealing damage.  I played the controller role.  I kept spares to switch into for longer battles, or for when I became overly ambitious on a station assault...


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2023, 08:33:36 PM »

Overdriven LTA Scrap Cruiser Thunderbirds version. Its probably borderline OP TBH. I usually get one with a negotiation agent, mission to steal from pirates usually costs under a million credits. If you use it with base most vanilla level weapons and ships its alright. Building in mods to this ship seems to take over the top. Especially if you use Progressive S-Mods. This mod allows you to build in Safety Overrides in and with enough earned and invested into a ship can turn most ships into monsters. If you want to try the build. Run a Plasma gun in the large slot. Some decent high fire rate kinetics in the medium slot, preferably with some emp damage. You can toss a small Ion on the nose as well. Salamanders of some type in the missiles slots. Built in mod order should be SO > Armor/Hullmods > Shields. Max capacitors. As you get more free space you can fill out all the slots if you want. The base variant of this ship, meaning the none thunderbird version is probably a tab bit more balanced of a ship. The strong point of the Scrap cruiser is probably its massive Hull pull, flux stats and ship system. The Thunderbird version takes most of the negative out of the ship system.

Outside that I'm a sucker for the base hammerhead or mod variants. Chainguns with Light Double Machineguns, you know the drill. The Ship Weapon pack bounty Hammerhead is a particular monster as well. You basically have a Hamerhead with 3 chainguns, and 4 Light Double Machineguns. Baseline these are all pretty strong. Again what Progressive S-Mods takes these ships over the top. I'm not try to complain and I realize everyone plays their own way so please don't take this is a "this should be nerfed".

Honorable mentions goes to Lashers and Brawlers with SO. Again I'm sure you're seeing a pattern now.

I'm always looking for aggressive ships so if you have a recommendation I'm all ears. Its honestly hard for me to play a ship without SO now. Which means capital ships are generally out. I know you can mod it into caps but I generally don't do it. Being able to do it with cruisers is already strong enough. I can only imagine what a SO cap ship would be like.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 08:37:02 PM by Alphascrub »


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2023, 06:25:17 PM »

The gremlin next patch is going to get rugged construction more sturdiness and decoy flares, and loses delicate machinery (and phase field) hullmods right? It sounds like an interesting change. I still feel bad for the crew that has to man it though.

Yeah, the Gremlin hasn't really been worth the cost.  The two ballistic capable turrets up front are interesting, and better for brawling because brawlers need maneuvering, and pointing your ship at the enemy is not maneuverable.

My first run of the new patch might just be a Gremlin neural linked to an Afflictor with missile support.  Really looking forward to those DEMs, as they seem such good support weapons.  Might even hold off on the AM srms.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2023, 12:31:20 AM »

Easily falcon P.
Fast and armed with 4 medium and 2 small missiles. Give it 2 proximity mines or other HE missile and the rest sabots and you can alpha strike most ships even without missile specialisation or smods. With the right skills and smods you can often charge in and delete whatever you feel like and leave especially with SO as well. Converted hanger with xyphos for PD and penetrating EMP for even more bustedness.
There’s also fun gimmick builds like all reapers or all annihilators.
Looking forward to AMR for even more missiles and non PD proximity so it works with the AI.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 12:34:06 AM by BaBosa »


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2023, 09:04:05 AM »

I know she's not a particularly powerful, or at worst a hardly bearable ship. However, she fits my hit and run style perfectly and my special keen to hybrid--capital-ship designs, which vaguely translates into "battle-carrier-cruisers".
*cough* try tossing the PK into a black hole *cough*

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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2023, 06:04:02 PM »

It depends where I'm at in the campaign.  Scrounging for scraps at level 3 is a completely different game then outfitting a fleet to take out a high-level bounty or chain-battle pirates in a double-bounty system.  I'm all about the high-tech ships and tend to like to play Starsector like an arcade game, as Vanshilar mentioned, so for me the keys are high maneuverability, high speed, a good shield, and decent firepower.

In the early game, and since the early days of Starsector when they were rarer than diamonds, I've always liked the Tempest.  Now they're as common as Coke cans, but I still make getting one a priority in the early game for my first chosen flagship.  Hardened Shields, Resistant Flux Conduits, and the Remnant weapon or overpowered mod weapon of choice, whatever I get lucky at a black market or the highly shielded cache with.  Even with random dual Phase Lances or Mining Blasters, piloting the Tempest doubles the power of my early game fleet when I'm still limping around with the D-Modded Hammerhead from the tutorial as my largest craft.  Even after I'm using cruisers and battleships, I still keep a couple of Tempests in my fleet for pursuit duty.  You wouldn't believe how many kills two Tempests get in the pursuit auto-resolve against a fleeing pirate armada in a bounty system until you try it, I regularly see them take out twenty times their weight in pirate ships.

The midgame comes whenever I can first find and afford a Medusa.  Still fast and aggressive, the Medusa has enough durability and a tough shield to compensate for me making a few mistakes, so it's a slightly more relaxed and deliberate playstyle.  The Medusa can be a shield-tanking overgunned monster for a few minutes with Safety Overrides, but I generally find that it requires investment of Story Points to fit in everything I want in a SO Medusa build, so I normally use it without SO until I find my exact choice of weapons.

My absolute most-used craft in the current vanilla version has to be the Aurora.  My first Aurora is WORTH sinking Story Points into, because I will most likely be using it into the endgame.  This overfluxed highly shielded monster imbalanced mod ship, which for some reason has been in vanilla for a decade, shows exactly what Safety Overrides can do.  I like to cram triple Heavy Blasters and Hardened Shields into it, anything else such as the side medium mount and the front four small mounts, depends on what mods I'm running and what was in the shielded cache.  Antimatter Missiles, Shock Repeaters, Minipulsers, and especially the Disintegrator, any or all of those will determine my exact build.  Another heinous and ruthless trick is to stay as a frigate swarm into the midgame, but fly an Augmented Drive Field Aurora as an ultrafast cruiser flagship that, even without SO, can generally solo any fleet that can remotely catch it.

My favorite "new" craft in our current version is the Eradicator.  Cruacious and Vanshilar already mentioned it.  I'm generally only going to actually fly one if I'm using a full cruiser fleet and haven't yet found an Aurora, but it's my favorite to fill out my fleet and make a battleline with Steady or Aggressive officers.  I don't care for the pirate version, the Burn Drive lets the AI get itself into trouble more than I find that it ever helps, but the Luddic Church version with Accelerated Ammo Feeders is amazing.  They're trivial to find and easy to replace even if your character build cares about losing ships, since if you follow the main story line the academy will constantly send you on ransom missions to Luddic planets where they sell this variant.  I like to put Integrated Targeting and two HVDs and One Heavy Mauler on it, a main line of these is useful against any threat in the base game and a lot of overpowered mod content.  As much as I like to break the AI over my knee with unfair energy weapons tricks, Paragon swarms and the like require millionaire income, which I consider basically postgame.  Most of my lategame fleets until I've beaten all the hypershunt fights and gotten a few max-size colonies are going to include four or five Eradicators to provide a cheap, dependable, decently armored, long ranged hail of bullets anywhere on the battlefield.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 08:58:05 AM by Network Pesci »


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2023, 04:28:57 PM »

Radiance + 2 Odysseys in the endgame, for extreme aggressive firepower, great shields and high mobility.


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Re: Your One Ship
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2023, 03:49:50 PM »


I am a simple man.
 Big ship. Big guns. Cool name.
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