Hello, could you please give me tips on fleet composition and damage types when it comes to fighting droneships in Abyss? They wreck my best setup no chance.
The biggest difference maker for me was adding some Monitors that I could shove at the most dangerous enemies.
The superfighters from the Exo-tech mission are obviously worth fielding if you have gone through that part of this mod.
I've had success using a fairly straightforward Victory build as my flagship (from the Ship and Weapons pack) but I'd imagine I could get a Shield Shunt Onslaught to perform acceptably, since nothing smaller than a cruiser has much in the way of reasonable high explosive weapons (just the medium beam).
SO Auroras in my current run have been surviving fairly well/keeping my flanks safe. Playing longer ranged builds tends to fall apart because of how fast/mobile half their ships are. Most non-phase frigates seem to struggle to stay alive due to the speed as well.
If you are exploring early, I would recommend just avoiding the fights (not too hard if you go dark as long as you don't have a massive fleet - S-mod Insulated Engines on your civilian ships if your profile is an issue) and just loot around them. Come back when you have a full fleet, especially against the deeper abyss enemies.
Lean more towards Kinetics since the enemies have tough shields.