I don't know if it's a bug or intended but the Zero Day Exploit background has problems when fighting against automated defense forces (like those protecting caches). Every ship you've hacked at one point during the battle will "retreat" at the end of the battle, even if they have been destroyed during the fight. This causes an infinite loop where you will keep re-engaging those ships in the next battle, the battle that will end after a few dozen seconds because there's no ship to face since all of them have 0% hull integrity.
It's technically not an infinite loop since you can just leave the engagement and return to those ships having regenerated a few %. The problem is that it locks you out of a proper "after battle wreckage" type situation, where you could recover your own disabled ships (and maybe it has an effect on post-loot salvage but I haven't tested it).
So, would that be considered a "bug" that could be fixed, or at least made so those ships don't retreat at the end of a battle? Is there a known way to circumvent this problem (I tried console command stuff like "nuke" and "rout," but it doesn't work since those ships just don't go on the battlefield), or should I just give up on role-playing a hacker for now until the backgrounds are more fleshed out?
Thank you for your time!