While poking around the files in the latest release, I noted the (as-yet-unimplemented?) RAT skill tree, with no descriptions to speak of...
...and as I am terrible at programming, looking up the .kt source files didn't reveal much, either; so what IS being planned for that skill tree?
EDIT: After a closer look, I've determined the following:
1. Temporal Assault: gives all(?) fighter wings in the player's fleet a temporal shell-like ability, with up to a +50% time dilation factor, rather than the ship version's +100%/+200%(?)
2. Quality Over Quantity: increases all(?) player ships' armor, max speed, flux dissipation (adjusted by hull type) and lastly weapon-generated flux (a flat 10% reduction), but at a trade-off of a higher deployment point cost(?)
3. Pocket Dimension: an active ability (i.e. needs to be added to a quickbar slot) that more-or-less functions like the Console Command 'Storage' (IOW, an in-game location to store away excess cargo/fuel/crew/equipment/etc.)?