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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1 was a mod about being nice to your prisoners  (Read 81111 times)


  • Ensign
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sadly, this will do nothing;
RS 0.96 uses TNP 0.95 which still used the previous license, and he then updated the entire codebase to 0.96
this move is, for any and all purpose, null, void and unapplicable
not like you could do anything against it outside of legal action, even if it was actionnable, because that mod will never be published on this forum or USC.
retroactive application breaks the core tenents of licensing
(edited: didn't actually read the "now updated code" part properly)

i know that i can't retroactively apply a license. this is why i specified to not use my updated code or anything else from the repo after the update. i'm not dumb, go back to corvus, etc.

Piping up because I can I understand and agree with your choice of licensing from 0.96 forward.

There's no good reason for people to modify and upload your work.

And I know from experience that if others did modify and share your mod, people would come to you with their gripes and bugs and issues, which is stupid and a waste of time and attention.

Your choice of license makes perfect sense, and is respectable.
Sent from my MSZ-FS Deluxeâ„¢ Wall-mounted Indoor Thermal Pump


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On a different note, there's a little error in the faction files currently: you've got all the Diable stuff rigged up under the tag diable_avionics, when the actual faction from the mod uses no underscore (so internally it's diableavionics). This prevents any of their officers from being captured in the current version, since TNP is technically looking for a faction that doesn't exist.

The good news is that it's an easy fix, even on the user's side, and should take only a minute or two to correct for the next update.


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While I'd also love to see some crew included, I'd rather keep it simple and just extend the current functionality slightly.

The crew could be a part of the officer - you capture officer with X accompanying crew.  The number of crew each officer came with could be dependent on the ship he was officering, or the fleet that was destroyed.

You still talk to the officer only, but your other actions apply to both the officer and crew, e.g.:

  • Bribe/Hire the officer - joins you along with the crew
  • Execute - kills both crew and the officer
  • Release - similar, both are released for rep
  • Ransom - similar, both are released for ransom

  • Hire - you get an officer for which you need to pay the salary
  • Execute - random chance for the officer to "change their mind" and offer joining you; if officer joins you, so will all crew; otherwise a random chance for some crew to rebel and offer joining you instead of being executed
  • Release - rep increase based on level and crew number
  • Ransom - cash based on level and crew number

Simple but good.
Great idea.


  • Ensign
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It seems that recruited prisoners can only have 1 elite skill regardless of PC officer skill.


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to anyone who appears to support the edit to my mod: there is a new license for the version on 0.96a. please do not use my now-updated code for your vile and trash edit that affects other people's work.

Apologies, but context? Did something happen?


  • Ensign
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I hate myself for asking what I feel is a really stupid question, but in game while I have the 'talk' button on the prisoner screen, my dialogue options are always the same bare minimum: Hire; release or execute (with hire paying the exact same fee that bribe does on the main prisoner screen).  There are no extended negotiations - in fact 'talk' at this point in time functions as an extra click to get to the exact same options I have on the 'prisoners' list.

So what am I doing wrong? ;)


  • Ensign
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I hate myself for asking what I feel is a really stupid question, but in game while I have the 'talk' button on the prisoner screen, my dialogue options are always the same bare minimum: Hire; release or execute (with hire paying the exact same fee that bribe does on the main prisoner screen).  There are no extended negotiations - in fact 'talk' at this point in time functions as an extra click to get to the exact same options I have on the 'prisoners' list.

So what am I doing wrong? ;)

On occasion you will pick up a prisoner that was coerced into being a pirate (or whatever), and you can talk to them about their situation, and handle it in several ways.


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I have the necessary number of marines and I'm right on top of the target location, but the "raid the pirate hideout" is still greyed out. It just says "you need to be closer to <location> but I'm already there.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 10:28:51 AM by organicmeme »


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1, a mod about being nice to your prisoners
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2023, 05:35:13 AM »

Another stupid question ;D

I've replayed the High value bounty mission for Auri Calus probably about 20 times now without a sniff of capturing her.  I'm assuming this is just bad luck and therefore in an attempt to increase my chances I did some nosing around in the files and saw a 'takenoprisonersFactionConfig' folder containing a 'hvb_hostile' file.  This file in turn has an entry  "captureChance" which is set to 0.02 by default.

Would I be right in assuming that by increasing this value I can improve my chances of capturing officers from high value bounty missions?  Or is it perhaps that some of them simply cannot be captured?  What chance does 0.02 actually translate to as a percentage?

EDIT: So, I figured this out.  For anyone who is interested:  Firstly, Auri Calus counts as a Spindle/Scalartech officer and there are no Scalartech entries in any of the required files.  I therefore firstly added an entry to 'Fractal Softworks\Starsector\mods\TakeNoPrisoners-v0.16.1\data\config\modSettings.json for 'scalartech', following the established formatting convention and then created a scalartech file in '\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\mods\TakeNoPrisoners-v0.16.1\data\config\takenoprisonersFactionConfig' again matching the parameters of pre-existing files within this location.

I set the capture chance to 1 for each of scalartech, hvb_hostile and famous_bounty just to be certain (I think this equates to 100%) et viola.  One captured Auri Calus - who was totally not worth it :D
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 02:31:56 AM by BanthaFodder »


  • Ensign
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I have the necessary number of marines and I'm right on top of the target location, but the "raid the pirate hideout" is still greyed out. It just says "you need to be closer to <location> but I'm already there.
Same issue here, i had to pay the filthy pirates instead and now i feel dirty.  :(

Addicted Starfarer

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I have the necessary number of marines and I'm right on top of the target location, but the "raid the pirate hideout" is still greyed out. It just says "you need to be closer to <location> but I'm already there.
Same issue here, i had to pay the filthy pirates instead and now i feel dirty.  :(

i had to figure out what was what, i had the same issues but basically sometimes it was actually a station or the planet itself, with a bit trial and error i found out that i just have to be literally on top of the station or the planet itself.


  • Ensign
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Hey! Sorry about this but I'm pretty new to modding and for some reason, the option to do anything with the prisoners doesn't pop up for me? Maybe it's cause I have so many mods but I don't recall having anything that could affect the prisoners. Does anyone have any tips on what I should try to get the mod running?


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1, a mod about being nice to your prisoners
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2023, 01:55:22 AM »

I want to ask a question,


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1, a mod about being nice to your prisoners
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2023, 01:56:50 AM »

Why can't some HVB bounty commanders be arrested


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1, a mod about being nice to your prisoners
« Reply #59 on: November 02, 2023, 02:00:39 AM »

And when I use the capture capture mod, I can catch it,These officers are provided by different mods and hvb collaborations
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