Another stupid question

I've replayed the High value bounty mission for Auri Calus probably about 20 times now without a sniff of capturing her. I'm assuming this is just bad luck and therefore in an attempt to increase my chances I did some nosing around in the files and saw a 'takenoprisonersFactionConfig' folder containing a 'hvb_hostile' file. This file in turn has an entry "captureChance" which is set to 0.02 by default.
Would I be right in assuming that by increasing this value I can improve my chances of capturing officers from high value bounty missions? Or is it perhaps that some of them simply cannot be captured? What chance does 0.02 actually translate to as a percentage?
EDIT: So, I figured this out. For anyone who is interested: Firstly, Auri Calus counts as a Spindle/Scalartech officer and there are no Scalartech entries in any of the required files. I therefore firstly added an entry to 'Fractal Softworks\Starsector\mods\TakeNoPrisoners-v0.16.1\data\config\modSettings.json for 'scalartech', following the established formatting convention and then created a scalartech file in '\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\mods\TakeNoPrisoners-v0.16.1\data\config\takenoprisonersFactionConfig' again matching the parameters of pre-existing files within this location.
I set the capture chance to 1 for each of scalartech, hvb_hostile and famous_bounty just to be certain (I think this equates to 100%) et viola. One captured Auri Calus - who was totally not worth it