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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Take No Prisoners v0.16.1 was a mod about being nice to your prisoners  (Read 81523 times)


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Can the mod work with [Capture Officers and Crew ]?

No. Take No Prisoners is meant to replace Capture Officers completely, as that mod is abandoned and has serious memory issues. Use TNP alone if you want that functionality (and note that TNP has not been updated for .96 officially yet).


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updated for 0.96a


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Any way to get hand on a previous verison of this mod for 0.95a? (I'm playing on outdated modpack, and many mods are not yet converted, so...Help? Pretty please?)

UPD. Nevervind. Found the github link on the comment sections. Pardon my...forgot the word.

If possible, could you, author, pin the link to github in the main post? So eyeless cretins like me wouldn't ask stupid questions like this one?   ;)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 02:10:00 PM by Dondakee »


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updated again to provide better support for the PAGSM philip andrada gas station manager mod


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updated for 0.96a
updated again to provide better support for the PAGSM philip andrada gas station manager mod

You legend!


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to anyone who appears to support the edit to my mod: there is a new license for the version on 0.96a. please do not use my now-updated code for your vile and trash edit that affects other people's work.


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sadly, this will do nothing;
RS 0.96 uses TNP 0.95 which still used the previous license, and he then updated the entire codebase to 0.96
this move is, for any and all purpose, null, void and unapplicable
not like you could do anything against it outside of legal action, even if it was actionnable, because that mod will never be published on this forum or USC.
retroactive application breaks the core tenents of licensing
(edited: didn't actually read the "now updated code" part properly)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 08:10:28 PM by jujuteux »


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love the mod but I think an icon would be nice


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sadly, this will do nothing;
RS 0.96 uses TNP 0.95 which still used the previous license, and he then updated the entire codebase to 0.96
this move is, for any and all purpose, null, void and unapplicable
not like you could do anything against it outside of legal action, even if it was actionnable, because that mod will never be published on this forum or USC.
retroactive application breaks the core tenents of licensing
(edited: didn't actually read the "now updated code" part properly)

i know that i can't retroactively apply a license. this is why i specified to not use my updated code or anything else from the repo after the update. i'm not dumb, go back to corvus, etc.


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i know that i can't retroactively apply a license. this is why i specified to not use my updated code or anything else from the repo after the update. i'm not dumb, go back to corvus, etc.
People who made the edit of your mod genuinely do not care about or respect your license. Like it or not, you cannot enforce it. They don't post it on forums, they don't post it on Nexus, they don't post it in USC, they don't post it on Corvus. If they'll feel the need to use updated versions of your mod they won't care about what is, in effect, a gentlemen's agreement at best. All you are doing with this is bringing needless attention to yourself and picking a fight you have no way of actually fighting.


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i know that i can't retroactively apply a license. this is why i specified to not use my updated code or anything else from the repo after the update. i'm not dumb, go back to corvus, etc.
People who made the edit of your mod genuinely do not care about or respect your license. Like it or not, you cannot enforce it. They don't post it on forums, they don't post it on Nexus, they don't post it in USC, they don't post it on Corvus. If they'll feel the need to use updated versions of your mod they won't care about what is, in effect, a gentlemen's agreement at best. All you are doing with this is bringing needless attention to yourself and picking a fight you have no way of actually fighting.

i don't really care.

Great Wound

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i don't really care.

Then why change it ;D

People who made the edit of your mod genuinely do not care about or respect your license. Like it or not, you cannot enforce it. They don't post it on forums, they don't post it on Nexus, they don't post it in USC, they don't post it on Corvus. If they'll feel the need to use updated versions of your mod they won't care about what is, in effect, a gentlemen's agreement at best. All you are doing with this is bringing needless attention to yourself and picking a fight you have no way of actually fighting.

If anything he's publicly distancing himself from it. Which is for the best, some people are easily triggered and no doubt they will bring their grievances to Matt because he was the original author. He may not be the mastermind behind it but he's still going to catch flak for it.


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If anything he's publicly distancing himself from it. Which is for the best, some people are easily triggered and no doubt they will bring their grievances to Matt because he was the original author. He may not be the mastermind behind it but he's still going to catch flak for it.
I suppose that's one way to look at it, though I doubt this will actually dissuade anyone stupid or mentally ill enough to pester him over a fork exclusive to vietnamese knitting forums from doing so in the future.


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Can this mod put some crew option likes the abandon  Capture Officers.
We can interact with Officers but can't do anything to enemy crew.
We may give an option likes.
Yeah I will join you but you need to treat my crew nicely.
- Put captured Crew in the same slot of their officers. (Crew from the ships without captain may put in general categories or faction category...release crew of treat them nicely will raise affection with crew's faction...Butcher them may cause problem when they found out the faction crew kidney what's found in black market)
- Treat crew nicely by gives food/supplies/luxury and domestic goods will raise affection for the crew and makes their ship captain likes the player more.
- Depend on officers innate personality when talking with them. Some may want us to treat their crew badly for their own fun.
- The crew may spit some beans when treat them nice or torture them. (Give some special interaction when visit a certain market or plant for more interesting encounters)


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While I'd also love to see some crew included, I'd rather keep it simple and just extend the current functionality slightly.

The crew could be a part of the officer - you capture officer with X accompanying crew.  The number of crew each officer came with could be dependent on the ship he was officering, or the fleet that was destroyed.

You still talk to the officer only, but your other actions apply to both the officer and crew, e.g.:

  • Bribe/Hire the officer - joins you along with the crew
  • Execute - kills both crew and the officer
  • Release - similar, both are released for rep
  • Ransom - similar, both are released for ransom

  • Hire - you get an officer for which you need to pay the salary
  • Execute - random chance for the officer to "change their mind" and offer joining you; if officer joins you, so will all crew; otherwise a random chance for some crew to rebel and offer joining you instead of being executed
  • Release - rep increase based on level and crew number
  • Ransom - cash based on level and crew number

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