You are being obtuse
Please stay away from personal attacks and take a look at the forum rules.
My point in it being a single player game was to point out that if something is a little more powerful than something else - it won't matter much.
No restrictions at all would of course make for a very boring game, actually, it wouldn't be a game it would be a tech demo or some sort of numbers simulation.
I mean, I get what you're saying here, but I don't think it's a very useful argument on its own, which is probably what Draba was getting at. It's true as a generality, but - as you say! - clearly *some* amount of rules/balance is necessary, so it's all down to the specifics of a particular case, deciding what is and isn't needed. You could certainly make an argument against this idea, but "it's single-player etc" is more useful as a supporting justification for a more specific point.
The "Same state" will be achieved in the end.
In this case, the changes *should* make it so that a broader range of options is viable. Not all of these options will be optimal - almost by definition, there's only going to be one of those (unless somehow perfect balance is achieved, which, not very likely) - but still, viable. I think what you might be getting at with the "same state" point is that there'd still be an optimal path, which, fair enough. But - to your other point! - it's a single-player game, balance isn't *that* important, and there should be more viable paths, which is what really matters.
But when something bothers me, I want to get my opinions across as clear as possible. Hell if I never complained, feedback from me would be useless.
And I appreciate it! I'm not even going to say you're necessarily wrong here. I *think*, obviously, that this will be a positive (and also relatively minor) change, but we'll see. There's definitely a player-facing complexity component and it's something I've thought about for a while before moving ahead with this.
This might seem goofy but I believe with the few of us generally concerned and cynical folks, we keep the devs from going berserk and doing something "too experimental". I actually don't know how to explain this phenomenon with words but I know it happens in a lot of games with continued development.
(Not too sure about this aspect of it, to be honest. I know where I want the game to go, generally speaking! So randomly going totally off the rails isn't really a... thing? But at the same time, mistakes happen and a reality check is not a bad thing, either.)
100% my impression but I've pinned Alex as mostly being a "smile and nod" type, player feedback is obviously important but wouldn't give it too much credit for the big picture
Haha! Real talk, feedback is super important and I appreciate it. I'm also not going to just do something purely because of it, but the number of times it's made me look at something in a new way and ultimately make changes is too large to count. It's fair to say that player feedback has helped improve the game *a lot*. (That said, looking at the "why" of the feedback is often the important part.)