I am enjoying the mod. I like the floating eye modification (I forget its name) that shoots and floats around a ship. It reminds me of Terarria. I came up with a few ideas for more mods like that I thought I would share. I think it would be hard to code them and would take effort.
So here are my ideas for modifications that do things...
Setup a battle platform, loads up like a captured node point, and sets up a defensive platform. I have ton of mods, I think one of them do this and it is very cool. Maybe the code could be borrowed but I don't know what mod does this specifically. Maybe should be triggered if a ship sets a point to defend. Defend point set will spawn a drone platform that spawns as long as the ships stays to defend it. If canceled or dead the platform de-spawns or blows up.
Drop mines behind the ship as it moves, mines blow up after awhile to prevent endless spam. I like the idea of laying down a mine trail, would be cool on fast ships and could also back fire on your own ships if it leads the way, sounds fun to me.
Drop mines on the sides of the ship, so slightly different than for behind, might make it hard to navigate with it?
Skater mines away from the ship around it that float off quickly (but not to fast, a good drifting speed) away from the ship.
Gets a fighter that locks onto near by ships and acts as an escort (it should be good at shooting down missiles), if no other ship it will follow itself.
Gets suicide drones that spawn and fly into an enemy, acts as an endlessly firing missile add-on to the ship. Should be a few seconds delay between each spawn and they shouldn't be to OP but should be useless either, should be the equivalent to being shot at by the twin eye drones that circle a ships equivalent.