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Author Topic: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong  (Read 1829 times)


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I believe in my game I just finished wiping the floor with the sixth or seventh Inspection sent against my AI-centric empire, our Throneworld situated in a High Risk system with my faction industrial base directly beneath a Remnant Nexus.

The Hegemony has dedicated, and lost, thousands or more likely hundreds of thousands of souls and trillions of credits towards fruitless attempts at 'inspecting' my worlds for evidence of AI activity, when for decades I have been essentially been willing to publicly volunteer that information towards them and in any case they can plainly see that the lengths I am willing to defend my sovereignty is probably a good indication that we're up to something.

I would suggest that after enough inspections go horribly bad - i.e. resulting in the deaths of thousands - the Hegemony eventually stops attempting to verify your crimes with little things like evidence and declares you a Rogue state, probably calling on all aligned powers of the galaxy to stop you before it's too late, launching a third AI war. It just seems a little silly for them to be banging their heads on a brick wall so hard and so often.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 12:43:25 AM by Kakroom »


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Re: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2022, 07:41:21 AM »

eh. Tritach would then just ally with you and start the 3rd AI war
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 07:53:37 AM by Jackundor »


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Re: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2022, 11:44:24 AM »

This can be extended to every faction that sends expeditions because of economics or Free Port.  Either they should stop or declare war and go all-out.

They should also think twice after the player sat bombs a couple worlds as retaliation from the excessive expeditions or other invasions.


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Re: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2022, 05:55:06 PM »

I agree. I don't even think that the solution to this is that difficult. Calculate the hegemony's war weariness (from recent losses), the projected resistance in the target system, your standing with the hegemony and who it's currently at war with. Depending on how much the hegemony hates you, how many losses it took recently, how many wars it's waging right now and how many forces it would take to deal with the projected resistance in your system, the hegemony will decide if sending a sufficiently large task force is worth it. Incidentally, the Hegemony is constantly at war with at least a couple factions, so if it likes you enough, it will decide that picking any more fights might be a bad call, and give you a pass for the time being.


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Re: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2022, 05:51:24 PM »

I believe in my game I just finished wiping the floor with the sixth or seventh Inspection sent against my AI-centric empire, our Throneworld situated in a High Risk system with my faction industrial base directly beneath a Remnant Nexus.

The Hegemony has dedicated, and lost, thousands or more likely hundreds of thousands of souls and trillions of credits towards fruitless attempts at 'inspecting' my worlds for evidence of AI activity, when for decades I have been essentially been willing to publicly volunteer that information towards them and in any case they can plainly see that the lengths I am willing to defend my sovereignty is probably a good indication that we're up to something.

I would suggest that after enough inspections go horribly bad - i.e. resulting in the deaths of thousands - the Hegemony eventually stops attempting to verify your crimes with little things like evidence and declares you a Rogue state, probably calling on all aligned powers of the galaxy to stop you before it's too late, launching a third AI war. It just seems a little silly for them to be banging their heads on a brick wall so hard and so often.

I suggested something similar a while ago. Didn't get much traction.


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Re: The Hegemony Takes a Hint after Enough Inspections Go Horribly Wrong
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2022, 06:09:47 PM »

Good suggestion!