Nice read!
Assorted comments on the postI managed to not consider on my own that Alviss-kun's character is a typically feminine archetype. But it explains why he's best boy, or something along those lines at any rate.
Woah Hegemony kids are raised in creches? Just a few of them, or a lot, maybe even a majority?
I can see Cavin going on a two-page "the violence inherent in the system" rant in the ingame dialog now (with story point option for player character to grab him by the scruff of the neck and give him a good shake)
re. the Finding Coureuse diplomatic/exploration split: TBH I feel like even someone who dislikes the somewhat lengthy dialog in the diplo route (which I don't) will find it much easier to put up with (especially when you can mash '1') than flying to a distant system and combing every location of interest (Active Sensor Burst is easier to work with than Neutrino Detector's false signals).
One thing I found mildly surprising when experimenting with the quest for the wiki walkthrough: if you mess up the questioning and don't get either of the potential leads, Siyavong basically bails you out, rather than, say, the player having to run back to Baird and switch to the exploration route.
Surprised you like rules.csv! Most modders seem to hate it; I don't mind it since I'm pretty good at working with it (thanks to Nexerelin), but working with it in a spreadsheet does make dialog flows quite clunky. With something written in a 'proper' programming language/editor (like Ren'Py), you can just do a bunch of sequential if checks to flow through a tree chart, whereas with rules.csv each node almost needs to have its full set of requirements specified.
Incidentally, David (and Alex), have you seen
SafariJohn's Rules Tool? I find its GUI makes a lot of rules editing tasks a lot easier to do.
a character who thinks that the player of Starsector is an awful person
We kind of are! Well, Nex makes it a lot worse with the planetary conquest mechanics (hence
my fanfic here). But even considering only the vanilla mechanics, a lot of players make a living by killing people, and not always groups like pirates who
are genuine threats to the ordinary public either. Or being the pirates ourselves, in space or robbing planets with our hordes of marines. Or running arms to criminal organizations. Then there's things like all the times before 0.95.1's sensor array hack mechanic, where I killed the Hegemony patrol with its hundreds of crew simply because it was the fastest way to hack the Aztlan Relay.
4XI think there's a lot of player interest in 4X (and thus the stuff Nexerelin offers) because 4X games are fun, and also some parts of Starsector are already compatible with the concept (in particular the existence of competing factions that sometimes fight each other, with the player potentially becoming one of them). At the same time, it's probably for the best that SS isn't a 4X and Alex has specifically ruled out it becoming one.
There are a bunch of reasons for this, but the two that are relevant to this blog post are:
- It kinda breaks verisimilitude, and the themes of the game, for the player to be this almighty conquering warlord that can stomp on all the factions of the Sector, often with the tiniest fraction of the resources that the Hegemony or League ought to be able to field against the player. (You can already do this on the space layer, crushing Kazeron or Chicomoztoc's defences and holding the planet hostage from orbit, and it's, uhh, kinda disturbing)
Ahh, the good old days when Nex allowed several hundred marines to take a size 7 planet with tens of millions of people! Now you want at least 1.5 thousand to have a good chance of success 
- On a lower level, having to account for planets no longer being under their original faction would break the dialog writing and/or mission generation processes. As it is, we already have to kludge it with the story planets having hidden immunity to decivilization.
With the 4X stuff segregated into its own mod, vanilla can just assume no planet flipping, and then I just smack a "this will create a time paradox" (not in those words) warning on the invasion screen. Then it's on the player's head if e.g. they have a chat with Daud while his planet has already been conquered by Tri-Tachyon. (Fortunately none of the quests actually break in the sense of blocking progression)
Future questsWithout going into specifics:
What, the "Baird arc" has just one more quest in it? I'd figured there'd be like 3-5 more missions in it, except it isn't the Baird arc any longer, it's the Coureuse/Zal arc where we work with them on the rest of the gate network reactivation.
Will there be more quests to, in the words of the front page feature list, "determine the fate of the Sector by your actions"? Perhaps involving the major factions; among other things, I'm surely not the only one itching to strike a blow against the plutocrats of Kazeron and bring true freedom to the League (in part because the League feels rather underutilized in lore for the second great power of the Sector).