Q: Wait, this isn't in the alphabetical order! What do I do?
A: Hit Ctrl+F and let the computer search for you.
Starsector glossary:
FF - Frigate
DD - Destroyer
CC - Console Commands mod (yes, there isn't really any agreed cruiser abbreviation)
BC - Battlecruiser
BB - Battleship
CP - Command Points
CR - Crew Readiness
PPT - Peak Performance Time
PD - Point Defence (both the skill and the category of weapons)
LT - Low-tech
ML - Midline
HT - High-tech
Heg - Hegemony
PL - Persean League
TT - Tri-Tachyon
LC - Luddic Church
LP - Luddic Path
SD - Sindrian Diktat
Indies - Independents
Helmsmanship has no common abbreviation to my knowledge.
CE - Combat Endurance.
IM - Impact Mitigation
DC - Damage Control
FM - Field Modulation (rarely used)
PD - Point Defence (both the skill and the category of weapons)
TA - Target Analysis
BM - Ballistic Mastery
SE - Systems Expertise
MS - Missile Specialisation
Tactical Drills has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of TD.
CM - Coordinated Manoeuvres
WT - Wolfpack Tactics
CT - Crew Training
Fighter Uplink has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of FU.
Carrier Group has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of CG.
Officer Training has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of OT.
Officer Management has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of OM.
BotB - Best of the Best.
SD - Support Doctrine
Nav - Navigation
Sensors has no common abbreviation.
GI - Gunnery Implants
EWM - Energy Weapons Mastery
EW - Electronic Warfare
Flux Regulations has no common abbreviation.
Cybernetic Augmentation has no common abbreviation.
NL - Neural Link
AS - Automated Ships
Bulk Transport has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of BT.
Salvaging has no common abbreviation.
Field Repairs has no common abbreviation.
OE - Ordnance Expertise
PA - Polarised Armour
Containment Procedures has no common abbreviation.
Makeshift Equipment has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of ME.
Industrial Planning has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of IP.
Derelict Operations has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of DO.
Hull Restoration has no common abbreviation, even if we have the initialism of HR.
LAC - Light Autocannon
LDAC, DLAC - Light Double Autocannon
LAG - Light Assault Gun.
HAC - Heavy Autocannon
ACG - Assault Chaingun
HVD - Hypervelocity Driver
HAG - Haephestus Assault Gun
AMB - Anti-matter Blaster
PDL - PD Laser
LRPD - Long Ranged PD Laser
BPDL - Burst PD Laser
HB - Heavy Blaster
HIL - High Intensity Laser
TL - Tachyon Lance
APL - Autopulse Laser
PC - Plasma Cannon
SO - Safety Overrides (it's probably the most common abbreviation)
AO - Advanced Optics
ADF - Augmented Drive Field
ATC - Advanced Targeting Core
AWM - Armoured Weapon Mounts
ARU - Automated Repair Unit
BF - Ballistic Rangefinder
CH - Converted Hangar
DTC - Dedicated Targeting Core
EDC - Expanded Deck Crew
EO - Efficiency Overhaul
Big Mags - Expanded Magazines
EMR - Expanded Missile Racks
IAM - Ill-Advised Modification
MS - Militarised Subsystems
MSG - Makeshift Shield Generator
HBI - Heavy Ballistics Integration
HS - Hardened Shields
HSS - Hardened Subsystems
HA - Heavy Armour
HSA - High Scatter Amplifier
IEA - Insulated Engine Assembly
IPDAI - Integrated Point Defence AI
ITU - Integrated Targeting Unit
RBH - Reinforced Bulkheads
SO - Safety Overrides
RFC - Reinforced Flux Conduits
UI - Unstable Injector