- Moved AMPP portraits to Angry Periphery
- Moved Lords data to Angry Periphery
- Removed AMPP portraits from factions
- Turned down Kocsucker name frequency (2->0.
- Adjusted starting relationships
- Adjusted known weapons for factions
- Revisted ship descriptions
- Bhilai - Zorrah - Added Station (Mid-Battle)
- Upgraded heavy industry to orbital works
- Google droneships
- Default loadout changed to include Neural Intergrator (why else would drones in their fleets appear to be piloted by humans...)
- Added Weapon - Flare/Swarm Cannon - Is it a cannon! Is it a missile! No! It's totally a flaregun!
- Added Weapon - Phasebeam (LG) - You want Gogol tech? This is how you get Gogol tech!
- Added Weapon - AP Rifle (P) - A primitve rifle loaded with AP rounds (that Kanta may, or may not have, stolen from Bhilia Astra)
- Streak MRM - Increased Damage to 200*4 (from 100*6)
- Increase small ammo to 6
- Decreased Medium ammo to 18
- Added pirate variants - Redrum! (Wolf/Mantiore/Colossus3)
- Added LG variants - Lionesses (Brawler/Sunder/Falcon)
- Added req_military to KoC Tempest/Shrike/Fury/Oddy
- Replace Damper with Damper (Revised) on KoC ships
- Atlas (C) - Fixed no spawn bug - carrierCapital does (not) exist
- Added +1 variant
- Pranker (LP) - Added to ship roles!
- Increased L.Arc to 210 - FORWARD DAKKA!
- Phantom (MbG)- Replaced field.stab with Coherer
- Gemini (EU) - Replace targetingfeed with forgevats
- Added Nav Relay
- Reduced OP to 75 (-10)
- Variant Tweak
- Requieum - M.Composite changed to Universal - (P) variant
- Added Ballistic Rangefinder
- Haymaker - Replaced Flares with cannister flak
- Hinny - Added HighRes Sensors
- Small missile changed to Energy
- Variant tweak
- Large reverted to turret + sprite tweak
- Gizzard - Small Hybrid changed to Ballistic
- Changed ship system to Fast Missile Racks
- (LG) Changed ship system to High energy focus
- Added (EU) variant
- Changed small Ballistic to Energy, added Efficency Overhaul
- Ship system changed to Burn Drive
- Geist - Changed system to interdictor
- (MbG) Increased flare count and tweaked colour (custom system)
- Tempest - Removed drones (BuiltIn Converted Fighter Bay)
- Mercury - Engine changed to midline
- Manta - Set to 0 in variants (Moved to DevHell)
- Wolf (P) - Small Missile changed to Composite - Vanilla tweak
- Adjudicator - NEW SHIP!!!
- LIDAR Artillery variant of the enforcer
- Sleipnir - NEW SHIP!!!
- A 'light cruiser' variant of the Sleipnir
- Old Sleipnir renamed (Protoype) and only avalible through KoC Start
- Revised starting rules
- Fighter/Drone Tweaks -
- Pulse Drone - Replace with Hawkwolf Light Interceptor (5 OP)
- Reduced HP/Armour to 350/75
- Increase speed/range to 350/6000
- Addcrew (1)
- Removed 'noweaponflux' - maximum dps 200 - sustained dps reduced to 111
- Added alternate tech skins
- Pulse Drone (C) - Changed Description