sorry, my question was if i set "MF_OreConversionRate: 10" to 100, would that make it run ten times faster at the same efficiency?
Ah ok sorry I guess I went into TLDR territory there.
The answer is, um sort of, becasue if you do that while keeping the other numbers static then it will undervalue the platinum output. By adjusting only one number in the equation, it throws off the others since you will consuming 10x the ore while still using only 1 heavy machinery and the cost of Platinum is a static 2000 credits. Refer to the chart for ore on the first page and you will see the calculations involved to ensure that the input equals the output, assuming you do not have any modifiers like a nanoforge or salvage gantry.
Off the top of my head I am unsure what the exact math is by increasing the conversion rate only as you suggest, lord knows it took me some time to set these all up to make sure they were balanced and that was over three years and five mods ago lol. My suggestion is to play around with the values in the settings file, run the script though one cycle and see the result. Essentially remove all modifiers from your fleet (nanoforge/Salvage Gantry) fill your cargo with ore and heavy machinery, press the button and watch it cycle once then press it again to stop it and check your inventory. If you really want to balance it you may need to change the value of the output custom commodity (Platinum in the case of ore) price which is in data\campaign\commodities.csv.
I apologize if that is probobly more than you wanted to read but I do hope it leads you in the correct direction.