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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] AI-Retrofits  (Read 199699 times)


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[0.97a] AI-Retrofits
« on: July 09, 2021, 08:34:11 PM »


  • Robotic markets, captains, and administrators
  • A hullmod to automate any ship
  • New drones and another hullmod to create them


My very first mod: feel free to suggest things or report bugs.

No known incompatible mods.
Mods that overwrite the automated ships skill will remove the indicator of the abilities from this mod, but you will still get them after you visit a market.
AI retrofit
Zeroes the minimum crew requirement but increases supply consumption and reduces repair speed; costs OP based on the minimum required crew.
Automated Robotic Drone Factory
Replaces crew on a ship (max crew - min crew) with a robot factory for the Automated Robotic Drone Factory ability to activate.
robots are used in fleets to preform operations, mush like crew and marine's. unlike people however, there is no reliable way to get them in the sector. you will need to find a way to get them yourself.
Salvage Drone

A salvage drone. It is about as effective as a normal crew at salvaging, but is worthless at everything else.
Salvage Drones can be built from any fleet with a captain that is willing to go through the efforts of setting up there own robot forge somewhere. be it on there own ship, or somewhere else entirely
jobs: salvaging, repair hyper relay
power: 1
Combat Drone

A battle robot meant for ground engagements. Combat drones have very effective weapons, but have a tendency to walk straight into killboxes and other fortifications. Without the flexibility of normal combatants, they must be deployed en masse to overwhelm the enemy.
Combat Drones can be built from any fleet with a captain that is willing to go through the efforts of setting up there own robot forge somewhere. be it on there own ship, or somewhere else entirely
jobs: raiding. invasions.
power: 0.5,0.5
Survey Drone

A specialized survey drone. It's extremely effective at taking samples from the ground and exploring, much more so than normal crew.
Survey Drones can be built from any fleet with a captain that is willing to go through the efforts of setting up there own robot forge somewhere. be it on there own ship, or somewhere else entirely
jobs: survey
power: 1.5
Advanced Salvage Drone

A utility robot that moves objects with four advanced tractor beams. It is powered by an internal power core doubling as a primary computer. It can project its beams into a cutting edge for tearing objects apart cleanly. Attempts to replicate this technology without [DATA EXPUNGED] have been unsuccessful.
As an extremely advanced construction a Advanced Salvage Drone would require a specialized facility to be built. and a lot of processing power. how one would accomplish such things is unknown.
jobs: salvage, repair hyper relay
power: 1.25
Advanced Combat Drone

A relatively large combat unit armed with a miniaturized phase lance. Deadlier than a human being, it is able to assault enemy positions with no regard for its own safety - resulting in poorer overall defenses and a higher enamy casualty rate. Attempts to replicate this technology without [DATA EXPUNGED] have been unsuccessful.
As an extremely advanced construction a Advanced Combat Drone would require a specialized facility to be built. and a lot of processing power. how one would accomplish such things is unknown.
jobs: raiding, invasions
power: 1.25
Advanced Survey Drone

A relatively small robot armed with a litany of scanners and sensors, primarily used for planetary surveys. Its advanced propulsion allows it to swiftly react to any changes in its environment, and it is just durable enough to survive most planetary conditions. Attempts to replicate this technology without [DATA EXPUNGED] have been unsuccessful.
As an extremely advanced construction a Advanced Survey Drone would require a specialized facility to be built. and a lot of processing power. how one would accomplish such things is unknown.
jobs: survey
power: 1.5
sometimes, its better to wonder at the impossible, then it is to actually do it.
sometimes it is better to sleep, then to wake up.
sometimes, you never even existed. other times, you always were and always will be. its saddling the line between the two possibilities that make us alive
Command Relay

An AI Command Core. While it is not even comparable to something like a gamma core, it is still capable of performing calculations, provided there are not too many variables to consider. If given too much to do, the core will lag to the point of uselessness.
can be used to improve the effectiveness of robots in your fleet.
Maintenance Parts

Various parts for robot maintenance, for when robotic workers suffer minor damage.
presently has no use outside of trade
Robotic Replacement Parts

A set of easily-adaptable parts to repair robotic workers that have suffered extensive damage.
presently has no use outside of trade
Human Interface Node

A robotic worker designed to perfectly mimic the appearance of a human being. If no colonist can converse with a visitor, then this will naturally arouse suspicion. This machine helps to prevent that by talking to people; about their day, about work, about all sorts of things.
presently has no use outside of trade
Automated Robotic Drone Factory:
[image is currently placeholder. will add once it is no longer a placeholder.]
An ability that can be used to produce survey, salvage, and combat drones.
Can be inproved by haveing nanoforges in your fleet or by having more 'forge power' from ships with the 'Automated Robotic Drone Factory' hull mod.
New Market Type
With the automated ship skill or the right hull mods you can create a robotic market:
  • Different required commodity to maintain stability
  • Different growth system, relying on constructing robots instead of immigration
  • Crew and marines supply and demand swapped with salvage and combat robots.
  • Small stability bonus
  • Can host a handful of special buildings (mostly useless for now)
  • Fleets and people from and on this world have special captain names and portraits.
  • Every ship of every fleet from this world has AI-Retrofit and no crew.
(only allowed on robotic population market)
  • robotic worker assembely
  • robot worker factory
  • robot worker production center
  • AI Node Production Facility
  • Robotic Maintenance Center
  • Synthetic Production Center
  • Automated Ship Instalation Center
(allowed anywhere): (still requires the relevant skills though)
  • Personal Salavage Robot Manufactory
  • Personal Survey Robot Manufactory
  • Personal Combat Robot Manufactory
  • Population Replacement Center (for the people with a little evil in your hearts)
Market Conditions
Robotic Population
  • Liral: for making the from post more readable on 2023/01/07
  • Capesh: the editor for making my mod at least readable.
  • the Quacken for the automated ship instalation center image. It's cool! =)
  • FrownTown for editing the words that made up the 0.7.19 update.
  • Everyone who answered the questions I needed to answer to make this mod.
  • Everyone who posted suggestions and bug reports on the discord.  They helped greatly!
save compatible with
        fixed issues of randomly disappearing cargo. should take effect over the course of 6? months if you install it mid game.
        added toggleable logs to the AINodeProduction sub market. should help me if there are more issues.
        also i remembered to disable the logs this time, as should be the default.
save compatible with
        fixed a random crash with my AINodeProduction submarket.
        thank you to the user who reported this.
save compatible with
    disabled the 'increased defences with higher their bots' feature that was causeing lag end game. maybe. if you are lucky.
    you can re enable it by going into settings and setting 'AIRetrofits_AllowDefenceBounusFromAdvancedBots' to true
save compatible with
    updated to the latest version
        fixed broken version checker support. sorry that was a thing.
        fixed some things not being hidden that should have never been noticed.
        cross mod content!!
            Invasions with nexerline on AI-Pop worlds, or other worlds were there are robots do to industrys, now might have robot defenders!
            Invasions with nexerline from AI-Pop worlds, or other worlds were there are robots do to industrys, now might have robot attackers!
            you can now have robotic heavy units!
            all robots now have there own unit definitions, so they can have dramatically different stats
            sometimes, you can even have more 'advanced' robots in your invasions, provided you can create them
            -note: this can all be disabled in the settings.
        added a defence bonus for creating more advanced combat robots on your colony's.
        changed the image for the basic combat robot. its not better, but i needed to change it, and i think im going to redo it because it sucks.

    note: to the ones who are waiting fixes to my terrible, inconsistent spelling and grammar, that will (hopefully) be next update. this was delayed to long however, so i needed to post it before then.
save compatible with
        requires marketRetrofits V0.2+
        added a new sub market, wish is added a market when you build a 'AI Node Production Facility'
            -this market sells command nodes as admins and officers. i think its cool.
        added T2 robot manufactures. because sometimes you want more
        added version checker support (hopefully)
        added a new item called a 'command node'.
            -this item can only be found in the new sub-market.
            -it can be right clicked on to get a new officer or admen.
        (with nexerlin) added a new person that can be made in the robot forge.
        changed the way you found an robotic market, you now need to use the 'establish a colony', then select the appropriate option to do so.
        changed the way beta core modifiers work for the personal robot manufacture. they now scale with output
        changed the way the personal robot output works for the personal robot manufacture. they now scale with output
        fixed a possible issue with detecting if an alpha core was in a industry. probably never happened though.
        fixed the game crashing when you went to look at the production report for the AI-Retrofits shipyard if you loaded the game after it was created
        added the midding create command node text tot he config

save compatible with
    fixes: fixed a rare crash involving the intil thing for upgrading ships.
save compatible with
    fixes: did a patchwork fix on the patchwork AIRetrofit for patchwork reasons.
save compatible with 0.20.1+
    fixes: fixed a rare bug that stopped the player from adding hullmods in very rare conditions hopefully
save compatible with
    fixes: fixed 'patchwork AI-retrofit' and AI-retrofit crash when both hullmods were unlocked.
updated to 0.96a.
    background: worked on something cool
V0.7.20: (was only released as a private project. is part of the update.)
save compatible with 0.7.9+
    mod compatibility:
        made it so combat and salvage robots could be used in 'nomadic survivals' planetary operations (once crew replacer supports this)
        added 108 first and last names to possible names for command nodes. (got them from a online name generator. feel free to suggest more names / name generators.)
        fixed AIRetrofit hull-mod sometimes not displaying its repair time increase correctly.
        made AIRetrofit hull-mod be a little more clear on how mush repair speed is slowed down hopefully.
        possably fixed a issue that might have been causing crashes?
        added a new hullmod, patchwork AIRetrofits. for when you want to fly the ship back to the spaceport with no crew.
    background work:
        did some background work for adding a new hull-mod or 2.
        did some background work for a interesting item.
save compatible with 0.7.9+
    improvements: a handful more edits (thanks again 'FrownTown' for edits)
save compatible with 0.7.9+
        edited a bunch of text (thank you 'FrownTown' for editing all the text to be more readable)
        changed the robotic population and infrastructure test to something none placeholder, if boring. as well as adding it the the settings
save compatible with 0.7.9+
        (hopefully) fixed a issue in relation to AIRetrofit causing a crash with progressive S-mods on oping the progressive S-mod menu. hopefully.
v0.7.18: save combatable with version 0.7.9+:
        added a new way to found a market, (unlucked once you have AI ships skill or have found the relevant hullmods and skills), costing salvage robots and sub command nodes instead of crew. worlds built in this way have some interesting properties:
            -they have different required commodity to maintain stability
            -they have a different growth system, relying on constructing robots instead of immigration
            -they have all there crew and marines supply and demand swapped with salvage and combat robots.
            -they have a small stability bonus
            -they can host a handful of special buildings (mostly useless for now)
            -fleets and people from / on this world now have special captions names and portraits.
            -fleets from this world now all have AI-Retrofit, and no crew.
        added a host of new colony buildings:
            (only allowed on robotic population market)
                robotic worker assembely
                robot worker factory
                robot worker production center
                AI Node Production Facility
                Robotic Maintenance Center
                Synthetic Production Center
                Automated Ship Instalation Center
            (allowed anywhere):
                Personal Salavage Robot Manufactory
                Personal Survey Robot Manufactory
                Personal Combat Robot Manufactory
                Population Replacement Center (for the people with a little evil in your hearts)
        robot forge:
            can now craft sub command nodes.
            sub command nodes can be 'upgraded' into officers or admins.
                2 new tiers of salvage, combat, and survey robots
                Command Relay
                Maintenance Parts
                Sub-Command Node
                Robotic Replacement Parts
                Human Interface Node
            robots ability to do jobs has been changed, they now rely on AI cores to command them, and restive detergents when no AI core in is cargo, and buffs when there is one.
        the sound robot forge played when it was on. didn't like.
        robot forge:
            -changed the default robot forge power from 1 power per 500 crew, to 1 power per 100 crew
            -changed the way nanoforges were calculated, so its now caped at the robot forge power from your robot forges.
            -changed C-nanoforge power from 0.025 to 1.
            -changed P-nanoforge power from 0.075 to 5.
        fixed many of my displays and texts that were broken in some way
        made it so if you find the 'robot forge' hullmod, you will get the 'robot forge' skill after visiting a market.
        a bunch of other things i forgot about
        made this mod compatible with mods that change the AI ships skill. (you will gain the relevant hullmods and skills when you visit a market)
        combat robots are now valid for invasions with nexerlin (yay)

    thank you:
        Capesh: the editor for making my mod at least readable.
        the Quacken: for the automated ship instalation center image. its cool =)
        all the people i asked seemingly random questions at for tolerating that and helping me. i could not have done this without you all
        all the people who piped up with suggestions and bug reports on the discord. it helped a lot

0.6: (not save combatable)
-removed: AutomatedCrewReplacementDrones
-added: hullmod Automated Robotic Drone Factory
-added: ability Automated Robotic Drone Factory
-added: item survey drone
-added: item salvage drone
-added: item combat drone
-added: an working config file.
-added: graphics to everything (to be worked on latter)
-added: an new requirement
-fixed: broken displays for hullmods
-fixed: a few random requirements
-fixed: my name in the mod file
0.5: (save combatable)fixed AutomatedCrewReplacementDrones so it now shows the right numbers in description, and so it lowers max crew correctly
0.4: release
Plans (feel free to suggest things!)
i have plans. ill tell you all about them later
« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 11:39:00 AM by alaricdragon »


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2021, 12:59:19 PM »

cool :)

JUDGE! slowpersun

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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2021, 01:41:01 PM »

Seems lightweight.  Safe to add?  Prolly not to remove, so not a utility mod, but I'm assuming no issues.
I wasn't always a Judge...


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2021, 03:19:18 PM »

i like the feel of one of the mechs from craymons mod with your AI


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2021, 10:34:43 PM »

Seems lightweight.  Safe to add?  Prolly not to remove, so not a utility mod, but I'm assuming no issues.
I have not tested it in a long while, but I think its save to add mid game. no idea about removal though. mostly it only adds a few hull mods, and changes some math, but it might be safe to remove. maybe. probably not.

i like the feel of one of the mechs from craymons mod with your AI
glad you are enjoying it. its always nice to see people enjoying a feature of a mod I made  :)


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2021, 10:37:49 AM »

I think the 100% increase in supply maintenance per month for the automated ship hullmod is too harsh considering it also takes alot of op


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2022, 08:40:05 PM »

I think the 100% increase in supply maintenance per month for the automated ship hullmod is too harsh considering it also takes alot of op

the idea behind the increased maintenance supply cost is so the player would not be able to simply stack up a large amount of automated ships for free, as automated ships remove the crew cost. the idea behind the high OP cost is that it scales with required crew. so larger ships, or more crew heavy ships would be more costly. i will have to add an config at some ponit though, as i can understand why someone would not want this in there game. after i learn how configs work.


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2022, 12:45:31 PM »

How exactly do these modspecs function?

The ai retrofit reduces the crew required down to zero, at the cost of additional expenses. Simple enough.

The automated crew replacement drones do not seem to be counted as crew though.


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2022, 02:05:53 PM »

The automated crew replacement drones do not seem to be counted as crew though
the automated crew replacement drones, if I recall only gives an reduction to the crew cost of surveying and salvaging. it dose not actually provide crew.
im working on a different system for this hullmod right now that dose kind of add crew, if adding crew had nothing to do with crew, that will be mush more simple to understand and hopefully fun.
its not done yet though. but hopefully soontm

as for the ai retrofit, it simply reduces the crew to zero, then adds a load of invisible low cost hull mods to the ship, depending on the ship size and its base required crew, to simulate a dynamic cost. it also makes a ship cost 2X supplies, and reduces in combat repair speed by 50%
« Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 02:09:37 PM by alaricdragon »


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2022, 06:25:53 PM »

would it be possible to get a version that is just a flat OP cost rather then a dynamic one?


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2022, 10:04:43 PM »

would it be possible to get a version that is just a flat OP cost rather then a dynamic one?

I will add this into the config on the next update. its a good idea for an config


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2022, 12:29:35 AM »

I don't appear to have the ability needed to use the factory hull mod even after finding the hull mod and applying it to some ships.
"Someone else might have wept or screamed in frustration or even given up right there and perished. But I didn't have the right to do any of those things, not while my people were in danger. Like it or not, I would have to explore this harsh world on my own."


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2022, 01:22:54 PM »

I don't appear to have the ability needed to use the factory hull mod even after finding the hull mod and applying it to some ships.
this is something i forgot you could do, and failed to account for.
I will find an way to make it so the ability is added when you find the hullmod in the next update. for now, the robot forge hullmod is useless until you get the AI-Retrofits skill, I'm sorry to say.
i will fix this in the next update, but its an big one so it will take time.


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2022, 05:46:13 PM »

I don't appear to have the ability needed to use the factory hull mod even after finding the hull mod and applying it to some ships.
this is something i forgot you could do, and failed to account for.
I will find an way to make it so the ability is added when you find the hullmod in the next update. for now, the robot forge hullmod is useless until you get the AI-Retrofits skill, I'm sorry to say.
i will fix this in the next update, but its an big one so it will take time.

So, how do you get the ability other than that then?
Edit: I did also try getting the automated ship skill, and it did not give me the ability. 
« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 06:39:37 PM by jeffg10 »
"Someone else might have wept or screamed in frustration or even given up right there and perished. But I didn't have the right to do any of those things, not while my people were in danger. Like it or not, I would have to explore this harsh world on my own."


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Re: [0.95a] AI-Retrofits
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2022, 09:16:24 PM »

I don't appear to have the ability needed to use the factory hull mod even after finding the hull mod and applying it to some ships.
this is something i forgot you could do, and failed to account for.
I will find an way to make it so the ability is added when you find the hullmod in the next update. for now, the robot forge hullmod is useless until you get the AI-Retrofits skill, I'm sorry to say.
i will fix this in the next update, but its an big one so it will take time.

So, how do you get the ability other than that then?
Edit: I did also try getting the automated ship skill, and it did not give me the ability.
sorry I didn't see that you responded, if I did I would have replied sooner.
right now, you cant get the ability any other way, that I know of.
if getting the automated ship skill didn't give you the ability, its ether just not on your hotbar and you need to put it there yourself (right click an ability slot on your hotbar to change ability's), or you have another mod that edits the automated ship skill that prevents you from getting it (example: Truly Automated Ships). if the second is true, there is no way for you to get this ability (that i know of), and the only content that is accessible from this mod is the 'AI-Retrofit' hullmod. sorry to disappoint, this will be fixed in the future.
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