
Bumblebee. A formidable attack frigate with double med hardpoint at a cost of... high cost and being exposed from anywhere except front.
Convoy. A more military focused version of the shepherd, good as a support vessel.
Clayfish. Front focused frigate with flexible mounts and built in micro missile platform to pressure their target.
Philoctetes. "Artilery" frigate, built to survive in bigger fleets, but might struggle in smaller ones.

Deadfish. Competitor to the Mule in terms of role, but relies on maneuverability and slightly more armaments to keep cargo intact.
Headache. A fairly small destroyer, able to carry more guns than it can handle.
Truth. Destroyer, which thinks he's a frigate. Good at pressuring and chasing down, not very good at handling being pressured and chased down.
Tarsus Mk2 (LP). Pathers never ending quest to weaponize every civilian ship continues.
Gemini Mk2(LP). Seriously, someone stop them.
Shark. Nimble and packing a bite, good for picking opportune fights, but completely harmless from "backside".
Shark(LP). Modified by pathers to remove absolutely blasphemous rear mount and add necessities like SO

Knife. Cuts one way though.
Starliner mk2 (LP). A engineering challenge for pathers, but they manage to turn flimsy transportship into an actual gun platform, even has spare space for a hangar!
Conquistador. Ship for bold and decisive captains, very small mount focused thus can struggle on long range exchanges, but has a bite up-close.
Pangolin. A military design optimized for relatively cheap mass production(for cruisers at least) and solid survivability. Has limited firepower in exchange. P
angolin(P). While pirates really love to pilot pangolin, they find original layout too... cowardly. So they modified it have extra front firepower and modified shield generator to have a flux shunt, though at significant cost of shield arc and efficiency.
Capital ships

Ludds Wrath. This is exactly what it looks like.
Highlander. Jack of all trades "light" capital ship, with expected downsides. Relies on ammo feeder to have respectable DPS, so applies pressure in bursts.