Sorry for the late notice, but just a heads up, the first stream will be starting in just over an hour.
Catch the action with NemoNaemo and Knight Chase at: requested a last minute schedule change, so the new match order will be:
Carroy (STS) vs DeTess (DA)
Snowblind (LoA) vs SCC (II)
Snowblind (LoA) vs DeTess (DA)
Sl4v101 (II) vs Sozzer (LoA)
PrismaticFlux (VLT) vs Lightforger (XE)
PrismaticFlux (VLT) vs Sozzer (LoA)
SafariJohn (RU) vs Akitsushima (VLT)
Hrothgar Heavenlight (MN) vs Angelhood (SRA)
Hrothgar Heavenlight (MN) vs Akitsushima (VLT)
Alienspacekappa (BDY) vs Deskup (FSU)
DaddyPants (VHT) vs Mino (THI)
DaddyPants (VHT) vs Deskup (FSU)
As always, the most up-to-date information can be found in the Unofficial Discord, or in the tournament spreadsheet
Alrighty; it's been a good set of first matches. Thank you to our participants and commentators! The current scores are:
Catch the vod here: you catch the matches? Vote for your favorite fleet here:
Your next streamer will be Laharl, who can be found at, casting along with Boring Aurica
The stream will begin on Nov 26 @ 20:00 UTC match list is:
Johan (FSU) vs Thaago (ORA)
Qihao56 (VHT) vs Arkangelmark5 (STS)
Qihao56 (VHT) vs Thaago (ORA)
Grievous69 (VLT) vs sad squidward (VHT)
Hiruma Kai (AI) vs AlexAtheos (VMT)
Hiruma Kai (AI) vs sad squidward (VHT)
Citizen Joe (PE) vs Mortia (BDY)
libbmaster (VMT) vs JRG (AI)
libbmaster (VMT) vs Mortia (BDY)
HAL9000 (SRD) vs cSynapse (VLT)
LightningJCutey (ORA) vs HAL9000 (SRD)
HAL9000 (SRD) vs Archaeon (SRA)