What would it take to allow the ATP to install Dock mods?
Hmm - it wouldn't be that complicated, probably. Just... not something I want to touch for a hotfix. And since Asharu is *right there*, it doesn't seem like a very pressing issue.
Having gotten to this point...wow, you weren't kidding 

Maybe issue: shield shunt doesn't have a unique icon and uses heavy armor's icon.
Thank you, noted!
I'm very happy to see the new heavy cruiser "Champion-Class" at first, it can provides extreme firepower(using heavy needle, tac lance and locust missile), protects itself with efficient shield, and engages in high speed. It can perform well in almost all fleet roles, defend/suppport/assault, seems nothings can't be held?
But... the combat soon turned out to be boring, since nothing can stop 2 Champion's co-work assault: fighters got scattered by anti-CV missiles, frigate can seldom escape after entering lance's range, destroyers just appeared and then disappeard, even battleship like Onslaught-Class can not endure their supportive firepower.
And, what's more:I can deploy more Champion-Class there.
Maybe it is too "universal" for such a 25DP ship, it has no significant drawback and just stand there beating almost everything out.
Hmm - will keep an eye on how this develops.
Alex are you sure you fixed capital spam? Every top end bounty has 7 capitals and like 10 cruisers in it
Well, two to be precise...
Ah, I see you haven't gotten *too* far along there...

how to apply damagedealtlistener if not use afterShipCreation?
I mean, while I was developping UNGP, I use BuffManager, and member.getStats().addListener(), but it seems that it doesn't know apply it correctly
Ah - I'm pretty sure that the listeners in ship stats are only for OP cost modifiers.
I can't believe how excited i am for an update to a game i bought in January 2013.
It's not like i play Bioshock Infinite or GTA V any more.
Keep up the good work sir.
Thank you!

Find a bug.
When a ship's d-mod is repaired automatically, the ship's class keeps unchanged (like Enforcer(d)) though there is not any d-mod.
Thank you, noted!
The new raiding mechanic has a weird interaction where, after assigning 3/6 marines to a medium danger objective, assigning the remaining 3 marines to a minimal danger objective actually does more to reduce expected casualties than holding them back. The issue(?) is that assigning the remaining three to the minimal danger objective reduces the danger level of objectives from ×0.1 to ×0.06, whereas holding them back only adds another ×0.85 multiplier.
I'm not entirely sure if this is unintended behaviour, I could totally see this working as intended in a "send guys to cause a distraction elsewhere, then hit the priority target" kinda way, but if so the game should probably mention this interaction in the same place where it says holding marines back will reduce expected casualties.
Hmm, yeah, it should probably mention that.
Can you capture every single unmanned ship? for example can i capture the one defending the cryosleepers? or there's a limit on what i can capture?
Not those, no.
is not used anywhere
which is shame because its pretty cool
Thank you, made a note.
Black markets no longer sell combat capital ships (can still be acquired from arms dealer contact)
I just found a Conquest on Sindria's black market, so this change doesn't seem to fully work.
Thank you - made a note to investigate.
OMG, it's finally there! i'm so happy! Thank you Alex! I hope mods will update soon. But i'm so excited that will play unmodded version anyway.
Just wanted to say I'm really loving the update. Most skill choices are now giving me choice anxiety so a good sign that it's definitely an interesting decision to make now!
And story points are quite plentiful which is very nice, but stuff like eliting a skill feel like a no brainer every time. Very excited for what direction this is gonna go in.
Time to go back to working on my mod update...
Thank you!!
It would be fantastic to have access to the intel tab (or any map) during conversations. Case in point, I just printed the sector map (on actual paper, made from real wood!) so I have at least an idea if a job offer lays on my current route or in the opposite direction.
Hmm, yeah. That could be tricky on the backend of things. Another option would be to throw in a general purpose "this is where the thing is" widget into the conversation. Sort of like the location indicator in the colony list. Will keep this general idea in mind!
By the way, has anyone else trouble with the shift key in menus? It doesn't work for me all the time, not sure if it's my keyboard or if something in the game changed.
Nothing *should* have changed, so I'd be curious to know.
Contact reputation decay is too fast
Huh? AFAIK there's no rep decay.
What's the intended form of the new 0-Flux speed boost? Should it be active when flux is decreasing or only when a ship is completely disengaged? E.g., do I need to toggle off my PD whenever I see pilums? Should shields be inoperable while in use?
If you don't have the elite helmsmanship perk, it should be the same as before. If you do, then the boost is also active as long as nothing (such as, say, raised shields) is adding flux to the ship.
One thing that's kinda disappointing is that only combat related skills can be made elite
Ah - for Combat, that's the story point sink. For other kinds of skills, that aptitude generally unlocks more story point uses. E.G. more elite skills on officers, more s-mods to build in, etc. Also: the point of elite perks in personal combat skills is to make them feel better to take, like you're getting something that you wouldn't get just from sticking an officer into the ship. Given that rationale, there's really no *point* to having elite levels to other types of skills - it's just more story points to spend there.
Unrelated Addendum - Just encountered a bug with Disruption missions.
"The Task is done to $dsp_personName's specifications".
This happened when disrupting Thulian Raider Bases Spaceport, on behalf of another pirates wishes (This seemed odd to start with). I believe I recieved the mission from Derinkuyu Mining Station.
Thank you, noted!
can officers you find have more than one elited skill as well? If so this would make officer management a clearly superior choice to officer training.
IIRC they can. Not sure you're going to find 10 of 'em, though.