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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 694538 times)

Hiruma Kai

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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1065 on: March 27, 2021, 08:34:37 AM »

I already dislike the new leveling system, hopefully mods will stay on 0.9.1a indefinitely.

Is it possible to alter the leveling system or is it internal to the program?

Leveling and individual skills are modable.  Not sure how changable the tiered nature of it is.

For example, one of the easier changes one can make is the skill points per level and max level, as they are just a few entries in a config file:


Skill definitions and tree data live in:

What specifically do you want to change about the skills system?


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1066 on: March 27, 2021, 08:41:10 AM »

it feels like it's for a roguelike playthrough not for a sandbox campaign.


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1067 on: March 27, 2021, 08:55:16 AM »

oh man theres a new update

rip my weekend

im quitting my job

*** sorry government i aint payin no more bills, theres a new starsector update


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1068 on: March 27, 2021, 10:21:30 AM »

Oh well still cannot get the Weapon's base range directly...

I thought there were methods for that in WeaponSpecAPI? Ah, apparently not. Let me add them:
float getMaxRange();
void setMaxRange(float maxRange);

Congrats on the finished update!

Thank you!

This will throw NPE if the interaction target == null when I use custom dialog and a cargo picker.

Thank you, fixed.

Hello, Alex.
I found a bug that d-mod can be freely removed after closing the Build-in hullmod menu.
Even though I did nothing in that menu.

Thank you; made a note. Will fix this up in a bit.

Have put a few hours into it. So far, no major issue, it is a solid release.  8)

I've noticed a non-blocking rendering glitch right from the campaign tutorial. The circle displayed around fleets is not properly rendered when antialiasing is ON, by the look of it. I've posted a message about it in the bug section:

Thank you! And, responded in that thread.

That was a joke lol. Anyways, congrats on the release. I'll make sure to play the hell out of the new content in the upcoming week.

Thank you, hope you enjoy :)

Although I have found a counter example to one of your update notes:  Randomly generated planets in the core (including Duzahk and Penelope's Star) should no longer be habitable

For example, seed:  MN-6515539495321392923 placed a 125% hazard habitable Jungle world in orbit of a new random Gas Giant in the Duzahk system.  I'm wondering if somehow the recursive generation of planets around new gas giants may provide a path to still provide habitable worlds there.  Or is this intended but just rare?

Hmm yeah, it looks like a moons issue. Made a note.

There is plenty of great things in this update.
I really dislike the new skill system. Its feel extremely limiting and artificial. I feel like there is practically no satisfying choice, not for min/maxing but for RP.
Its simply not fun.
The old system have its problems(mostly the empty usage of skill points to unlock skill tiers) but the new one feel worse in this category forcing me to take skills I don't want to be able pick skills I want.
No fun. Simply not fun.

Ah, sorry to hear that! More detailed feedback about specifics would be handy, but this thread probably isn't the place for it.

The other(minor but annoying) issue is that unshielded ships still getting close to exploding enemy ships to get blasted. Its much lesser issue than in 0.9.1 but its still problem especially with bigger enemy ships. Although I am not sure how much it affect that my ships run with SO(so they have rather short range). Still they keep some distance and don't hug enemy ships more. When they face enemy frigates and destroyers its moslty fine - problem arise when they face enemy cruisers and up - the enemy explosion radius still can catch them in.

Right - it'll always be a bit tricky to ensure the AI doesn't back off so much as to avoid making the kill. "Much better but still present" is about where I'd expect it to be with the AI changes that were made.

Another potential bug.I have a Log mentioning a Heavily Shielded Cargo crate which is out in Hyperspace.The Log writes normally until "..a shielded cache is located in the Unkown Location",which directs me to a place in Hyperspace that has nothing.No interactable Cache,nothing.Is it intended to spawn caches outside of systems??Am I missing some equipment/new mechanic??

Otherwise,amazing release.

Hmm... is this vanilla? Offhand I'm not sure what this would be. If it's vanilla, could you send me your save? fractalsoftworks [at] gmail [dot] com

General feedback on new release:

omg omg omg!!!

That is all.

:D :D :D

The first link in the updated blogpost links to the 0.9.1a changelog, not the 0.95 one.

Argh - thank you, fixed!

Is it possible, Alex to ask for Mission Listeners and Bar Event Listener to see if they've been started/accepted and then completed/failed?

I would like to do a mod that records the events of the player's actions, but I'm having a hard time looking for any sort of these listeners.

I'll make a note!

Btw, the game already does something similar (but without the missions element); see the PlaythroughLog class.

The skill revamp is quite good, so far. Truly meaningful choices though the Elite Skills aren't quite as punchy as I originally thought. The one at the end of combat (which improves ship systems) has "+30 seconds deployment time." Great for a Frigate, I suppose but I'm already piloting a Fury and I'm still in the early game. I just don't think that "Elite" skill is all that Elite. Also, going back through the whole Combat Tree and grabbing Fighter bonuses (when I will likely never pilot a carrier) feels a little hard to swallow. I'm not sure if should be possible to "skip" skills in a tree using Story Points but I think I'd prefer that over getting skills I know I'll never see much benefit from. I think I understand the rationale but like "empty" Aptitude points in the last patch, it kind of feels empty (even though it isn't).

I know what you mean here, yeah. I'd actually like to make the Elite bonuses a bit punchier - they're great for some skills, and not nearly as great for some other ones.

Btw, the Fury is a nice starter ship. I purchased one from the black market probably 40 minutes into the run and it's been fun. However, I'm discovering its limitations in raw damage output. I have a Ion Pulser and Phase Lance along with a Reaper in the missile and 2 IR Pulse. Maybe if I could find some Heavy Blasters it would open up for me but the damage is very anemic against Ventures and Enforcers. (Enforcers are true bricks now and I love it). I say this because I think the Fury would be a really good "high-tech Fast Start" kind of option with an introductory malus (kind of like when the Scarab was an option and you were hostile with Tri-Tach to start). An undergunned Fury (maybe 1 D-mod), a TT Brawler, a TT Buffalo and a Dram.

(It sounds like this loadout doesn't have much sustained DPS, no? Both the phase lance and the Ion Pulser are bursty, and so is the Reaper. I think there's probably a way to kit it for a better TTK vs those kinds of opponents.)

Oh, and the Gates tab...oh my. :)


Nice work, congrats!

Can't wait to get stuck into this one!

Thank you :)

Cosmetic issue:
Orbital stations are only displaying thier base on the campaign layer. Modules aren't showing at all.
You can still see the modules on the tooltip though.

Doesn't affect gameplay at all, but it looks odd seeing bare stations.

Thank you, will take a look.

1) Weren't we supposed to get a slightly more extensive "Settings" menu, with some toggable graphics settings to tweak in there, or am I mixing this up with some other game? Because I still can only adjust volume levels and about five toggles.

There's UI scaling options under "Options" in the launcher; I suspect this is what you mean.

2) Pressing ALT and hovering over items does not sell/buy them any more. Losing this is a shame. :( (And if that was a mod, just ignore this whining!)

You can enable this by setting altMouseMoveToMassTransfer to true in settings.json. (Ah, ninja'ed...)

Congrats on the release  ;D

One minor discrepency I noticed on the new launcher, is that the antialiasing warning message that pops up states at the end

"Otherwise, use 12 samples or higher".

I believe this should read 2, as I can only see antialiasing options going up to x8.

Thank you!

Ah, it's indeed 12. x8 is not really enough for it to look reasonable, imo; if it's only going up to 8 then that's all your card/driver supports, unfortunately.

I like the release a lot. Very nice skill system with meaningful choices. Contracts also very fun with a lot of stealth and raiding.

Thank you, glad you like these!

- The bounty contracts: I have taken 3 bounty contracts until now to kill a patrol in a star system. I have been hanging around the star system and all meaningful points (the base planet/station, jump points, nav/comm relay/etc...) for ~100 days but could not find the patrols for all 3 contracts. Am I just unlucky or anyone else experiencing this problem?

Hmm. I'll keep an eye on this; would also like to know if anyone else had this experience or has managed to find the patrols ok.

Hiruma Kai

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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1069 on: March 27, 2021, 11:05:52 AM »

- The bounty contracts: I have taken 3 bounty contracts until now to kill a patrol in a star system. I have been hanging around the star system and all meaningful points (the base planet/station, jump points, nav/comm relay/etc...) for ~100 days but could not find the patrols for all 3 contracts. Am I just unlucky or anyone else experiencing this problem?

Hmm. I'll keep an eye on this; would also like to know if anyone else had this experience or has managed to find the patrols ok.

Bounty fleets from bar missions, at least with kill the pirate ones I have been taking, doesn't look like the fleet necessarily spawns near a major celestial objects?  Or perhaps move around randomly?  I've encountered one coming in from the deep black, with nothing in that direction - at least nothing on the map, I suppose there might have been a derelict or domain probe out that direction.  I have been typically turning my transponder on and sensor pinging to attract their attention.  However, I've been able to find them in each case though.

Also, is there an expected number of contracts before you get a real contact as opposed to just bar missions?  Curious when I might find my first contact - admittedly my intel explore missions to bar mission ratio is probably something like 5:1 though.


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1070 on: March 27, 2021, 11:10:44 AM »

Yeah, those patrols are generally on patrol in the system - moving between jump points and objectives. Perhaps there was a fringe jump point for the one you saw coming in?

Also, is there an expected number of contracts before you get a real contact as opposed to just bar missions?  Curious when I might find my first contact - admittedly my intel explore missions to bar mission ratio is probably something like 5:1 though.

It's just a probability roll, I think something like 25%. Also some guaranteed contacts from the story missions.


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1071 on: March 27, 2021, 12:00:47 PM »

About this change:
Black markets no longer sell combat capital ships (can still be acquired from arms dealer contact)
It appears that combat capital ships still spawn on the non-military open markets (albeit rarely), which works as intended, but it seems a bit odd? That it's impossible to find one on any black market, but a public open market might have one? Incidentally, the XIV Onslaught I just found on Chico's open market was listed as Onslaught XIV (D) (BB) for some unknown reason. I don't know what the (BB) stands for. I also noticed that the TPC's Primary Role is apparently "No description... yet". Very tactical ;).

Also, about the surplus ships that are sometimes offered through bar events, I find it strange that you can find something like a pristine Aurora being sold on the cheap because apparently it's scheduled to be scrapped. Maybe I missed something reading the bar event, but...


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1072 on: March 27, 2021, 12:03:38 PM »

Ah, it's indeed 12. x8 is not really enough for it to look reasonable, imo; if it's only going up to 8 then that's all your card/driver supports, unfortunately.

Hm, I see. This comes at a bit of a suprise, as my graphics card, while not cutting edge, is still fairly modern (RX 580).

Something that hopefully isn't another problem with my poorly aging graphics card, is that some of the dialogs are misgendering people - I had a dialog recognise someone (who was ostensibly by appearance and name, a male) as a she in one sentence, for the next sentence to properly identify them as a male again.

Along with a grammatical error when developing contacts, wherein it only states "Develop a relationship this contact", and is missing the 'with'.

Another issue is that some of the bar missions have a price tag associated with them - for example, blueprint locations. However, even if you have less money than that requested price, it still lets you accept the offer, and the transaction proceeds as usual. Doing this I was able to do a $62,000 credit monitor blueprint location, for only $200 credits.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 12:08:47 PM by Farlarzia »


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1073 on: March 27, 2021, 12:20:54 PM »

I don't know what the (BB) stands for. I also noticed that the TPC's Primary Role is apparently "No description... yet". Very tactical ;).

BB is a standard designation for "battleship"; the game will abbreviate ship designations if they don't fit. Fixed up the TPC role, thank you!

Something that hopefully isn't another problem with my poorly aging graphics card, is that some of the dialogs are misgendering people - I had a dialog recognise someone (who was ostensibly by appearance and name, a male) as a she in one sentence, for the next sentence to properly identify them as a male again.

Hmm - this is likely due to using the wrong person for one of these. Do you remember which dialog specifically it was? It wouldn't be a universal error but more likely a problem specific to that particular interaction.

Along with a grammatical error when developing contacts, wherein it only states "Develop a relationship this contact", and is missing the 'with'.

Thank you, fixed!

Another issue is that some of the bar missions have a price tag associated with them - for example, blueprint locations. However, even if you have less money than that requested price, it still lets you accept the offer, and the transaction proceeds as usual. Doing this I was able to do a $62,000 credit monitor blueprint location, for only $200 credits.

Yep, was reported a little while ago - on my list!


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1074 on: March 27, 2021, 01:43:06 PM »

I'm noticing that when trying to slap Augmented Drive, Militarized Subsystems, and Expanded Cargo Holds onto my Atlas despite having integrated militarized subs and expanded holds into the ship, Augmented Drives still tosses up the "no more than 2 non-built-in" limit error.

I don't currently have any ship where I've been able to successfully test this, by all intents, edge case.

Just updated to RC9 just in case and the same issue is there too.

I didn't just sign up to bug report (I mean, I did but shush) Been loving this.


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1075 on: March 27, 2021, 01:49:04 PM »

Hi! Welcome to the forum :)

Yeah, I have a note about this one. The wording is very confusing and the mechanics should probably just follow what the wording currently indicates the expected behavior would be.


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1076 on: March 27, 2021, 02:17:14 PM »

so it seems you can remove dmods for free by canceling build in


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1077 on: March 27, 2021, 02:18:55 PM »

Thanks! Fixed for the next hotfix (and was, unfortunately, introduced by the current hotfix.)


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1078 on: March 27, 2021, 03:15:52 PM »

Just got a Champion through a bar event doing a heist with marines! Impressions:

Quite happy with it as the sole tough cruiser in my fleet so far (Falcon, HH, Sunder (me), Wolf, Lasher, shepherd as other combat capable ships).

I outfitted it with scraps (had just reduced my credits to 0 through another bar event to test whether it would go through, sold off some goods to get up to like 8k operating funds, no money for more weapons): 1 autopulse, 1 breach pod (no large missiles!), 2 gravitons, tac lasers on the 4 side/back mounts (no pd), a singel ir pulse and single ion cannon on front smalls, hardened shields, dedicated targetting core, vents and caps, level 1 officer with gunnery implants. While not the best with such a weird loadout, it was able to 1v1 officered brilliants and survive/stall with minimal damage 2v1 against 2 brilliant while me and the more mobile ships mopped up the rest of the ordos and flanked to kill the brilliants.

So: its tough, it is somewhat mobile, it has good firepower. I like it!


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Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1079 on: March 27, 2021, 03:25:07 PM »

Thank you very much for the update! Was not expecting that this weekend. Will take a while to play and check everything out properly :)

One quick question - I started a game up quickly and glanced over the skill tree - is Loadout Design gone now? I've seen the new "permanent hullmod" feature with Story Points but still feel like the extra ordnance points will be missed. That was a must have in any run for me.

If it's gone I might just edit ship_data and increase them all by 10% for me, at least it's easy to mod this game! (Which, again, thank you :) )
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