Personally, I feel like the proposed Industry/Nanoforge changes are exactly what the doctor ordered, especially with how there are going to be new, per-industry specialised items that boost their respective outputs. Thanks to the +pollution upon running a Nanoforge, there's now a slight push towards having either a planet with the basic Heavy Industry with other industries along it, or a planet with only Heavy Industry with a 'Forge. There's still some leeway based on your needs, plus the reworked Growth Incentive/Hazard Pay mechanic, which all leads into a sense of choosing a 'style' for your colonies - or, in other words, a specialisation.
Hey, wait a second, aren't specialisations (alongside the additional content, of course) the point of this update? The contacts mechanic will allow players to influence the number and type of contracts they're offered, the new phase freighter/tanker will allow for more use of the phase-focused skill over the shield-focus one, the new hullmods for civilian ships will encourage more use of those, alongside the changes to carrier and frigate skills. This Pollution mechanic is, in my mind at least, the logical step for colonies to meet the theme of this update, and honestly, I want all of the new Industry Boosters to bring their own long-term hazards to further encourage colony specialisation.