Probably the last teaser before the release!
The next update will see the addition of a new feature:
Combat Boarding! Royal Azalea will have two methods of boarding enemy ships: They have a new bomber wing can deliver marines directly inside enemy ships by flying through their shields. Or, they can trade off their Grand Invocation spell for
Teleporters, allowing them to cast "
Lightning Strike" for instantaneous boarding! The design is taken from Battleship Gothic: Armada, so similarly, it won't work if the shields are up! You'll either need to force an overload, wait for a moment that the shield is down, or slip around the side or back, in case the shield coverage isn't 360 degrees to activate it!
Combat boarding can do a few things:
- Periodic damage over time, depending on the strength of the boarding troops
- Temporary disabling of weapons and engines
- Loss of CR
- Permanent destruction of weapons
- Pernament destruction of engines
The full details will be revealed in the release itself, but I can say this much - the same system will eventually be implemented for
Aria as well, but in slightly different fashion!
I'm really looking forward to this update. 
One thing I might note though, is that I noticed there's a lot of odd greyish borders around most ships, which doesn't seem to me as if that's by design. I think some of the ships that suffer from this might benefit from a slight edit or rework.
Hmm, I never really noticed it before you pointed it out, thanks! It doesn't really bother me much, but I might fix it up one of these days!