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Up to 3 votes

- 24 (16.1%)
- 11 (7.4%)
- 27 (18.1%)
- 26 (17.4%)
- 27 (18.1%)
- 18 (12.1%)
Atlas mk2
- 6 (4%)
- 6 (4%)
- 1 (0.7%)
Prometeus (luddic)
- 3 (2%)

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Author Topic: Whats your favorite capital ship  (Read 8764 times)


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2020, 08:09:50 PM »

I put dawn Atlas Mk.II it is not a goodCapital, by any means, but it is one powerfull ship when you are suposed to get it, it just need Augumented Drive Field to get to burn 8.

I also put dawn Odyssey, this thing has a combat speed of 70su, which means it can outmacht the speed of half of the ships, in fact the only ships this thing fears are Paragon, which turns as fast as Odyssey turns around it, Radiant, because Remnant teconology, and The Guardian, which is a lone wolf.

I put down Legion and Odyssey - with the Odyssey skating in on the question being "favorite" not "most-used".  I like the Odyssey, but I don't consider it to be a very good ship at the moment.

The Legion, though?  Burn drive works well enough for not being as sluggish as the Paragon, and - unlike the Onslaught - it's relatively easy to set it up with weaponry/fighters that just work without requiring you to carefully manage flux or awkward firing arcs.

The XIV Legion is overall slightly worse than the regular Legion... but it's a lot better at taking down stations; load it up with Hammer Barrage launchers and expanded missile racks.

Why would XIV Legion be worse than regular legion when it has more OP, more flux, and more armor in addition to 0 flux intensive large mounts in exchange for 2 0 flux Large missiles

Legion(XIV) is a very hard to fit, it can match the carrier power of the Astral, but it needs to be in the front line for it to work, and the ship needs perfect conditions for it's guns, while normal Legion can just snipe using Gauss

Dual Gauss Legion is extremely fragile, overfluxed, and terrible at carrier role (due to limited OP resulting from gauss cannons). On the other hand, XIV Legion can protect itself with less flux using large missiles like typhoon sorry, cyclone reaper (no expanded missile racks required) and medium ballistics (HVD, HN, DFC) while also having more OP to put into protection, weapons, flux or fighters as well as being innately tankier


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2020, 08:24:09 PM »

Dual Gauss Legion is extremely fragile, overfluxed, and terrible at carrier role (due to limited OP resulting from gauss cannons).

Sure, it's pretty much Talons or other very cheap fighters build.
Yet it still wipes the floor with XIV Legion in a duel, without having to rely on limited ammunition. And shows much better results dueling other capitals as well.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2020, 08:38:11 PM »

Dual Gauss Legion is extremely fragile, overfluxed, and terrible at carrier role (due to limited OP resulting from gauss cannons).

Sure, it's pretty much Talons or other very cheap fighters build.
Yet it still wipes the floor with XIV Legion in a duel, without having to rely on limited ammunition. And shows much better results dueling other capitals as well.
You said it yourself. Gauss legion is better at dueling. I could also argue that XIV Legion can 1v1 paragon using alternating squalls yet Gauss legion can't. Is is a good measure of utility and strength? No, it isn't.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 08:54:55 PM by Tackywheat1 »


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2020, 09:18:18 PM »

Dual Gauss Legion performs extremely well in duels, but... I honestly wouldn't recommend it for a real battle, at least compared to most other builds. As soon as the battlespace gets at all crowded (with either enemies or allies), the range matter less than the poor fighter complement, poor DPS, and poor efficiency. Its a pretty textbook case for A+ duel performance not translating to real ship power.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2020, 09:50:27 PM »

Regular Legion is very straightforward to build.  Dual Hellbores for low-flux anti-armor; there aren't any serious competitors for those slots.  Mediums can be any reasonable mix of kinetics, flak, or dual flak; I generally end up with 4x HVD and one flak, but you've got options - for example, 3x heavy autocannon and 2x HVD, or 3x HVD with the two further back turrets as flak, or... etc.  Small slots get a mix of empty, vulcans for PD (possibly-supplemental PD depending on where/if you mounted flak), railguns for supplemental kinetic (generally no more than two), or light assault guns for anti-fighter (also generally no more than two).  Fighters can be just about whatever, though I personally prefer a mix of different bomber types.

I mean, sure, you -could- put on missiles in those mediums.  But why would you?  Go with bombers instead and have something with some endurance.

The XIV Legion is worse for regular fleet fights because you don't have the option to not use missiles.  It's better for anti-station work because hammer barrage launchers fire very quickly, and burning through all your ammo in the first thirty seconds of combat is a perfectly reasonable choice when it takes out 2/3 of an enemy battlestation.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 09:53:07 PM by Wyvern »
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2020, 10:13:03 PM »

Vanilla wise I'd have to say the Conquest is my favourite capital. Decently speedy and packs a lot of firepower. Can't say I'm a huge fan of the gauss cannon build, generally I use twin mjolnirs if I can get my hands on them, backed up with hurricanes or squalls depending on what I'm expecting to fight. The missile slots are fantastic for adding extra punch to the ship, and with mjolnirs, I can put flak in the medium ballistics on both sides.

Its just got a bit of everything you need in a capital, aside from durability, but you can generally sidestep that with the ship system.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2020, 04:14:21 AM »

I just want to know who was the other degenerate that voted for Prometheus 2. I wouldn't say it's my absolute favourite out of all capitals, but it's a prime example of a converted ship done right. Obviously weaker than real capitals but can still do a lot in fights, has many viable builds and isn't too bad in general for its DP. The opposite of crap that is known as Atlas -2.

The absolute favourite has to be the Conquest because I love glass cannons in games. That thing has so much build variety that we get regular build threads here, dividing people in multiple ways. I know it's hard but I wish more ships were like that.
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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2020, 10:19:56 AM »

It's fast enough flank and run between trouble spots.
It's tough enough to take fire when you need it to.
It can hit hard enough to take on just about anything you find in the campaign.
It can carry fighters to make itself even more effective.
It has low enough upkeep and recovery costs that its possible to use it as an exploration flagship.
And most importantly...
It can sealion stuff accross the map like nothing else.

Odyssey is my endgame ship. And it gets used as a bulldozer, pushing wrecks around as mobile cover and/or flinging them into enemies for giggles.
Paragon and Onslaught might well have far more direct firepower, but they're just so dull to fly.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2020, 04:56:31 PM »

Most favorite to least favorite:

1. Odyssey. Pirate fleets ripper, [REDACTED] chaser.
2. Paragon. Star fortress killer, multi-fleet survivor.
3. Onslaught. Mid-game station/capital wrecker.
4. Astral. Fleet protector or payload deliverer.
5. Atlas & Prometheus. Must-have haulers.
6. Legion XIV. Potent support platform.
7. Conquest. Okay-ish brawler (in AI hands).
8. Legion. Jack off all trades, master of none.
9. Prometheus Mk2. Good at nothing.
10. Atlas Mk2. Just don't.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2020, 07:25:00 PM »

You ready for this?

Atlas mk II.

Go pick up the mind I just blew.  Wait hang on; you missed a piece over in the corner.  ;D

To elaborate: It's got two large ballistics with good coverage AND great convergence, two large missile slots, plenty of medium and small ballistics, good fuel, cargo and crew capacity and costs a mere 24 DP to put out.  Did I mention the ammo feeder?  Show me another ship that can ammo feed two mjolnirs into the same target for only 24 DP.  I'll wait.

Yeah, it's slow, it's clunky and it kills your fleet's burn speed but for the price it can put in a TON of work AND serve decent hauling duties since its maintenance is so low on the capital scale.  For the cost of a Paragon (which is still an awesome vessel, mind you) I can deploy an Atlas 2 AND still have 16 DP for a cruiser or some destroyer cover, frigates or whatever I need.  It does take a good build to truly draw out its potential but with good enough piloting and a strong high tech+combat build I can solo just about anything in my Atlas.  The two missile slots make great Locust platforms for erasing swarms and hunting down frigates, OR you could load up the side slots with medium ballistics of your choice and just dive on in with the ammo feeder up and watch the broadsides fly.  It's so flexible and low maintenance you can have all sorts of fun with long as your fleet doesn't run off and leave it alone against half a dozen other capitals at once.

Is it the most POWERFUL ship in the game?  Hardly.  It's got weaknesses and can be beaten handily by the wrong situation.  But remember: the topic was "what's your FAVORITE capital?"  And there's a special place in my heart for the Atlas mk. II.  I appreciate its strengths and weaknesses and I like the way it plays for me.  Even if it's just a stepping stone it's still my baby.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 07:27:10 PM by Daynen »

Cyber Von Cyberus

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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2020, 04:24:11 AM »

My favourite vanilla capital would be the Onslaught XIV, it is like a god of destruction charging at you I simply love it.

2nd place would be the Odyssey simply because I love how I can ram things out of the way with plasma burn. One time I had an agressive officer ram an overloaded Vindicator and send it spinning into the back of a Dominator, the impact destroyed the Vindicator and the explosion destroyed the Dominator, that was one of the most beautiful things I've seen in this game.

3rd would be the Conquest, the auxiliary thrusters make it very interesting to fly, but I just won't ever use Gauss cannons with it (or any other ship) I just hate that weapon.

Now the capital I hate the most is the Paragon, it's simply so boring I refuse to ever use it again (or even let the AI use it).

Also I kind of wish the Prometheus MKII had a bigger, more damaging explosion, it is after all a giant tanker rigged by space ISIS to ram you.
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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2020, 06:06:29 AM »

For me Odyssey with 2 Tachyon Lances is the best option in FUN category. You can ram everything, you can EVAPORATE anything that dares to turn it shields off, and that's only 2 large mounts and the ship system i've described! Add to this 2 fighter bays, ANOTHER side of the ship and the fact that it is a CAPITAL, and you'll get it. The best option in "serious battle" category is Conquest for me. It has it's weaknesses, but c'mon, do you know any other ship that can fire 2 Mjolnir's simultaneously (and not die in like 1 second like Atlas Mk2)? Not to mention that i totally love to see a battle between two broadside capitals.

Agree with OP for Victory, love this one, but i think 4 Large mounts pointing at one spot is a thing that only Almighty Onslaught need to have. As for modded ones, i really enjoy the Nemean Lion from Scy Nation. Very versatile due to 3 universal large mounts, and the idea of modular armor parts is something that i'd be really happy to see someday in the base game (you can't pilot battlestations, so that doesn't count)! And the sounds, ooh, the sounds of armor changing from one position to another got right into my heart.

Some interesting offtopic here that i've noticed. So, there has been like 100 topics, where everybody was complaining about how strong Paragon is and how everybody is tired of seeing it and so on. And then, in actual "what's your fav cap" topic only 1 person put it to god-tier. Maybe it's not THAT bad after all. Still, i'll agree with some guys that already mentioned that Paragon is just dull. It's like opposite of fun, to me. Also, great respect to the guy that actually mentioned Atlas Mk2, now that he said this i'll totally go and try some crazy stuff with it, for Ludd sake!


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2020, 06:08:42 AM »

There's a difference between "the one I like the most" and "the one I personally consider the most powerful". Even then, it's the second most liked capital ship, or at least was when I checked the last time. After all, this topic is more focused on things you like, rather than dislike.


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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2020, 06:14:24 AM »

Some interesting offtopic here that i've noticed. So, there has been like 100 topics, where everybody was complaining about how strong Paragon is and how everybody is tired of seeing it and so on. And then, in actual "what's your fav cap" topic only 1 person put it to god-tier. Maybe it's not THAT bad after all. Still, i'll agree with some guys that already mentioned that Paragon is just dull. It's like opposite of fun, to me. Also, great respect to the guy that actually mentioned Atlas Mk2, now that he said this i'll totally go and try some crazy stuff with it, for Ludd sake!

First off, god tier profile picture!

Secondly I think either the discussions on the paragon have either burned out by now or generally the few people who do continue on about them are the few people who actively pilot them. Much like most dedicated carriers for me they are little more then slightly mobile space stations. A paragon is essentially a basic space station with thrusters attached which while fun on principle is generally kinda slow and dull. You have few effective targets to actually use on against and even then that's mostly as a shield for the even more boring astral carriers.

People who love to pilot, like more mobile ships like the Odyssey. People who love to sit back and command fleets like an old admiral don't often enjoy one ship wonders who effectively don't need support. Which paragons kinda don't.
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Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2020, 07:46:59 AM »

Some interesting offtopic here that i've noticed. So, there has been like 100 topics, where everybody was complaining about how strong Paragon is and how everybody is tired of seeing it and so on. And then, in actual "what's your fav cap" topic only 1 person put it to god-tier. Maybe it's not THAT bad after all. Still, i'll agree with some guys that already mentioned that Paragon is just dull. It's like opposite of fun, to me. Also, great respect to the guy that actually mentioned Atlas Mk2, now that he said this i'll totally go and try some crazy stuff with it, for Ludd sake !
I don't remember seeing a ton of complaint threads about the Paragon, at most I've seen people say that capital spam was OP (and went for the obvious apparent op choice which is Paragon monofleets in their argument) although that I'd personally blame the AI for not being able to use frigates properly and enormous bounty fleets requiring a lot of PPPT to survive in. Otherwise I think the Paragon is worth only as much is its escort.
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