"SF_MetalConversionRate": 4.0, #This equates to 3 Supplies!
#Just don't set those two above to zero or less. Because... you can't really set it to zero without the whole thing bamming and crashing.
#These determine how civilian ships are increasing the bonus of your supply forging, civilian frigate provide +5%!
"SF_Input":true, # Should the modifier affect the input? (Metal and Heavy Machinery Cost)
"SF_Output":true, # Should the modifier affect the output? (Supply)
"SupplyForgingSensorProfileIncreasePercent": 100,
#UseExtraCommodities can either be set from 0-whateverasmuchasyoulike. If it's, 0 it will not detect any extra commodity to convert.
"UseExtraCommodities": 1,
#Here's a list of all the commodities: organics,volatiles,ore,rare_ore,rare_metals,domestic_goods,organs,drugs,hand_weapons,luxury_goods,lobster,alpha_core,beta_core,gamma_core
#ExtraCommodities0, ExtraCommodities1, ExtraCommodities2, ExtraCommodities3, ExtraCommodities4 must then have text string that make sense or else it'll CTD!
#The cost should be more than zero
#Not to mention you need to also put a corresponding Cost as well like ExtraCommoditiesCost2, and so on.
#"SF_CorruptedMetal":0.10, UNUSED
#"SF_PristineMetal":0.30, UNUSED
#"SF_SalvageGantry":0.40, UNUSED
#This is like the modifier that messes with the... bonus modifiers.