-The E.U.T.E.C.K. has returned! It's a special item that can be installed in the Genelab to begin terraforming. By default, the E.U.T.E.C.K. is single-use and will create a Paradise world, which is essentially a Terran planet with bountiful farmland and mild climate. Terraforming takes 400 days to complete, which can be adjusted in the settings file.
-For those who want more options for terraforming (despite the lore and balance problems I feel are associated with them), the "boggledEnableAllTerraformingProjects" setting can be switched to true to enable the "old-style" terraforming. It's now controlled via an option on the colony interaction menu, and there are planet type change options for both vanilla planet types and Unknown Skies types. There are also miscellaneous projects to alter resources and conditions on the planet. Please let me know if there are any projects you want but aren't implemented - I will add more based on popular demand!
-Genelabs now seed lobsters on planets with a water-covered surface. This process takes 200 days.
-"Crustacean Job" quest removed.
-Genelabs can now install AI cores and be improved. The Alpha Core bonus and improvement bonus increase income from the Mesozoic Park.
-Inactive Gates can now be built at a stable location. After playing the main quest line, I'm sure the player will understand why Astral gates were removed and this feature was added.
-Remnant Station updated for 0.95a and is now a default option.
-Fixed a bug where the wrong variant was being used for the Remnant Station.
-The Remnant Station is now only buildable if the player has the "Automated Ships" skill unlocked.
-Modified the Mining Station resource deposits if the "boggledMiningStationLinkToResourceBelts" setting is enabled. Rich and Ultrarich ore deposits are now possible in cases where there is an extreme number of asteroid belts in the system.
6.0.0 Changelog:-Terraforming and Domain-tech content has been re-enabled by default.
-Planet type transformations have been removed temporarily. Between the new 0.95a special items and the hazard-suppressing buildings in this mod, the old-style planet type transformations are largely unnecessary. Planet type transformations (and the EUTECK) will be back in a future update once I've reworked the system to be worthwhile in 0.95a. Players who don't like the new 0.95a suppression mechanic and prefer the old-style system are encouraged to check out the DIY Planets mod.
-Wildlife Exploitation replaced by Mesozoic Park industry. See the mod guide for details on how this industry works. It is a default option for now, but may be converted to non-default based on player feedback.
-Stellar Reflector Array structure updated for 0.95a. Functionality has changed somewhat. See the mod guide for more details.
-Domed Cities structure added. This building suppresses hazardous conditions related to the atmosphere, weather and biosphere. See the mod guide for more details.
-Military Police Headquarters replaced by CHAMELEON. Can still remove Decivilized Subpop, but now also counters Luddic Path cells. See the mod guide for more details.
-Domain Archaeology production changed from static amount to market size minus two. Ruins now add or subtracts production from Domain Archaeology like other resource deposits. Added improvement bonus.
-Minor changes made to Kletka Simulator industry. See the mod guide for more details.
-Eisen Division renamed to Genelab and function has been reworked. See the mod guide for more details.
-The Planetary Shield structure now suppresses the Meteor Impacts condition.
-All Astral gate content has been removed from the mod due to new features present in 0.95a.
-In order to enable various features in this mod, several vanilla market conditions have been overwritten. I'm not aware of any conflicts with other mods, but it may occur in the future if another mod also overwrites the same conditions. Disabling features from this mod will not eliminate the potential for a conflict to occur.
-Arcology worlds and the unique buildings for that planet type have been removed.
-Spice Harvesting has been removed.
-Atmosphere Processor has been removed.
-Terraforming Platform has been removed.
-Skyhook Anchor has been removed due to the addition of the Fullerene Spool in vanila.
-Cloning (non-default industry) can now be improved.
-Hydroponics (non-default industry) can now be improved.
-Hydroponics can now be built on both station markets and planet markets.
-Fixed a bug where building multiple astropoli around one planet would cause the orbital path to be set incorrectly. Thanks bragonfly1 for reporting this!
-Fixed a bug where the second and third astropolis built around a single planet would not use the construction timer (if enabled).
-I understand there have been requests to allow for turning gas giants into stars as part of terraforming. This will not be implemented because the fusion lamp makes this largely unnecessary in 0.95a, and because of lore compatibility problems.
5.5.0 Changelog:-All Terraforming, Domain-Tech, Astral Gate and Miscellaneous features have been disabled by default while I update them for 0.95a. Astral gates will likely be removed from the mod in 6.0.0 due to new content in vanilla.
-The settings file has been reorganized by content type.
-Added a "check for updates" feature to this mod. I copied a bunch of code from Version Checker, so thanks LazyWizard! If Version Checker is updated for 0.95a I will remove this feature. It can also be disabled using the settings file.
-When a station is created, the spaceport and mining industry (if applicable) are queued up for construction rather than being already built.
-Added a non-default setting to cause stations to be "under construction" for a certain amount of time before they become a market. The amount of construction time required is configurable by the player.
-Station sprite change adjusted to occur at lower market sizes to account for 0.95a restrictions to maximum market size.
-Astropolis stations are now built using an ability (like mining and siphon stations) rather than using a colony building.
-Astropolis stations can now be built in orbit around uncolonized planets.
-The "clear orbital path" and planet size requirements for astropolis stations can now be toggled off using the settings file.
-AI Mining Drones (non-default station-exclusive building) now has a story point improvement option.
-Added separate enable/disable toggles in the settings file for astropolis stations, mining stations, siphon stations and the recolonization ability.
-Added separate resource cost options in the settings file for astropolis stations, mining stations, siphon stations and the recolonization ability.
-Added settings to control how mining station resources are assigned. Default is moderate ore and rare ore, but this can be changed to any flat amount, or it can be based off the number of asteroid belts in the system.
-Added settings to control how siphon station resources are assigned. Default is to have the same richness as the gas giant the station orbits, but alternatively it can be set to a flat amount.
-Station settings (ex. base hazard and base accessibility modifications) are now applied to all stations in the sector by default, rather than just stations created using this mod. This can be toggled off in the settings file.
-Added sound effects when stations are constructed.
-Astropolis stations and siphon stations cannot be constructed in orbit around planets with four or more moons. This restriction was implemented to prevent a visual bug from occurring. Unfortunately I cannot fix the visual bug because it's hardcoded in vanilla. Thanks TiberQ for reporting this!
-Fixed various misspellings and grammatical problems. Thanks to Outlander for catching one of them!
-I have been unable to reproduce several bugs related to Nexerelin outposts and Lights Out moons after making updates to the astropolis construction logic. Please be sure to let me know if the bugs persist. Thanks Serenitis and wanderer3421 for reporting these issues!
-Fixed a bug where Ismara's Sling and Asteroid Breaking colony buildings could show up in the build menu even if they were disabled in the settings file. Thanks TiberQ for reporting this!
-It has been suggested that mining stations should be constructible in accretion disks around black holes. After reviewing the in-game description of ring systems, it appears that mining these ring systems would not make sense from a lore standpoint, so I have not made this change.
-I have become aware that certain individual(s) are extremely displeased with my failure to release the source code for this mod. The source code will now be available for download
here going forward.