Not trying to be pushy, as I do kinda agree with the whole thing (Though I would like a way to terraform planets without a easy source of water, maybe converted tankers transporting massive amounts of fluid water or something, as a expensive, extremely slow way, like putting out a trade request or something) about trivializing the process. However, water exists as ice in a lot of comets and asteroids so its not really 'out there' as an idea. Whether or not flinging large amounts of clumped water-ice at a planet is a good idea notwithstanding, it would be logical enough. So heres what I'd say, if its an idea that is implemented, instead of making it part of a colony, instead make it its own campaign map token, 'Intersystem Mass Driver' or something, and make it expensive as all hecc, taking in account that the structure on its own would need to power itself, protect itself from asteroids and propel itself so the force of its payload being launched doesn't make it a one-use tool. Maybe it can have a small market for antimatter fuel, worn machinery or something, but unlike a colony, it has a negative growth strike making it unlikely to ever get above 3-4 size without intensive effort by the player, Theoretically it should probably have some ore capabilities too though for mining? Just some ideas to toss in if it was to be added.
Isn't the description of a ring system involve talking about some of them being ice at least? Maybe, but just thought I'd say what I thought on the whole matter.
In any case, I dropped by to say that so far I haven't had any issues, but I haven't had much time to try it out and to see how Ismara's sling works on the FDS planets that I've been having the issues with!