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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #150 on: July 10, 2019, 06:51:57 AM »

I would have no problem telling the officer in-game "I have a one-time scan immunity pass" or "I have a story point, go away!"  Various webcomics have no problem calling out metagame terms or fourth-wall breakage as they are instead of trying to pass off appropriate descriptions.

Just like I would have no problem if someone said "Um, I have a +3 flame sword" instead of "I found the Fiaming Sword of KillEmAll in the land of SmokingCraterOfDoom and slew the fell lava troll known as SnotFlame guarding it!"  Brief, precise, and more to the point is more useful than flashy story descriptions when I play a game and be more interested in winning or munching the game.

Maybe if someone writes a novel, then I guess descriptions are nice, but not so much in an arcade-like shmup.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #151 on: July 10, 2019, 07:10:20 AM »

(For what it's worth, I don't take Loadout Design 3 - late if ever - and don't feel constrained by any OP shortages)

New skills arrangement / framework sounds brilliant, by the way :) (especially the third iteration of it, heh!)

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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #152 on: July 10, 2019, 08:12:19 AM »

Finally had to chance to digest the blog post...fascinating.

I can't say I've seen a system quite like this before, which is cool in and of itself. It's both structured but has "creativity" throughout so that choices don't feel forced but still meaningful. Respecs will also go a long way in keeping things from feeling too locked in.

Personally, I'm in the camp that "story points," as a term, are a bit of a misnomer. I get that you're trying to "tell a story" with them but I don't think you'll ever get away from people associating them with campaign/mission arcs. In practice, they're used to make decisions of varying degrees so I'd be more inclined to call them "decision points", "journey points" (synonymous with "story" but a wider connotation), "fulcrum points" (nice double-meaning but tipping the balance in one way or another), or even "path(way) points" as you took one fork or another along the way. Nit-picking notwithstanding, I like the idea and the more ways there are to spend them, the more meaningful they are.

Will there be some sort of scaling after max level for earning story points? I know the previous "post-max level" xp curve (if enabled in settings) was rather insane. As a player, I want the story points to be earned (i.e. not drowning in them) but not a trickle, either. I guess the key to all of this is rate at which we're getting them. I kind of like the idea of getting a ton early (i.e. while you're still earning levels you get 4) but after max level, you get 2, but gaining post-max levels aren't that hard. I'm also assuming that combat is the quickest way to earn XP still so if the impetus to get another story point or two is "fight stuff," I'd approve of that direction. 

(I know this sounds a little crazy, but I think the best way to teach a new player to not hoard them is to put an expiration date on them or, as has been mentioned, give a bonus for not having any at all. The MO behind them should be "you can always get more!" and though their rate of accrual will slow(?), they're never that far away).

As an aside, cribbing from Civ 6 a little, if you want to really lean into telling a story, I think the game should record a timeline of how when/how you used story points, in addition to other major events like starting colonies, getting your first capital ship, finding a rare item, etc. It could get bloated, sure, but run-throughs are just as much about "oh remember when I got ambushed by 6 pirate fleets out on the fringe?" as it is the play-style you decide on. Heck, if the player could write their own little logs and add it to the timeline, that would be kind of cool. Whether or not this is worth dev time is another issue but I digress...

Count me as a filthy Loudout Design 3 junkie. It's every game, though not first thing. I think it provides a cushion for an extra hull mod, more flux, a better weapon, etc. and its enough that I can't recall the last time I didn't get it. For example, I have a very tight SO Hammerhead build that uses LD3 (in addition to a lot of other skill perks) to reach flux parity with its weapons (930 vs 925) and still incorporate hardened subsystems. If I can "bake-in" SO and/or Hardened Subsystems using the new system, that saves me 40 OP so LD3 is a non-issue but I get the concern others are having. I think a list of ships that need looking at (not just for OP) would be helpful and I'd like to contribute.



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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #153 on: July 10, 2019, 09:28:42 AM »

I guess it could be argued that not all ships need it, but a good question to ask is how many people don't choose Loadout Design 3 in their games?

I'm pretty dependent on that extra OP, so while not having it is technically not a reduction in OP, it does seem a bit like it in practice.  However I don't know whether this is true for other players (you don't necessarily pick it all the time as you mentioned), perhaps I'm in the minority with Intrinsic_parity in thinking that it is super important.

With story points I'm almost certain to be able to actually squeeze more OP into a ship with the hull mods, but rather than being a specialization, I'm thinking about integrating the most expensive hull-mods first to free up the OP lost with the absence of LD3.  I guess it would feel better to me if integrating hull-mods with story points was an upgrade rather than being a requirement of getting that additional OP I count on in 0.9.1a.

I admit though that once I see the new mechanics in action, perhaps I will change my mind, and I want to emphasize that I'm genuinely excited about the new skill system overhaul; it just seems very much more interesting than the current system.  I'm just greedy when it comes to ship customization!

A possible compromise would be to create a hull-mod that gives that 10% additional OP of "Loadout Design 3". Perhaps make it logistics based (was the limit on those 2 right?), though that may mean buffing other logistics hull-mods so that the OP reduction hull-mod doesn't become the default choice.

Building on this idea, how about offering several unique hull-mods only available with story points?, some random examples:

"Lightweight Weapon Mounts"
- OP cost reduction per size class of weapon (Small: -1 OP, Medium: -2 OP, Large: -3 OP)

"Waste Flux Re-Routing" <-- I struggled for a name here....
- +50% to Energy Weapon damage at high flux levels

"Hull Repair Droids"
- +0.5% Hull integrity restored each second up to 50% hull (maybe requires 5 seconds of not receiving enemy fire to activate).

Ignoring my randomly chosen bonuses, these unique hull-mods could be more expensive in story points, and be of a limited amount (eg 5/10 per game, but refundable) so that they don't end up replacing all the standard hull-mods as the de-facto choice.  You could even make these special hull-mods into something that you need to acquire through salvage rather than be given immediately.

Yeah, I think this is largely being spoiled by LD3 :) A reset to not having it might be uncomfortable, but, well, changes!

Interesting idea as far as hullmods; I'll say I'd as soon not have another type of limiter (i.e. X maximum or some such) - that gets weird implementation-wise (what happens when you lose those ships? sell them? put them into storage? take one from storage? mothball? etc?) but also story points are supposed to be that limiter in the first place.

Have been half-thinking about being able to make just assorted stat improvements to a hull at the cost of story points, without involving hullmods directly, and that's kind of along the same path. It'd have to be very much less story-point-efficient than building in hullmods, though, or individual ship power would go through the roof.

Speaking of the old skills system. I often took missile specialization as first combat skill. It is very effective in the early game when piloting a Wolf built as missile platform. There's nothing like oneshotting a Hound and Cerberus with a salvo of atropos missiles before they can even get in firing range, and then having all the flux to deal with a third ship, and thanks to expanded missile racks still having a quick finisher. Being able to quickly remove ships from the battlefield is very valuable.

It sounds like being able to pick missile specialization early on will no longer be possible because I have to progress through several tiers of combat skills before that. On the other hand some of its effects are available through hull mods.

Right now, missile spec is +top speed/maneuverability, +hitpoints, and +damage, right? You get the first one from ECCM, the second is still part of the skill (along with some other more powerful effects), and +damage for missiles is no longer available specifically. You could pretty easily pick up Target Analysis, though - it's at Combat 2 - for a nice damage boost. (The way that skill works now, btw, is a bit more direct - it's just a damage bonus, but higher vs the bigger ship classes. More target to analyze and all that.)

Will "elite" fleets like the Diktat subfaction and maybe some inspections/bombardment/expedition fleets have builtin hullmods? They seem like a good way of making "late game" NPC fleets stronger. Or maybe for high ranking commanding officers, would make sense for them to have customized ships. Maybe also put a few of them on mission flagships.

Maybe! Still haven't worked that through. It's certainly another lever to use in making late-game stuff more of a challenge, though.

Also, I do think more information is good, but knowing bonus hullmods or all officers skills might be too much. Maybe just anything remarkable, rumored or storied about the officers? Like one or two Elite Skills they might have?

Yeah... e.g. the person bounty mentions the target's leadership skills, IIRC. Going to the level of individual officers seems a bit too much info, even.

How moddable is the new skill system?

About the same as the current/old one. You can still add more aptitudes (the character screen adds a scroller), you can set up tiers for skills, and so on. It should in theory support more than 2 skills per tier, as well.

To add to that, I'd like the new skills to be modified more easily, without having to recompile the game. Maybe it's a tall order but hey.

That's just not in the cards, sorry! In general anything new I'm adding ends up in need-to-compile code, in part because there are less restrictions on what I can do in code like that, and in part because it speeds up the game's startup loading time.

(For what it's worth, I don't take Loadout Design 3 - late if ever - and don't feel constrained by any OP shortages)

New skills arrangement / framework sounds brilliant, by the way :) (especially the third iteration of it, heh!)

Haha, thank you! Yeah, it's taken a few goes at it. It's kind of amusing (to me, anyway) how the number of skill levels keeps going down. 10 -> 3 -> 1 (or 2, I suppose, if we count Elite effects as levels).

Personally, I'm in the camp that "story points," as a term, are a bit of a misnomer. I get that you're trying to "tell a story" with them but I don't think you'll ever get away from people associating them with campaign/mission arcs. In practice, they're used to make decisions of varying degrees so I'd be more inclined to call them "decision points", "journey points" (synonymous with "story" but a wider connotation), "fulcrum points" (nice double-meaning but tipping the balance in one way or another), or even "path(way) points" as you took one fork or another along the way. Nit-picking notwithstanding, I like the idea and the more ways there are to spend them, the more meaningful they are.

Duly noted! Going to talk this over with David, too, see what he thinks.

Will there be some sort of scaling after max level for earning story points? I know the previous "post-max level" xp curve (if enabled in settings) was rather insane. As a player, I want the story points to be earned (i.e. not drowning in them) but not a trickle, either. I guess the key to all of this is rate at which we're getting them. I kind of like the idea of getting a ton early (i.e. while you're still earning levels you get 4) but after max level, you get 2, but gaining post-max levels aren't that hard. I'm also assuming that combat is the quickest way to earn XP still so if the impetus to get another story point or two is "fight stuff," I'd approve of that direction. 

At max level, it's consistent. Otherwise it'd be more of a "soft cap", really, than "unlimited"...

(I know this sounds a little crazy, but I think the best way to teach a new player to not hoard them is to put an expiration date on them or, as has been mentioned, give a bonus for not having any at all. The MO behind them should be "you can always get more!" and though their rate of accrual will slow(?), they're never that far away).

Trying to keep it to positive reinforcement with bonus XP! If there's something like an expiration date - or, and earlier idea I had of giving less XP for story points the more yo have - it encourages odd behavior, like trying to spend a point on something before it runs out, etc. You'd end up worrying about it, and I really want story points to be something you don't worry about unless you're deciding exactly what to use them on.

As an aside, cribbing from Civ 6 a little, if you want to really lean into telling a story, I think the game should record a timeline of how when/how you used story points, in addition to other major events like starting colonies, getting your first capital ship, finding a rare item, etc. It could get bloated, sure, but run-throughs are just as much about "oh remember when I got ambushed by 6 pirate fleets out on the fringe?" as it is the play-style you decide on. Heck, if the player could write their own little logs and add it to the timeline, that would be kind of cool. Whether or not this is worth dev time is another issue but I digress...

Actually on the list already :) Though maybe not for this release, we'll see. But, yeah, spending story points is a really natural way to remind the player of all the things they've done, and pair that with some graphs - say, credits, fleet size, colonies, income, crew, etc - and that sounds like *a lot* of fun.

Count me as a filthy Loudout Design 3 junkie. It's every game, though not first thing. I think it provides a cushion for an extra hull mod, more flux, a better weapon, etc. and its enough that I can't recall the last time I didn't get it. For example, I have a very tight SO Hammerhead build that uses LD3 (in addition to a lot of other skill perks) to reach flux parity with its weapons (930 vs 925) and still incorporate hardened subsystems. If I can "bake-in" SO and/or Hardened Subsystems using the new system, that saves me 40 OP so LD3 is a non-issue but I get the concern others are having. I think a list of ships that need looking at (not just for OP) would be helpful and I'd like to contribute.

Cool! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the various ships, yeah; I think this thread is good for that.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #154 on: July 10, 2019, 09:33:25 AM »

At max level, it's consistent. Otherwise it'd be more of a "soft cap", really, than "unlimited"...
That is good to know.  No need to hoard if player can get them back after a bit of fighting or something.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #155 on: July 10, 2019, 10:16:22 AM »

Does bonus XP stack in magnitude or duration? There could be some odd level leap-frogging if it's magnitude.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #156 on: July 10, 2019, 10:55:27 AM »

My reaction to the skill change went something like this: "Oh no, no, my precious points. Well, maybe. Yeah, okay!"  ;)

I think having a player pick one of two is elegant. Now care needs to be taken that there are no filler skills remaining. Powerful skills require powerful counterparts etc. Let Alex do this before you suggest alternative skill trees or whatever. It's going to work.

Speaking of filler.. a skill that gives 2 extra officers from 8 to 10 is relatively weak. I hope Story Points will buff that by another 2 or so.

Loadout Design gone and 2 theoretical free hullmods per ship actually may give the ships more OP than they previously had. It also evens the playing field, because X% bonus OP on an OP-starved ship was less powerful than the same X% bonus OP on a ship with more OP to begin with. So this is good. I don't think the player picking the same expensive hullmods every time is an argument against this system. He'll pick what he has available and he invests story points. If he waits until the two amazing and expensive 'final' hullmods are available then so be it.

I have brought this up before, but phase ships are still problematic. Before this change, they were either 3x or 4x accelerated while phased, which made regular defense and preparation against them pointless. Now if I assume the time dilation buff is gone and the ship is instead 100% faster, that still facilitates the same thing. Phase ships that zip across the screen are not fun to fight against and impossible to prepare against because they're literally off in a realm of their own. The player can raise shields but he certainly can't turn fast enough. Please, buff phase utility instead and don't give them speed. I still say phase ships need to have time dilation nerfed to 2x across the board. Which isn't a true nerf but also a buff in longevity for these ships, and likely a buff in 'player interaction' and phase tactics that don't amount only to 'get on his tail because he can't defend against it'.

I'm not sure about Remnants in player fleets. The idea that the player simply domesticated an Alpha core to play nice with his fleet takes away from the awesome power and alien nature of AI in the game as it is now. It's just one more thing the player Can Now Do and one less thing that used to be special and out of reach. Don't get me wrong, the skill looks fun and I would definitely try it out. But I had hoped to see Remnants honed into even more of a hostile and alien force in future versions, with hyperspace incursions and an actual strategic threat to the player, rather than just a tactical one. If they remain system locked and continue to be XP farms in systems with starbases AND the player can capture and reactivate their ships, that may be an increase in cool stuff but an overall net loss in atmosphere and defining uniqueness.

The beam skill is interesting. When you think about it, hard flux isn't that much of a buff. You still have to beat an enemy's shield, and there are other 1.0 or better flux ratios to be had without going all-beam. Oh! One cool thing you could do with the skill, if you haven't done it already: Give beams better turning ability, like making their firing turn rate as fast as non-firing for example. If they're knife weapons, that is needed. And a combination of this and IPDAI will actually turn Tac Lasers into a useable point defense. 8)
Also one fringe case is the Paragon, where there are Energy mounts aplenty and much higher bonus range available from the get-go. A Paragon with this skillset is going to spell trouble. I would almost say nerf his range hullmod a bit.

I think the low OP ship argument is valid and a balance pass is always welcome. But that can be a separate discussion since it's not just ships but also weapon OP costs, flux costs etc. No system is free of grade A choices and duds. Wolf and Shrike have been mentioned. Instead of buffing carriers, why not adjust fighter costs down a bit?

PS: The date on the Blog Post entry at the top of the forum page is for 2018.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 11:19:37 AM by Schwartz »


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #157 on: July 10, 2019, 11:31:40 AM »

If I play with skills, I typically go for Loadout Design. Partially because Technology aptitude is the best one (2 combat skills, 2 convenience skills, 2 very universal skills), so I would probably invest a couple of points into that anyway, partially because OPs can be translated into everything — more combat power, faster movement in the campaign, better logistics, so on. Fleet Logistics comes close in versatility, but no cigar. One issue with the change I see is that now ships will be harder to replace, now a loss of a ship requires more than credits and time (or hell of a luck, if you don't have a blueprint for it). Is there going to be some skill that helps with swarm tactics, that isn't Safety Procedures?
Also one fringe case is the Paragon, where there are Energy mounts aplenty and much higher bonus range available from the get-go. A Paragon with this skillset is going to spell trouble. I would almost say nerf his range hullmod a bit.
How is 1175 (best case) range Tachyon Lance better than 1400 range Plasma Cannon? That beam hard flux mod is very specialised.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #158 on: July 10, 2019, 11:43:03 AM »

Tachyons aren't that bad. Every Small Energy mount is going to have better range than projectile weapons and hard flux, isn't it?


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #159 on: July 10, 2019, 12:00:39 PM »

That is good to know.  No need to hoard if player can get them back after a bit of fighting or something.

Yeah, definitely don't want to encourage hoarding.

Does bonus XP stack in magnitude or duration? There could be some odd level leap-frogging if it's magnitude.

Neither, it stacks in quantity. Example: if you gain 200 normal XP and had 1000 bonus XP, you'll gain 400 xp and have 800 bonus XP remaining.

My reaction to the skill change went something like this: "Oh no, no, my precious points. Well, maybe. Yeah, okay!"  ;)


I think having a player pick one of two is elegant. Now care needs to be taken that there are no filler skills remaining.

I guess it depends on how one defines "filler". I think the main thing is making sure the "general" skills are appealing enough - but not too appealing - compared to their "specialization" counterparts, at least where the choice is set up like that. But since it's always one of two skills, it's easier to balance against them each other.

Speaking of filler.. a skill that gives 2 extra officers from 8 to 10 is relatively weak. I hope Story Points will buff that by another 2 or so.

I don't know about that, honestly. It could easily be seen as increasing your fleet strength by... well, something less than 25%, probably, but still a fair amount.

I have brought this up before, but phase ships are still problematic. Before this change, they were either 3x or 4x accelerated while phased, which made regular defense and preparation against them pointless. Now if I assume the time dilation buff is gone and the ship is instead 100% faster, that still facilitates the same thing. Phase ships that zip across the screen are not fun to fight against and impossible to prepare against because they're literally off in a realm of their own. The player can raise shields but he certainly can't turn fast enough. Please, buff phase utility instead and don't give them speed. I still say phase ships need to have time dilation nerfed to 2x across the board. Which isn't a true nerf but also a buff in longevity for these ships, and likely a buff in 'player interaction' and phase tactics that don't amount only to 'get on his tail because he can't defend against it'.

Some incorrect assumptions here :) Phase works the same as before as far as time dilation. However, the thing about elite levels of skills is it's more ok to put in effects that are player-only or nearly so. Case in point: I'd imagine that - since, yes, it'd be annoying to fight against - the elite level of Phase Mastery would not be picked by NPC officers.

I'm not sure about Remnants in player fleets. The idea that the player simply domesticated an Alpha core to play nice with his fleet takes away from the awesome power and alien nature of AI in the game as it is now. It's just one more thing the player Can Now Do and one less thing that used to be special and out of reach. Don't get me wrong, the skill looks fun and I would definitely try it out. But I had hoped to see Remnants honed into even more of a hostile and alien force in future versions, with hyperspace incursions and an actual strategic threat to the player, rather than just a tactical one. If they remain system locked and continue to be XP farms in systems with starbases AND the player can capture and reactivate their ships, that may be an increase in cool stuff but an overall net loss in atmosphere and defining uniqueness.

More assumptions!

Instead of buffing carriers, why not adjust fighter costs down a bit?

Buffing carriers what now? :)

PS: The date on the Blog Post entry at the top of the forum page is for 2018.

Thank you, fixed!

Is there going to be some skill that helps with swarm tactics, that isn't Safety Procedures?

There's a few. A couple of skills make ships meeting certain criteria always recoverable, and in Industry 2 there's a pair of combat skills that - alongside their other effects - always make the piloted ship recoverable.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #160 on: July 10, 2019, 12:04:59 PM »

Instead of buffing carriers, why not adjust fighter costs down a bit?

Buffing carriers what now? :)

Nothing you said, but some people suggested carriers could use more OP.

Right about the speed buff for the elite level phase skill. I assumed officers could get that. Still, I'll defend 2x phase speed until the end of days. ;)
Happy to hear that Remnants are going to be given some more special sauce.


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #161 on: July 10, 2019, 12:08:06 PM »

Ah, gotcha - yeah, I don't think carriers need any help, really. It's probably the opposite, but not via OP.

Happy to hear that Remnants are going to be given some more special sauce.

(Please note that I didn't say *when*. I'd love to do more here - and, I mean, it's a fairly obvious area to build on - but exactly when I'll do that is still up in the air.)


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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #162 on: July 10, 2019, 12:13:24 PM »

I'm not sure about Remnants in player fleets. The idea that the player simply domesticated an Alpha core to play nice with his fleet takes away from the awesome power and alien nature of AI in the game as it is now.

I'd kind of like to see AI ships break free of the shackles with a random chance at low hitpoints, say 30% or so and turn on all ships, friend and foe alike. :)

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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #163 on: July 10, 2019, 12:39:12 PM »

I'm not sure about Remnants in player fleets. The idea that the player simply domesticated an Alpha core to play nice with his fleet takes away from the awesome power and alien nature of AI in the game as it is now.
I'd kind of like to see AI ships break free of the shackles with a random chance at low hitpoints, say 30% or so and turn on all ships, friend and foe alike. :)
This is the kind of thing that I worry about actually... If you have something like this then it would make such a high level skill useless. Although I do agree that having AI ships in the fleet is a bit... OP and weird as hell. Especially if you aren't p*** off Anti AI racists factions

Also, can I ask for an API hook so that mods can have the ability to possibly pull perma hull mods?
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Re: Skills and Story Points
« Reply #164 on: July 10, 2019, 12:59:20 PM »

Also, can I ask for an API hook so that mods can have the ability to possibly pull perma hull mods?

Already possible!
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