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Author Topic: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]  (Read 629019 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #570 on: January 27, 2022, 01:14:36 AM »

Problem with the "void extraction" Industrie it doesnt add to the other production of planet... got a gaz giant with mining and void extraction yet i only get 3 volatiles...
but i still get my +2raw mineral+2raw plutonic+3food... same for any ressource in fact, if there is a basic indsutry the void extraction give nothing more...

Is it normal a little bug maybe?

It also cannot be imporved with story points.

Upon further investigation, this is not a bug, this is how industries work in vanilla, when multiple industries produce the same good, only the largest producer is counted, since stacking industries like you propose would make it incredibly easy to generate absurd amounts of income.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #571 on: January 27, 2022, 05:27:33 AM »

wait you can put the same industrie multiple times on One World?
 How many base does the reclamation got? 2+1moving, more?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 09:20:09 AM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #572 on: January 27, 2022, 11:21:00 AM »

Finaly got my hand on some ship crafting...So lets continue the ship review withe Caswell, Lyons and the King:

-Caswell: very good 95op 2 fighter bays+5 frontal guns with good arks+2 back guns+ 2small missiles in a small package and a small 12dp price. nothing much to say its good. maybe a bit held back by the fighter of the A.R.S. it can be a bit OP tight if you give it two costly fighter wings but it will still do okay. Its system is like a inferior DOOM mine, fun to use and not on a phase ship so doesnt feel as ridiculously powerfull...

-Lyons: a Caswell and an Hawk fused together into a very decent carrier cruiser small medium guns with very good coverage and 2small missiles 2 figher bays, 145OP is a bit low for a multi role cruiser (only 35more than the Hawk and 50compared to Caswell). Extremely flexible, maybe ineficient DP useage as a full Carrier but can easily be pushed a bit more into guns or fighters as needed. Its siege canon combo very well with its role as a support cruiser. its system allow it to tank quite a lot and survive the frigate+destro rush that can happen in battle. But dont expect it to 1vs1 safely anything with such a tight OP budget.

-King: a very big dissapointement... on paper a cruiser with a large slot and omni loader to exploit it to the max. In reality overload way too fast, witout a very big capacitor bank it cannot use its system or large slot effectively...
2small+2medium+1large +4small missles pointed to the front look very good on paper but as all ARS ship its suffer from poor cap and flux stats, poor hull armor and mobility. for 20DP nor enjoyable to use or have in the fleet... even more annoying is that its very close to the Macnamara in firepower DP and weapon choice...but only it, it cannot rely on its system or it will risk overload then death. closer to a paper tiger than a glass canon as I originaly expected...

Also its barely cheaper than the Lyons that is a carrier and have the same number of OP and lack defensiv forward mount to slap fighter and missiles, I will try it a bit but will probably take two lyons or a second Macnamara or maybe two burke if it really want long range large guns.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #573 on: January 27, 2022, 02:50:07 PM »

wait you can put the same industrie multiple times on One World?
 How many base does the reclamation got? 2+1moving, more?

I don't know what reclamation means.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #574 on: January 27, 2022, 03:17:30 PM »

There are no game mechanics that use the term reclamation.

An industry can not be built multiple times at one colony. Different industries that produce the same thing do not stack at one colony, either. Doesn't have anything to do with LoA.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 03:19:21 PM by SafariJohn »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #575 on: January 27, 2022, 03:54:55 PM »

wait you can put the same industrie multiple times on One World?
 How many base does the reclamation got? 2+1moving, more?

I don't know what reclamation means.

I meant the mod faction, the ARS (The Anarakis Reparations Society).
I mean how many base /planet does the faction control?

I found Lima base, Uber harbor, Merlin harbor and the Anargaia any other base to find?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 09:38:18 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #576 on: January 29, 2022, 02:19:41 AM »

Upon further investigation, this is not a bug, this is how industries work in vanilla, when multiple industries produce the same good, only the largest producer is counted, since stacking industries like you propose would make it incredibly easy to generate absurd amounts of income.

Made sense to me when I first used it. I got the general intent from the tooltip right off - it lets you pull in some extra stuff if your colony doesn't support it naturally.

I'm not entirely sure how import/export works between colonies though. Is it the same way? As in, if Gas Giant A uses this Industry and generates 2 Food, does that mean anything if Terran World B generates 10 Food to import, overwriting the 2 Food Gas Giant A generates for itself? I guess just some added income?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #577 on: January 29, 2022, 06:41:39 AM »

How to I fight the unknown ship since it says "we'll sell the data and let some other idiot wander into that deathtrap." where can I find this data?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #578 on: January 29, 2022, 11:25:00 AM »

Finaly go my hand on the the capital ship of the ARS the "Arsenal" and the  "Alastair" they are in the continuation for the previous ones, slightly inferior to every ship of the same caliber but with an interesting system for a twist.

-Alastair: a Battlecruiser, as its description suggest it suck as a anchor capital ship, cannot flux war or tank effectively not that much dps, but its extremely fast for a capital.
60-70 movespeed is heavy cruiser of mobility and the the Alastair Web system make it a very strong disruptor and bully. And that pretty much it...All the stuff of previous ship duck taped together into a capital ship.
4 shot siege cannons 2larges 5mediums 5smalls 6small missles and 2fighter bays, a decent armement but with lower flux stats than other capitals. 2805P for 40DP its a bit of a dissapointement BUT if you babysit it, it will destroy everything smaller than him to create the numerical superiority you will need for destroying the ennemies capital ship, unfortunately if they have too many capital ship it can be very annoying because the Alastair will feel a bit like a dead weight.. most of its guns are a lot in the back of the ship meaning it can get shot and not lose fire power but also it lose a lot of range. Final words about it, it tend to act more as a carrier than a capital and thus often dont enter its guns range if you dont control it.

-Arsenal: the missile spam box, a system to reloads missiles as many times as you want, so you can create an infinite pressure (Mrm rod spam) machine or burst beast with Astropo/hammer/reaper, annoying because its easy to run out of them? No problem! Nanoforge more of them! the guns placement is very good, the size a bit less, but its only 35DP, so a super cheap capital ship.
Since it rely on small missiles for most of its job it doesn't suffer from its lower than average for a capital 235 OP. Also decently fast for a capital.

As its the final chapter of my ship review what do you think about those ships and how do you use them?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 11:26:47 AM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #579 on: January 29, 2022, 01:39:02 PM »

Here is my experience...

McNamara...awesome heavy cruiser. build in ITU and heavy armor. 5x bulldog autocanon, 2x Pellet Gun and 4 missiles of your choice . 30/30
tactic: its overload engines helps it get in position for a quick strike on an exposed enemy. The 5 bulldogs are low flux a shot and really help the pellet guns pound the shields, and then fire missiles once enemy is reaching flux. The Pellet guns are a must, they really hit hard. Needs a frigate escort to protect its flank from fighters, hits on engines will cause problems.

My fit fluxes out fast with shields up, but with your range and 1300 armor u can take some hits while finishing opponents.

King Class: Very happy with this one over the Hawke carrier. Surprised by your bad luck with it. Fitting: 28/24, Heavy armor/ITU built in. 2x Pellet gun on the sides. Medium Combat Laser (keep enemy flux high) two missiles of your choice, I use 2x breach. 1x bulldog auto cannon in the center. Bullpup auto canon on the front small ballistic.  Duke Gunboat and Jack combat drone for fighters. It holds its own well.

Victoria...oh baby love these strong. I hate the reid destroyers. Victoria fit: Targeting unit and upscaled shield core built in. 20/20. 2x Micropellet gun on wings, 2x light macine gun and 2x light mortar and medium combat laser in the middle. could change for a bulldog autocannon. Ive found the victoria works best with the lesser flux heavy weapons tho. the one with the light mortar and light machine gun has 472 flux disspation and 557 flux/sec for weapons. absolutely controls other destroyers or cruisers. good fire support for your heavy hitters to help overload heavier ships shields.

2nd Victoria fit with story weapons: change light machine guns for 2x rupture canons. change light mortar for 2x bullpup autocanon.

Good range on this ship added siege canon. I love having 6 destroyers and 3 frigates in my fleet volleying those things.

I use the Walsh frigate because of the siege canon, but the Reid heavy frigate is cool too.

Hope this helps. Try my King fit and victoria.

Havent got the alistair yet, still looking, where did you get yours?

Oh the Osmond I fit for range. heavy plasma driver, pelletgun, 2x bullpup canon, 2x rod mrm, 2x bongo ciws, ITU built in. Havent built in second mod yet. Probably armor maybe. Love the web, decimate groups of fighters. but the victoria is superior.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 01:46:50 PM by Cruis.In »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #580 on: January 29, 2022, 02:59:52 PM »

Your Equipment for the King with fighter bay is not possible only the  Lyons have fighter bays, I think you misstook one ship for the other. Or i didnt understood you.

The King have extra guns and small missiles slot but no fighters bay

But yes the Lyons is an excellent gunship/carrier but its a lot costlier than the Hawke both in maintenance and DP

I got my Alistair by building it in my colonies throught plans bought in the ARS colonies, only possible if you are commisionned.
I got the Arsenal in a battle against a fleet with one and using a story point.

Didnt you find the fighter of the mod a bit weak? Or is it just me? they deal  fragmentation damages so they struggle against shield AND armor or they have beam weapons (ace and earl) so they only generate soft flux and since they arent particulary fast nor sturdy either they dont look like they are worth their op price, except the monorail drone and the jack since they are drone and dont consume crews. But i guess i got spoiled by 6OP gladius 8OP broadsword and 10OP pyranha...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 06:39:21 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #581 on: January 29, 2022, 06:23:29 PM »

hey yes I mixed them up sorry. THe lyons doesnt impress me at all. Its probably because its armament is less impressive because it has 2 fighter bays, but yes the fighters and gunboats are not very good, so its gimpy them.

i am struggling now in late game against large hegemony fleets. Dont know if my tactics are bad, or im outgunned, but yeah I might need to get a non faction ship to complete. like onslaught. Our battle line is missing a tanker. If the AI was better, and my heavier ships stuck together on the battle line to pool Point defense, shield power and firepower then it would be better. but when you lookg a heavy cruiser is off chasing a frigate, and you have 2 battleships escorted by cruisers baring down on your battlecruiser and its destroyer escort.

not impressed by the alastair its hull and armor are bad, and it fluxes out really fast. I put two pellet canons on it but they draw 2800 per shot...thats 5600 flux just for two shots...this ship doesnt have the flux to handle large weapons. and its slow, so it has no redeeming qualities like the Mcnamara, the ability to go fast and get out of trouble.

one against one i can barely beat an onslaught in simulation with it,, but the AI battle line always seems to be well put together more so than my AI pilots.

here is afleet which pummeled me.

My fleet is

One arsenal ship
2 Alastair
4 MacNamara
2 Lyons
2 Kings
1 Hawke
3 Victoria
1 Osmond
3 Walsh
9x fighter wings assorted.

I think looking at it I am outgunned. I have 2 BC, 4 heavy cruisers and and 4 cruisers. on my battle line. Both my BC needed to deal with one onslaught and he has two. then he has like 2 battlecarriers, so its almost like 4 battleships. then my heavy cruisers are taken by the battlecarriers, which leaves my 4 cruisers to deal with his destroyer and cruiser spam. my battle limit is set to 550. wonder if i could bring in ALL how i would do lol. ill try that.

ive tried setting 5ships to follow my mcnamara around and flank,doesnt work out. those battleships put out so much firepower, and long range nothing can stand up in front of it too long

my range advantage of this faction is out the window in this fight, cant break tank from range, cant flank, and cant go in toe to toe.  I do think their fleet massively outguns me, but I have a hard time thinking what I could add to make up for it. the alastairs dont do well. So bringing in 4 of them in one they would get outflanked. If my ships could take down some ships and trade evenly then i feel eventualy i could win the fight, but i dont trade evenly, cant get their capitals killed. and moving in for a kill on a cruiser, they get immediately supported by his heavy ships...


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #582 on: January 29, 2022, 07:30:57 PM »

Take some "Edith AWAC" (i take two and tell one them to escort a big ship  then bring the other one mid battle when the first one have to retreat) they are costly and mostly support but they will give you the extra range to make even mid range guns like chemical thrower, bulldog autocanon and  other reach 1200+units range. Also help smaller  ship against capitals and cruiser.

You have to use your ability to bully the small ship early on and dont hesitate to retreat after a good engagement(even if you dont have 100% clean dissengage) to restart a battle even if you cannot escape, not rare for me to win against very big fleets(like 2-4 hegemony fleets) in two or three engagement, first battle kill the frigates en destroyer seconds one win or destroye cruiser third one finish the capitals.

My line up is way lighter in big ships, and I was able to defeat equal or bigger threat than you so IMHO you put too much emphasis on big ships:

1Arsenal (the Missile box, or Boombox in short)
1Alistair (the Hammer of the ARS)
1Macnamara (the bigger better and badder Reid)
1Lyons (decent guns to fight destro/frigate and brign two wings
1King (as a long range glasscanon it has its place but i can see the point of more than 2 in my fleet)
2Osmond (a bit less powerfull than the Victoria but got a perfect support system)
2Victoria (good ship with an awesome system)
2Caswell (for fighter defence if ennemies are fighter heavy, with twin jacks/aces or barons)
2Edith (for the extra range aura, only deploy one at a time)
4Walsh (omnilaoder spammer and support siege canon to focus/finish a target, destroy fighter/bombers squadrons)
2Sheperd (perfect distractions)
2Reid (flank like no other ship in the ARS)

A classic deployment for me is:
1Arsenal 1Alistair 1Macnamara 2Osmond 2Victoria 1Edith 4 Walsh 2 Reid, that is 14 ships instead of your 10 it cna make a big difference to avoid seeing your big ship picked one by one. The ARS dont have Onslaugth or Paragon, don't try to 1vs1 the big stuff.

Dont forget to avoid to lose too much CR before retreating. Also ARS ship lose low tech amount of CR than most ship of their size if summoned into battle.

As you said Alistair don't have great flux nor capacitors so use guns that are less flux intensiv even if you lose raw power because its BIG and cannot avoid taking hits so it need flux for shield...
Mine don't use pellet canons(too flux intensiv) I prefer common Arbalest/Heavy autocanons
Here my load for my Alistair

ITU, Hardened Shield, reinforced bulkhead (to not lose it if it dies)
2monogram shredder good range 1600 and deny any form of venting safely
2Heavy autocanon for fluxing and 1280range
1buldog autocanon dont need more the siege canon already hit quite hard in explosiv damages
6x Can MRM for the burst fluxing against shield
4 light plasma drive, nice to kill missiles and fighter or small ship that comme too close can be removed for extra OP
2back CIWS BASS for circling missiles and fighters, can be removed if you need extra OP
if i use S-mod 2 Earl or Baron, twin Duke is too costly for a battle carrier...
if no s mode  2x jack(all rounder) or 2x monorail drones(extremely cheap and put pressure)
55cap and 55vent, the base stats are so bad you need to max at least one and have the other at around 30-35 at least...

It cannot win any 1vs1 but its not its job, he come in battle as a hammer, get in with its 110speed when at 0flux, unleash hell then retreat to vent and reload its "can MRM" get another target rince and repeat.

The best weapons of this mod are the unlimited missiles like the Can MRM, String MRM and PD Needle, put some on every of your ship to counter ennemies fighter and missiles(Needle PDM) to break shield(Can MRM), saturate the ennemies PD and sometime EMP them (String MRM). And more importantly generate pressure all the time. Avoid sabots Breacher and more normal stuff if you can.

Avoid micro/gun/canon Pellet if the ship doesnt have max vent and capacitor or few guns like Walsh, Arsenal or King(thx to the Omni loader), Macnamara work better with flux efficient guns like common Autocanon than pellet guns for shield fluxing, it is a fast ship that will usually get into the fray because of its system because he try to EMP other ships.

Bullpup/dog Autocanons, Incendiary Sprayer/Blaster and shield pike/Lance are all very good, thanks to equivalent/better range than their common counterpart but stay Flux sustainable.
Monogram rail and shredder are very good as pressure or anti fighter guns, dont under estimaet them because they don't bring big numbers.
Pellet and Plasma guns are more situationnal. light Plasma driver are always good since they PD and shoot small ship well. Plasma Driver are... meh but work well if you can overload the target then want to dps it down to death the large Plasma canon is super meh because of the soft flux...
Except Walsh(med slot  and omniloader), King( large and med slots and omniloader) and Macnamara( med slots and speed) I saw no other ship that can use plasma well.

Also dont forget the Hawk and its variant, the P variant is a very good and fast gunboat and the standard oen bring a very good wing of heavy drones yet still have 110OP for guns and mods, or the Burkes they are good for a battle line type of play, for exemple the Burke P bring a large missile slot for very cheap and the standard Burke  has Cruiser with ITU range(+40%) and 1large gun+2small gun slot that shot at the front and 4 PD slots for covering its self and other.

If you try to do a battle line strategy you will need to undergun most of your frontline ship(no pellet guns, use hardened shield mod ) to have a decent flux economy, without hardened shield or officer with shield mastery your ship wont be able to trade flux effectively. and have 1-2 hammer like Macnamara(my prefere), King(if long range) or Victoria/Osmond (if you manage to use their systems), build them as glass canon with massiv capacitor but less vents, pilot them or tell them to get in unleash and get out, for exemple use only can mrm+50-75%kinetic guns and 1-2 explosiv ones for armor, overload the target with the MRM and kinetic then unleash you full firepower until it retrear, let it go, vent, find another target , repeat.
If it goes well after a few trade the ennemy line will begin to crumble where you are pushing as ship die or retreat and you will slowly but surely flank them, be carefull with reinforcement if you push them to  the border of the map. Also you can drop Alistair completely and get more Arsenals...they are cheaper in DP and do the front line brawler job better
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 08:47:10 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #583 on: January 29, 2022, 07:53:55 PM »

i realise it looks like i should be able to beat that...but i guess i havent got the hang of using command points. the enemy big ships always have a cruiser and a destroyer escorting each capital ship faithfully. so trying to take it on means getting flanked by those if your escorts arent up to the task..

also i realised too i didnt have officers assigned to most my ships for that battle. and all my officers were level 1. i hadnt leveled them up. ive also switched out the pellet cannon from the alistair and given them each a tachyon lance. the added 200 range of the pellet cannons isnt worth it. not when its being used sometimes to fire at fighters and missiles. is there any way to STOP certain weapons from firing at missiles/fighters?

so with my officers to now put to level 4, AND actually piloting the ships AND some tweaks to the alistair, i believe that fight wouldnt be as crushing defeat as it was.

you said light plasma driver on the back of the alastair in the small slots, what about the lighthouse PD? or burst pd laser?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 08:11:20 PM by Cruis.In »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #584 on: January 29, 2022, 08:54:32 PM »

Burst PD laser is always good since its a vanila PD weapon. For light house PD, I don't know I never used them, I expected them to be as bad as mining PD laser, if you do try them... tell me your opinion about them I am curious...I used light plasma driver because I try to use as much mod weapons as possible on my builds.

And no unfortunately you cannot tell weapons that can hit fighter to not shot at them, its a problem even for vanila large weapons like "hellbore canon" that shot super slow projectiles but still try to hit fighter with it...its why the railguin of this mod are nice because if they do try to shot fighter they melt them from very far away.

if big ship are escorted it mean they lack ship somewhere on the battle line, just keep the big ship occupied as you search for an attack vector. At worst put a "avoid at all cost" order on those big targets, it will start a chase usually, the AI will often break its battle line which may give you an opportunity to strike one of its ships
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 08:56:36 PM by Kanjejou »
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