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Author Topic: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]  (Read 668329 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #555 on: January 21, 2022, 09:57:06 AM »

whats some nice fittings you guys used on these ships?

read through the thread. like the one guys battle report of his campaign and difficulty faced. glass canons? bad hull...armor...shields...flux? boy i can see im going to be frustrated!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 11:33:36 AM by Cruis.In »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #556 on: January 21, 2022, 09:25:13 PM »

First I do enjoy a lot the fact that you made ver cheap vessel like the fox and that a good part fo the ship of this mod are in the frigate/destroyer category.

Havent got my hand on many ship yet in the cruiser/capital size.

Fox and its variant SE and P are enjoyabel to use like Kite but their lack of missiles and lower overall stats make them kind of Meh in comparison.

Walsh and Walsh SE seem to lack OP or raw stats to even sustain their guns...meaning they are often easy kill for other friagtes like wolf and lasher.
The Walsh build in gun is great(even more in battle vs big targets. The special system not so much... building hard flux on a ship with less flux/dissipation than a lasher is very dangerous...
The SE version look better on paper as a all rounder with AAF but suffer again from poor dissipation low OP and lack of mobility or range (compared to lasher and wolf once again)

Sherman do their job of being cheap punching bags. once again a bit light in capcitor or/and flux

Reid have supposedly more fire power than a lasher but without AAF it cant use it without self overloading

The cruiser feel fine to use, they are brittle but  are usually faster or punchier for their maintenance cost than other cruiser.

Edit: I think a lot of the balance problem with smaller ship come fromt he fact that lasher have now extra range and wolf a mobility and flux advantage
« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 09:28:03 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #557 on: January 21, 2022, 11:49:20 PM »

Edit: I think a lot of the balance problem with smaller ship come fromt he fact that lasher have now extra range and wolf a mobility and flux advantage

lowtech, midline, and ballistics did pretty much get overall buffs recently, and many mods havent quite caught up yet, for instance the bullpup autocannon is a slightly worse light assault gun now, when before it had a range advantage to make up for the slightly worse flux and damage


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #558 on: January 22, 2022, 03:52:12 AM »

Edit: I think a lot of the balance problem with smaller ship come fromt he fact that lasher have now extra range and wolf a mobility and flux advantage

lowtech, midline, and ballistics did pretty much get overall buffs recently, and many mods havent quite caught up yet, for instance the bullpup autocannon is a slightly worse light assault gun now, when before it had a range advantage to make up for the slightly worse flux and damage

True true but weapons alone aren't enough to make such difference because before lasher coudl come with bullup autocanon and more mods guns.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #559 on: January 22, 2022, 11:17:01 AM »

Hi I like the faction story of this mod. I like the ship designs and I like the fact you have NOT over powered any of your ships like other mods Lol.

Unlike others I am playing as this faction so have access to all the ships so to speak.

(HOWEVER  :) ).

My experience thus far has been mixed. I am using the McNamara as my main ship. I find its engines flame out constantly...if this is a result of the use of the engine speed special thing, then well its pointless to use. Or is it being hit on the hull and the subsystems are very weak and prone to malfunction? I can't tell. But I often find myself spinning helpessly ALWAYS in critical moments. Very frustrating. Still can't pin down the cause.

I find the ships overload very fast, get high flux. They can't sustain much hits, while firing before overloading. So head on engagements is really not in. And I don't mean to use them in head on engagements, but sometimes you have to close distance with a single ship to deliver finishing blows and most lack the power to even do that. Finishing off ships from distance don't reallty work because most weapons aren't powerful enough. So long as an enemy has even a sliver of flux space, he can raise/drop shields from distance and keep going back, since it takes a while for the weapons to reach. Leaving closing the distance to finish a wounded foe the only option. Which opens you up to serious repercussions.

The lack of ANY heavy slot on the McNarama makes it to me not so much a heavy assault cruiser, but kind of like a tactical assault.

I find the Burke class a shining beacon. That single large to really work to the doctrine strengths. The burke class deals more trouble than the McNamara. Maybe I am using bad weapons shrug. But I try to find a balance of long distance but good damage. And some are anti shield and some anti armor.

The Hawk class, haven't used it enough to say.

Overall, I agree with what someone else said, that recently, the buffs received by low tech, the burn drive being able to cut out, better armor or polarized plating and special abilities, has thrown off SOME balance here.

As someone playing your guys who has access to most, maybe you can tell me to try various things and I can test to see if that helps, whether tactics or fittings and we can bring it back to balance?

Love your efforts. thanks!

Look forward to hearing others with a lot of experience with it. Current feedback, as old feedback might not be relevant to the recent game.


Ive been refitting the McNamara, seems a bit better than before. I am very happy with my fitting on the Victoria class, a surprise there. working nicely.

These ships need point defense though. With those small shield arcs, some powerful missiles slip in. So definite on the point defense. So I choose to go with PD arm emitter, a special thing added by some mod, so sure up PD lacking on ships which dont have point defense guns.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 12:35:47 PM by Cruis.In »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #560 on: January 22, 2022, 03:36:58 PM »

Trying a full Exodus initiativ run right now

Both Burke P and normal are both quite good, like cheap manticore with more raw firepower(P)/or range(standard) but less sustain, and like a fish out of the water if caught without an escort. for 9DP they are "good" thank to being the only destro with +40%range or large missile+large bvalistic. Be carefull most destroyer in their price range ( hammerhead and enforcer)will eat them alive, and two of them will still struggle with most cheap cruiser, they get our ranged by capitals... their prefered targets are slow target for the standard version, and frigate or destroyuer for the P version.

Walsh and Walsh P truly lack something to realy shine, the siege canon(too flux intensiv too long to reload) or AAF even on a super cheap ship isnt enought to be so much worse than a lasher, maybe just give it more OP to represent how easy it is to customise it? 50-55 OP look like a minimum even more for a 6dp ship, or maybe give it a slightly smaller siege canon(halved stats) because it require to always save at least 500 flux and shot very far but very slowly so it is pretty much an oportunity gun, it also make the mid size slot a bit redundant(and costly in OP). Also it need ITU if it doesnt want to be bulied for using a med sized gun. the Walsh P do a bit better than the normal one and with Monkey system it is also cheap to maintain so that something... for 6dp they arent very good... useable but they dont really shine.

Fox P, SE and normal are all and insteresting choice compared to a Kite, like Kite(A) on steroids but no missiles. But since Kite are kind of Meh they too kind of suck. fox normal can try the EMP lighning rush but its most of the time pretty suicidal. 2DP fun to use, can effectiv in group or as a cheap emp spammer. or a suicidal turbo car for the pirate version

Victoria is the first ship with Siege canon that have the capacitor and flux to really use it with its guns without requiring to hide behind everyone...feel like using a destroyer sized afflictor that cannot phase but will stay longer in the fight and have a macro canon, a good support/line  vessel.

Reid is decent for a frigate but a bit weak for its maintenance and DP price, a scarav is only a dp more. It barely can face a wolf or lasher in 1vs1 scenarios, first decent ship for using the electro-overload subsystem for attack tho.

Taylor normal and SE and Taylor P all look like worse Mule. the double medium guns fortunately make it flux efficient against its specialised target(amor/shield) but still unfortunately consume flux at an alarming rate for a ship of that size, it also have less PPT and mobility, the Standard is a gunboat destroyer it can punch decently, the SE is supposed be agile but its not very usefull when your so meh... the P version come with a converted hangar and cost 10dp not a condor but can fight back so that something.

Sherman does it job and it does it well, with and officer with defensiv perk or S mod and its sub system it can tank way above its price tag, unfortunately it cannot push back anything...the two side missile slot allow only guided or pd missiles, for 4dp a frigate with heavy destroyer or light cruiser armor not a bad choice.

Hawk P feel incredibly good to use, its truly a destoyer and frigate bully, it also can support other ship in their assault and tank a bit, it unfortunately suffer fromt he AI trying to broaside with it all the time and thus is unable to tank as much as expected with its 90° omni shield arc...also it cannot fight back any cruiser or bigger target alone, the basic falcon being able to win 100% of its battle against it in a AI 1vs1 fight, for me it need speed to be able to utilise its guns, its agile but most cruiser can simply outrun him. 15dp and 12 maintenance a bargain if you need a multirole broadside cruiser, with extended shield it can fill many role, screening/fighter wings hunter/carrier,frigate,destroyer hunter.

Overall Those experience are without the use of S-mod but with it suspect the OP starvation can be aleviated and the poor flux/capacitor too througt hardened shield and extra vent/fluxcap.
Also a with their design base on med sized guns and slim design they look like good ship for hit and run but they dont have enough speed for it, or their mobility subsystem are a bit too short.

will post about other ships once I get them, but since they are kind of piratus its hard to get my hand on their ships...
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 03:30:20 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #561 on: January 22, 2022, 05:41:22 PM »

my mcnamara keeps flaming out when hit lol...then it dies. because it just spins forever while the enemy closes in and pummels it. not encountering this with any other ship, and it isnt the engine ability...just takes a hit because you know its shield coverage is bad and missiles or flanking ships send in a shot and then BAM flameout..


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #562 on: January 22, 2022, 06:11:33 PM »

my mcnamara keeps flaming out when hit lol...then it dies. because it just spins forever while the enemy closes in and pummels it. not encountering this with any other ship, and it isnt the engine ability...just takes a hit because you know its shield coverage is bad and missiles or flanking ships send in a shot and then BAM flameout..

Use the pd missiles on a standard Hawke or other ship with missiles like the Taylor( or your macnamara) and tell them to escort you it should help a lot or use more carriers, or ship with the electro-overload (the macnamara has it I think) stuff it zap missilles and fighter

But i admit that except the interception missiles, the other pd guns are a bit lack luster they miss a bit too often or seem to struggle to shoot down even Pilum
« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 07:00:29 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #563 on: January 23, 2022, 05:20:46 PM »

Edit: I think a lot of the balance problem with smaller ship come fromt he fact that lasher have now extra range and wolf a mobility and flux advantage

lowtech, midline, and ballistics did pretty much get overall buffs recently, and many mods havent quite caught up yet, for instance the bullpup autocannon is a slightly worse light assault gun now, when before it had a range advantage to make up for the slightly worse flux and damage

In fact I find the bullup slightly better than the assault gun because it doesn't use as much flux/sec even if it deal less dps but more damages per shot, its easier to put them on a ship and it hit better on target where you really need explosiv damages to crack the nuts, on very hight armor target they really work better but indeed on shield or hull they are inferior.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #564 on: January 23, 2022, 07:00:06 PM »

Suite of my ship of this mod observation.

-Hawk standar model, incredibly strong drones that cost no OP decent armement for a carrier maybe even a bit too many guns "for a carrier cruiser" for its own good. Nothing else to add its good. for 15 dp alone or in group they can be a real thorn in the side of any opponent, dont expect them to beat most stuff with their gun if you dont give them ITU but as most carrier hybris they are short in OP, considere those gun more as a way to push back those pesky frigates and destroyer that come flanking you. The extra wing subsystem also allowing some nice ass saving or extra punching every few minutes.

-Hawk SE model same as Standard but you have to "pay" for the fighter wing. For 15dp its a bargain. If you want to keep the hybrid battlecarrier feel put 0OP cost fighter wing like monoraildrones, or go crazy to enjoy high cost fighter in a very small and cheap package with a targeting feed subsystem. Also only paying 12 maintenance isnt too bad. strangely super hard to find. Like the Taylor's

-Hawk P see my opinion on it a few post before.

-Macnamara  OH BOY is it a "good" one, at first look like a super bad eagle... 25DP for THIS!? terrible flux/cap ,armor is meh speed look meh. But the beauty of this ship lies in two things...
its 7 med size mount frontal gun arc and its subsytem, yes you cannot just frontaly duck it out with any ship of the same price or costlier (Dominator Aurora Champion) but everything below you will cry tear of blood as you rush them overload them and fry their system with your subsystem. Its like having a very agile Cruiser EMP ship.
Also can be used as a line ship with a less attack oriented loadout, but where the fun in that? Combo well with the Victoria for the bonus damages making the mp frying that much more dangerous or Reis for wolfpacking target. is it a ship that autowin its engagements? no! is it fun to use? yes! Is it adaptable? yes! Is it really a good cruiser? hm... well... it depend what IS a good cannot fight high dp cost cruiser and struggle vs capitals... but with support from other ship it certainly can bring the big OOF that allow to cripple them the couple of seconds needed to ruin their day.
NB: for a strange reason this ship seem to get its engine shot all the time and by everything.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 03:26:46 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #565 on: January 24, 2022, 06:40:11 AM »

Edit: I think a lot of the balance problem with smaller ship come fromt he fact that lasher have now extra range and wolf a mobility and flux advantage

lowtech, midline, and ballistics did pretty much get overall buffs recently, and many mods havent quite caught up yet, for instance the bullpup autocannon is a slightly worse light assault gun now, when before it had a range advantage to make up for the slightly worse flux and damage

In fact I find the bullup slightly better than the assault gun because it doesn't use as much flux/sec even if it deal less dps but more damages per shot, its easier to put them on a ship and it hit better on target where you really need explosiv damages to crack the nuts, on very hight armor target they really work better but indeed on shield or hull they are inferior.

The bullpup takes alot more to fire tho and i noticed this in comparis with the light assault gun. not much better.

-Macnamara  OH BOY is it a "good" one, at first look like a super bad eagle... 25DP for THIS!? terrible flux/cap ,armor is meh speed look meh. But the beauty of this ship lies in two things...
its 7 med size mount frontal gun arc and its subsytem, yes you cannot just frontaly duck it out with any ship of the same price or costlier (Dominator Aurora Champion) but everything below you will cry tear of blood as you rush them overload them and fry their system with your subsystem. Its like having a very agile Cruiser EMP ship.
Also can be used as a line ship with a less attack oriented loadout, but where the fun in that? Combo well with the Victoria for the bonus damages making the mp frying that much more dangerous or Reis for wolfpacking target. is it a ship that autowin its engagements? no! is it fun to use? yes! Is it adaptable? yes! Is it really a good cruiser? hm... well... it depend what IS a good cannot fight high dp cost cruiser and struggle vs capitals... but with support from other ship it certainly can bring the big OOF that allow to cripple them the couple of seconds needed to ruin their day.
NB: for a strange reason this ship seem to get its engine shot all the time and by everything.

I know it wasn't just ME! This ship flames out if a fighter hits it with a strafing fun...something is very wrong, can something be done about engine HP or subsystem? why does it do this? no other ship in this faction fleet suffers with that. Is it a bug? I mean you charge in to use the tactic you said...take one hit on the engine (because bad shield coverage) and boom...spinning helplessly...

how do you fit your mcnamara and your reid? also which subsystem are you refering to on the mcnamara that fries their subsystems?

I am doing overall better as I find better components. But these ships arent brawlers. need range, and wait for opportunity, one slight miscalculation and they won't survive.

oh...and its unfortunate that you cant get these ships from your faction without multiple D-mods... i have found them sometimes in blackmarket or open market of other factions without d-mods because those factions made them. the unfortunate of being a nomad group is no nice forges.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 06:41:42 AM by Cruis.In »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #566 on: January 24, 2022, 07:17:20 AM »

The bullup is inferior on a purely numerical point of view, but as I said since it use less flux/sec and deal more damages per hit it strip armor more effectively and require less micromanagement to not overload yourself.

I think the hit box of the engine of the Macnamara may be a bit too big...or HP a bit too low...

When i talk about subsystem I mean the System of the ship "Electromagnetic Overload", it fry ennemies guns, engine, fighter and missiles and stuff if it hit the Hull.

My Reis are 4 monogram rai,l 2 incendiary launcher and one vulcan; Hardened shield and Reinforced bulkhead.

My Macnaamara is 3 Arbalest autocanon, 2 incendiary blaster, 2 Bulldog autocanons,4 Needle PDM; ITU, Hardened shield and Reinforced bulkhead.

I am  still trying to get my hand on all their guns and ships... the fact that they are a priate faction doesn't help.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 07:37:41 AM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #567 on: January 24, 2022, 03:15:19 PM »

Lets continue my feeling about the ships of this mod

-Osmond heavy destroyer: Just go my hand on some , they are pretty decent, being able to long/med range EMP blast stuff give the A.R.S  the ability to push into ennemy line throught disabling  key unit, their gun placement is simple yet effectiv, its stats are ... subpar like any ship of the A.R.S, but with sucha good systeml its understandable, its tight in OP but for 13DP its an excellent heavy destroyer, may suffer vs cruiser and other ship of the same price but in the chaos of battle its trump card, the Alastair Web (Maelstorm geenrator for me)

-Edith AWAC: got one recently , it's "good" i guess its weak, fragile ect... but create a big aura that supposedly increase the range of every weapons around him, i don't know how much it give (flat+200? +20%) less? more?)but supposedly it should allow to outrange anything that isnt a space station. need hardened subsystem since it cost 8DP and is a frigate and need to stay around the front line as long as possible. Also equip it with super long range gun or it will suicide in ennemies since it cannot use its system and keep its shield up.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 09:21:36 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #568 on: January 26, 2022, 10:25:40 AM »

Problem with the "void extraction" Industrie it doesnt add to the other production of planet... got a gaz giant with mining and void extraction yet i only get 3 volatiles...
but i still get my +2raw mineral+2raw plutonic+3food... same for any ressource in fact, if there is a basic indsutry the void extraction give nothing more...

Is it normal a little bug maybe?

It also cannot be imporved with story points.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 12:17:21 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #569 on: January 26, 2022, 08:58:33 PM »

Problem with the "void extraction" Industrie it doesnt add to the other production of planet... got a gaz giant with mining and void extraction yet i only get 3 volatiles...
but i still get my +2raw mineral+2raw plutonic+3food... same for any ressource in fact, if there is a basic indsutry the void extraction give nothing more...

Is it normal a little bug maybe?

It also cannot be imporved with story points.

Unsure, to be honest, the Industry was mostly designed to help salvage bad plants and elevate them into potential viability, not necessarily stack with existing industries to produce more resources, I might need to tweak how it works.
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