Hi I like the faction story of this mod. I like the ship designs and I like the fact you have NOT over powered any of your ships like other mods Lol.
Unlike others I am playing as this faction so have access to all the ships so to speak.

My experience thus far has been mixed. I am using the McNamara as my main ship. I find its engines flame out constantly...if this is a result of the use of the engine speed special thing, then well its pointless to use. Or is it being hit on the hull and the subsystems are very weak and prone to malfunction? I can't tell. But I often find myself spinning helpessly ALWAYS in critical moments. Very frustrating. Still can't pin down the cause.
I find the ships overload very fast, get high flux. They can't sustain much hits, while firing before overloading. So head on engagements is really not in. And I don't mean to use them in head on engagements, but sometimes you have to close distance with a single ship to deliver finishing blows and most lack the power to even do that. Finishing off ships from distance don't reallty work because most weapons aren't powerful enough. So long as an enemy has even a sliver of flux space, he can raise/drop shields from distance and keep going back, since it takes a while for the weapons to reach. Leaving closing the distance to finish a wounded foe the only option. Which opens you up to serious repercussions.
The lack of ANY heavy slot on the McNarama makes it to me not so much a heavy assault cruiser, but kind of like a tactical assault.
I find the Burke class a shining beacon. That single large gun...able to really work to the doctrine strengths. The burke class deals more trouble than the McNamara. Maybe I am using bad weapons shrug. But I try to find a balance of long distance but good damage. And some are anti shield and some anti armor.
The Hawk class, haven't used it enough to say.
Overall, I agree with what someone else said, that recently, the buffs received by low tech, the burn drive being able to cut out, better armor or polarized plating and special abilities, has thrown off SOME balance here.
As someone playing your guys who has access to most, maybe you can tell me to try various things and I can test to see if that helps, whether tactics or fittings and we can bring it back to balance?
Love your efforts. thanks!
Look forward to hearing others with a lot of experience with it. Current feedback, as old feedback might not be relevant to the recent game.
Ive been refitting the McNamara, seems a bit better than before. I am very happy with my fitting on the Victoria class, a surprise there. working nicely.
These ships need point defense though. With those small shield arcs, some powerful missiles slip in. So definite on the point defense. So I choose to go with PD arm emitter, a special thing added by some mod, so sure up PD lacking on ships which dont have point defense guns.