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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 547716 times)

Spess Mahren

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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1260 on: December 30, 2018, 02:42:51 PM »

I remember Alex saying that custom production should remember the credits you don't use every month so the player isn't compelled to max his production budget every month, but while playing it seems that unspent production is wasted.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1261 on: December 30, 2018, 03:08:27 PM »

I remember Alex saying that custom production should remember the credits you don't use every month so the player isn't compelled to max his production budget every month, but while playing it seems that unspent production is wasted.

Hmm, I don't remember saying this; if I did, I must've misspoken.

What happens (well, not any more) is if you have a large ongoing project (such as a battleship) that exceeds the monthly capacity, the monthly production gets applied towards it. Back when this probably came up, the production cost would be deducted in one lump some on project completion, which might explain what you're remembering. Now - in the current release - this ongoing costs gets deducted monthly, to make it clear what's happening.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1262 on: January 01, 2019, 08:29:30 AM »

The problem caused by designType id = name;
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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1263 on: January 01, 2019, 10:48:39 AM »

This is the same issue as with ?? showing up in the mission text, yes? If so, I believe this should be fixed by .1; this is a bug with how text files are read in.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1264 on: January 02, 2019, 01:58:41 AM »

This is the same issue as with ?? showing up in the mission text, yes? If so, I believe this should be fixed by .1; this is a bug with how text files are read in.
Also, in my picture, Cruiser(Destoryer,Frigate) seems couldn't be found in jar. Deathfly said they use Misc.ucFirst() so we couldn't find them except CAPITAL_SHIP.
There seems to be many Misc.ucFirst() that our transaltion couldn't get access to.
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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1265 on: January 02, 2019, 05:31:49 AM »

How big is the upcoming effect where in-faction supply reduces industry upkeep costs? I was about to post a complaint about how terrible Light Industry is (the one on Chicomoztoc has an export revenue of less than half the base upkeep cost before hazard mult at the start of an unmodded game), but reducing the Population upkeep sufficiently could actually make it net profitable with a decently large player faction.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1266 on: January 02, 2019, 07:33:43 AM »

as far as i noticed, AI do not need any income to be "alive", in my latest game, diktat got -300k++ on each colony without any side effects.

multiple other colonies had similar issues and only tritach got +500k from drugs.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1267 on: January 02, 2019, 12:54:50 PM »

Also, in my picture, Cruiser(Destoryer,Frigate) seems couldn't be found in jar. Deathfly said they use Misc.ucFirst() so we couldn't find them except CAPITAL_SHIP.
There seems to be many Misc.ucFirst() that our transaltion couldn't get access to.

(Hmm, looks like those specific ones are just straight up strings in a class.)

How big is the upcoming effect where in-faction supply reduces industry upkeep costs? I was about to post a complaint about how terrible Light Industry is (the one on Chicomoztoc has an export revenue of less than half the base upkeep cost before hazard mult at the start of an unmodded game), but reducing the Population upkeep sufficiently could actually make it net profitable with a decently large player faction.

It's up to 25%. The upkeep bonus from beta cores is reduced to 25%, btw.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1268 on: January 03, 2019, 01:49:21 PM »

As far as i know, yeah.

Kinda annoying. Knowing which of the nearest inhabited systems offers the cheapest prices is pretty important, especially when resupplying a large fleet.

press f1 on item when inside telecom array range, then navigate around.

The top 5 places to buy/sell isn't always very useful information, since it doesn't take fuel and supply expenditure into account.

cant you just press F1 when your hovering over the commodity? Be in range of a com sat and it should pull up prices.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1269 on: January 03, 2019, 01:53:45 PM »

As much as I've been gushing about this game to anyone who'd listen in the past years, I want to point out some problems today. Just my two cents here after maybe twenty hours in 0.9


Fighters seem to lack a hard, asymetric counter. The best way to counter a force which relies on fighters is to have enough carriers with intercepters in your own fleet. Not something you can refit easily! I tried creating a pure anti-fighter destroyer and cruiser, but they were barely able to hold their ground, even with lots of double flak cannons.

Big Battles

Whenever I got to the deployment point limit, I felt screwed over.
When I defended my station, I was able to add maybe 30 points to the station, but when I attacked a Luddic Church base, they were fielding an entire army in addition to their station.
Not to mention that in such large battles with station, my FPS drops and it feels like a lot of inputs get dropped as well. Makes for a very frustrating experience when you can't tell why your ship won't move backwards - unless you switch on the AI and let it handle your flagship.

So there should be a way to control the deployment point limit, a preview of what you're getting into, and a chance to back out.

This probably isn't 0.9 feedback, since before I never ran such large fleets, but not being able to back out because my fleet is too large was quiet the shock. In a game that's supposed to be played on Iron Man, I hope the fleeing mechanics get a full overhaul.


Best addition ever, but on the other hand, having to defend them is a big pain. Being able to bribe them off is a good idea, but not always an option. And having to sit around your colony for 30 days and hold shift is very boring.
Having the option to leave part of your fleet to defend your orbital station would be good, as would the option to limit outside trading with other stations so this problem doesn't arise in the first place.
Other factions should have to wait until you establish Commerce to trade with a planet.
Often, I don't want a whole colony, just a hidey hole to store all the gear I have amassed without paying the 1% monthly fee.


Star Sector is still the best space game I've played, and I've tried a lot. But a lack of something to do in smaller fights and the problems with big fights mentioned above has me waiting for 0.10 for now.

Always focus on building up defences first... Orbital satellite to star fortess, nano forges in your production, high patrol, getting your fleet skill maxed,  using admins that have fleet bonuses.  It costs you some money in the short term, but its better then baby sitting.   Also, the ship, fighter and weapons blueprints you  know have a direct link to your patrol and station effectiveness...there is a some real good reason to have a good set of blueprints before starting up colonies.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1270 on: January 03, 2019, 02:39:21 PM »

cant you just press F1 when your hovering over the commodity? Be in range of a com sat and it should pull up prices.

That only shows the 5 best places to buy and sell that particular commodity, it doesn't tell anything about the prices in other markets. Maybe the market that has the sixth cheapest fuel prices is right next to you and restocking there would be cheaper, since you don't need to waste fuel and supplies travelling 15 light years to one of the cheaper places. As it is you have no way of knowing that, unless you drop by a market and check the global prices there.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1271 on: January 03, 2019, 07:33:42 PM »

cant you just press F1 when your hovering over the commodity? Be in range of a com sat and it should pull up prices.

That only shows the 5 best places to buy and sell that particular commodity, it doesn't tell anything about the prices in other markets. Maybe the market that has the sixth cheapest fuel prices is right next to you and restocking there would be cheaper, since you don't need to waste fuel and supplies travelling 15 light years to one of the cheaper places. As it is you have no way of knowing that, unless you drop by a market and check the global prices there.

Ah, roger that.


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1272 on: January 03, 2019, 07:36:43 PM »

Will there be any changes to permanent debuffs like Decivilized?  Any dynamic planet modifiers coming online?  Will there ever be terraforming?


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1273 on: January 06, 2019, 07:22:44 AM »

Will there be any changes to permanent debuffs like Decivilized?

But Decivilized is a mostly positive effect. Gives you a growth bonus. Why would you want it gone?


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Re: Starsector 0.9a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #1274 on: January 06, 2019, 07:35:39 AM »

But Decivilized is a mostly positive effect. Gives you a growth bonus. Why would you want it gone?
It has a pretty hefty Stability reduction.  And, also roleplay reasons.  Not everything is min-maxing in this world.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 08:55:03 AM by The Soldier »
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Note: please sacrifice your goats responsibly, look up the proper pronunciation of Alex's name. We wouldn't want some other project receiving mystic power.
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