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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 801956 times)


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1620 on: December 15, 2021, 07:51:35 AM »

the newest starsector version is 0.95.1a
and that version has a changed skilltree:
"Skill system changed for more flexible builds with more options" (what probably causes the skill tree to have more skills in there than it should with this mod and some probably getting pushed to the right outside the box)

archean order is made for version 0.95a... i dont think its updated to the latest starsector version yet as its still listed as 0.95a in the title
and on the starsector releases page you cant redownload the version 0.95a.... as them download buttons also are version 0.95.1a for some reason.

so we just have to wait for this mod to be updated and working with the latest version 0.95.1a... (most of the mod probably works "okay" still even on the latest version... apart from i.e. the skilltree being weird... the new added hulls are probably also not edited for this conversion either... and such things... etc...)


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1621 on: December 15, 2021, 10:01:00 AM »

I was asked to post this here.

Getting an error when attempting to engage a Domain Era Cryosleeper Guardian.

63831 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/lazywizard/lazylib/combat/AIUtils
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/lazywizard/lazylib/combat/AIUtils
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.M$1.super(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.lazywizard.lazylib.combat.AIUtils
   at$ Source)
   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   ... 12 more

Judging from log, its Archean Order issue, Flux Converter its its subsystem for it. Probably its got broken due new update, post this log in Archean Order topic.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1622 on: December 15, 2021, 12:30:32 PM »

Hi everyone!

Yes, I need to update the mod for the next version and that is why the skills, new hullmods and new ships are not currently adjusted for the mod. I will work on this soon. It should hopefully be done before Christmas.

I was asked to post this here.

Getting an error when attempting to engage a Domain Era Cryosleeper Guardian.

Just to double check, do you have the latest version of the mod? And are you running the mod alongside the latest version of LazyLib? This issue was a past one that was fixed afaik.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1623 on: December 16, 2021, 05:23:46 AM »

Hi everyone!

Yes, I need to update the mod for the next version and that is why the skills, new hullmods and new ships are not currently adjusted for the mod. I will work on this soon. It should hopefully be done before Christmas.

I was asked to post this here.

Getting an error when attempting to engage a Domain Era Cryosleeper Guardian.

Just to double check, do you have the latest version of the mod? And are you running the mod alongside the latest version of LazyLib? This issue was a past one that was fixed afaik.

I have and LazyLib up to date (based on the forum post, the mod itself says that it's a slight revision behind the game). I downloaded them only a few days ago


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1624 on: December 16, 2021, 09:18:10 AM »

I have and LazyLib up to date (based on the forum post, the mod itself says that it's a slight revision behind the game). I downloaded them only a few days ago

It *shouldn't* have anything to do with the recent update. For some reason your system can't find lazylib's class even though its there. I double checked the documentation and its definitely still in lazylib's jar.

I inquired about this in the misc modding thread. I tested this for an hour or so this morning and the ship system AI works just fine for me with no errors. Sorry this is happening to you though. I suspect it might be environment related but I honestly don't know. :(

I'll post here if I find out anything useful. Have you used other mods that use lazylib's static methods? I'm not sure if its easy to know that or not, but I'm trying to narrow it down further. I wish I had my old labtop that I used to test this kind of thing on different systems. However there have been ~ 1200 fairly recent downloads of the mod on this version and this is the first I'm hearing of this (I think anyway, it's been brought up before but iirc that was a past version where my import path was wrong) so it may unfortunately be something pretty obscure in this case.

Listing your operating system might be useful just in case its something related to that.


Actually, just to clarify, is the path to your mods folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector? That is what the jar assumes it is. I may have to find a workaround because that seems like it would be a problem for other operating systems since mac and linux don't have that directory.

Phew at least that actually makes sense! Ok, I'll see what I can do about this.

*EDIT 2*

Alright, so until I find a better solution I will just include the lazylib jar in the mod itself so it can always be found regardless of the root directory for programs/applications. I don't even need Lazylib in the mods directory to run the script now, whereas before I did or I would get the same crash. This should solve the issue assuming my above assumption was correct.

That said, since I will be looking for a better solution I have included a script to crash the mod upon the games start unless LazyLib is installed since it is still a dependency for the AI script. This doesn't cause any conflicts or issues as far as I can tell, and doesn't effect load times.

The fix will be in the 0.95.1a compatibility update. Sorry for the inconvenience and for not catching this sooner and thanks for the reports!
« Last Edit: December 16, 2021, 04:01:22 PM by Morrokain »


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1625 on: December 17, 2021, 11:39:14 AM »

Does anyone have any requests/comments on the new skills for vanilla vs the old skills of the mod? I am almost done with balancing the new ships and adjusting skills is probably the last thing I need to do before I release the compatibility update.

This will likely be today or tomorrow, so get any thoughts you have here sooner rather than later if you want them considered for this release. Thanks!


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1626 on: December 17, 2021, 01:07:05 PM »

Just a minor thing not related to the skills, since I just started playing this mod while waiting for the majority of mods to catch up to the newest update.

Not sure if reported before but the front small hybrid turrets on the eagle have different angles.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1627 on: December 17, 2021, 11:24:18 PM »

Thanks, Morrokain! I really like your mod. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone! \o\


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1628 on: December 18, 2021, 12:04:37 AM »

Does anyone have any requests/comments on the new skills for vanilla vs the old skills of the mod? I am almost done with balancing the new ships and adjusting skills is probably the last thing I need to do before I release the compatibility update.

This will likely be today or tomorrow, so get any thoughts you have here sooner rather than later if you want them considered for this release. Thanks!

Haven't had a chance to play yet until today. From what I hear I'd prefer the new system instead of forced dichotemy, but I'd rather keep some skills boosting colonies as well as ship events.
The only other thought off the top of my head is that Ground Operations could use a better Surveying Buff or the Makeshift Equipment skill could use a worse one, since GO gives a slight bonus to marines and surveying, while Makeshift Equipment gives a big one to salvaging and to survey, and gives the (ok, mostly useless) preliminary survey burst.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1629 on: December 18, 2021, 06:41:41 AM »

Is a variant/desire to make separate stand-alone skills-mod ? I think is many people wants it, current vanilla state isn't.... touchd few aspects of fleet build, especialy fighter based.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1630 on: December 18, 2021, 08:04:38 AM »

Just a minor thing not related to the skills, since I just started playing this mod while waiting for the majority of mods to catch up to the newest update.

Not sure if reported before but the front small hybrid turrets on the eagle have different angles.

It was not (afaik but could have forgot) and I fixed this up! Thank you!

Thanks, Morrokain! I really like your mod. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone! \o\

Thank you and you too!  :)

Haven't had a chance to play yet until today. From what I hear I'd prefer the new system instead of forced dichotemy, but I'd rather keep some skills boosting colonies as well as ship events.
The only other thought off the top of my head is that Ground Operations could use a better Surveying Buff or the Makeshift Equipment skill could use a worse one, since GO gives a slight bonus to marines and surveying, while Makeshift Equipment gives a big one to salvaging and to survey, and gives the (ok, mostly useless) preliminary survey burst.

The skill system will have the new mechanics of the updated vanilla skill system, so no worries there. I'll look into the other details you mentioned too, but I was also inquiring about things such as Neural Uplink which is a pretty interesting skill. I am assuming players want that included somewhere, but I was also wondering if there were others I had missed for instance.

Anyway, most of the mod skills will likely be preserved in the update.

Is a variant/desire to make separate stand-alone skills-mod ? I think is many people wants it, current vanilla state isn't.... touchd few aspects of fleet build, especialy fighter based.

As in a skills mini-mod? I wouldn't mind doing something like that. Its not priority until after the compatibility update but assuming it wouldn't take long I can do it. As long as I'm not stepping on Dal's toes though.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1631 on: December 18, 2021, 08:52:46 AM »

Not that this is very important (it's very easy to just add the hullmod yourself) but I have noticed that the Dram-tanker has been missing the "integrated power-circuit"-hullmod. I assume this is simply an oversight? Just thought I'd mention this.

Oh, and Merry Christmas. Looking forward to the update.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1632 on: December 18, 2021, 10:17:40 AM »

Not that this is very important (it's very easy to just add the hullmod yourself) but I have noticed that the Dram-tanker has been missing the "integrated power-circuit"-hullmod. I assume this is simply an oversight? Just thought I'd mention this.

Oh, and Merry Christmas. Looking forward to the update.

Ah yeah I think at one time I was not adding that to utility vessels to make them easier to catch in escape battles. But that made them too easy to catch. So yes an oversight. I'll get it changed.

Merry Christmas to you too!


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1633 on: December 18, 2021, 02:56:50 PM »

Update on the release:

I am trying to figure out why the Guardian isn't spawning support drones from its drone factories and finally fixing the random derelicts that aren't TC versions and subsequently can never be recovered - at least if I can.

I'm not sure how long this will take, but hopefully not more than a couple of days. I'll update progress as I get it. Anyway, this will also give me some more time to playtest the new ships for balance purposes.


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Re: [0.95a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - New REDACTED 8/13/21
« Reply #1634 on: December 18, 2021, 03:07:42 PM »

Could you just release an update that fixes the skills visual bug first?
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