New Beta Update---
-- Balance pass on ship speed. In general, increased speed of destroyers and some cruisers. Reduced Paragon speed. Increased Conquest and Revenant speed and increased Conquest maneuverability.
-- Decided to keep Executor OP where it is but reduced max flux by 5000 to compensate.
-- Reduced orb count of the Phantom bomber to 3 - down from 8. Damage remains the same. Reduced Dagger Atropos torpedo damage to 1500 - down from 1800.
-- Increased Dagger and Cobra torpedo hp substantially. Increased Cobra turn rate and increased shield strength to 1800 from 1200.
-- Reduced Apocrypha Antimatter Blaster charge count to 2. Reduced damage down to 2000 from 2500.
-- Doubled missile weapons of all Vanguard variants.
-- Stinger and Vespid missiles now deal High Explosive damage. Reduced damage to 200 from 250. Buffed Swarmer damage to 400 from200 but halved recharge rate to keep it competitive in comparison.
-- Increased low tech capital dissipation rate by a small amount.
-- Reduced Heron and Mora speed slightly and reduced Targeting Feed (AO) ship system's benefit to strike craft damage to 25% - down from 50%. (Mora should be more competitive now.)
No hurry. I myself almost got burnout as well. I'm only focusing on the specific issue of craft balance and some nerf require to not let any weapon become a no brainer choice. I rarely play now a day, going to wait for a new major update to hit.
I definitely understand. Thank you for all the feedback you have given as you test the beta. I really appreciate it.

I will probably prioritize fixing variants for a bit. I think most balance outliers have been addressed (hopefully) but I'll still check here daily for any continued feedback.
After I get a lot of the variants out of the way, I might build a mission (outside the campaign) to test interceptor carrier builds more thoroughly.