I really like the mod. The idea of smaller weapons and more wings makes nice and cinematic combats.
I think the new factions are a bit too high tech-heavy with both the anime vampire lords and the tech-priests being mega tri tachyon.
Playing with nexrelin these 2 factions also dominate everybody else. So I think they are a bit too strong.
Lol anime vampire lords. That tickled me.

Not all of their portraits are anime but yeah I would say free-use portraits of vampires aren't exactly flourishing haha. Honestly I love anime and don't mind anime portraits, but I get that it's not exactly the intended immersion Starsector is going for. I do have plans for optional portrait packs in the future to better cater to different tastes in that regard. But, you know, priorities.
As far as the high tech nature of the Adamantine Consortium and Archean Order breaking Nex, that is a fair point if true. It was definitely not intended and not something I anticipated when designing the factions. The factions were designed from a lore perspective and not a 4X perspective since that didn't exist when I started modding. That being said, I think it would be accurate to say that Nex has some amount of randomness to how events/invasions go based upon prior feedback. Unless you are speaking from the perspective of multiple campaign run-throughs where these factions dominated every time, it could just be coincidence. To play devil's advocate, I could simply have the settings wrong - though I remember spending a fair amount of time considering each faction when setting up the Nex config and I've done a second pass since then. The only other possible consideration I can think of is that higher FP fleets have an innate advantage in Nex (and vanilla but not as noticeable) - which, while understandable, limits the design space in a way that Tri-Tachyon-esque factions are just going to be strong. That seems unlikely though since the FP difference between a Megalith Dreadnought and a Paragon in the current dev build is a measly 2 FP (33 to 31 respectively). So, if the fleets are built with the same number of ships in mind irregardless of each ship having a FP or two greater... well not much I can do about that. If the lore is that their ships are tech-wise better (but realistically in combat through DP they can deploy less of them and so not really) but the campaign layer does not reflect this, my hands are tied. I'm not sure if this is the case and I would assume "numShips" would handle this situation in the faction config, but I'm no expert there and I haven't deep dived that aspect in any way. (Details for reference: Archean Order is 3, Adamantine Consortium is 1 and Tri-Tachyon is 5)
To clarify lore related stuff:
The Adamantine Consortium is an insidious "boss faction" that I also wanted to be playable in order to create more replay-ability and challenge and provide a unique experience from roleplaying an evil faction (story-wise it gets more complicated than that but no spoilers! From the perspective of 4X/Nex that is the best way to put it). The Archean Order acts as a counter-balance/antagonist of the Tri-Tachyon corporation that from a design perspective just adds flavor and additional options to the high tech arsenal and additional player choice/replay-ability each playthrough.
Still working out the details there and there is a lot to do as far as limiting accessibility, etc, etc.
Trader Guilds, while certainly not as fleshed out since they were the last faction I conceptualized years ago, are actually more mid-tech with higher tier weapons/wings. They aren't really high tech at all, but they suffer from less colonies than they need - which is something I'm hoping to address very soon.
Sci-Corps are a high tech underdog with a somewhat romanticized moral compass that acts as the grounding force to the other warring factions, so once again a fair point into the high tech nature of the mod's new factions. They have actually had a buff to autoresolve and in-combat strength which should make them more of a presence when running the mod with Nex assuming my assumptions hold true.
When looking at the playable vanilla faction roster that participates in Nex, how many of them are high tech? My count is 1, maybe 2 when you consider Lion's Guard. So in that sense, I am more evening the scales for player options for each tech level than I am intending to create high tech factions to dominate the sector, if that makes sense.
A suggestion. Make wing replacement cost flux. Replacing high tech wings should cost huge amounts of flux, low tech less.
I am trying to address this disparity through OP in the next update rather than flux generation because I'm not sure I can do that with the API. So high tech wings are
far more OP costly to equip and typically only high tech carriers can equip them comfortably. This will make the high/low tech carriers truer to their DP in regards to combat performance with the added intent of making weapons more relevant on these vessels.
For an example, it will be impossible for a light carrier like the Osprey to equip a wing like the Wasp or Spectre even should it completely shirk all weapons and hullmods. It will mostly be limited to low tech and pirate wings. An Anchorage carrier might be able to equip one, but only at the cost of any weapon upgrades, hullmods, or additional wings that aren't starter tier. I'm hoping that evens things out a bit.
Anyway sorry for the wall post, and thank you for trying out the mod and giving feedback! I always appreciate it and I will try and keep this in mind as I continue attempting to balance things. My only request is to remember that I am one person and so true balanced quality will take time and multiple passes considering the scope of this mod. I rely on anyone playing it to help me understand all the nuances that I cannot realistically account for without actually stopping development to play the campaign a bunch of times to endgame.