The beginner Derinkuyu mining station. But also there is spam of other good trading opportunities.
Station keep asking for 200 supplies. There were even double contract... I went to the base with 600 supplies and finished 2 contract with 100k.
It is simple really... this is not a multiplayer game, so u can make boundaries. U cant make machine beat a brain in this, just set a rule that if 1 run is made, there are no other in 1 year or so.... simple as that.
So it will handle it self automatically.
Gotcha yeah I get what you are saying code-wise. I'm not sure I have access to that portion of the code though. I could be wrong and I'll ask around to make sure, but post trade code is not accessible in the API afaik. That would be required to check if a trade was lucrative such as you suggest.
These were commodity missions? Or just a lucrative sell to a pirate market without a tariff? It seems like missions from your post (which are inherently supposed to be profitable) and if not or if you would like a cap on these missions to prevent them as being spammable, then I would suggest that you post in the suggestions sub-forum as that is not my design- that is vanilla and it would take changes on that front most likely.
Per Alex: (thank you for being such a helpful dev!)

Ahh, I see. There's some stuff I need to work out there - apparently Derinkuyu suffers from the same or a related issue on new game start, but you could remove procurement missions entirely by removing them from the generic mission manager on every game load:
GenericMissionManager manager = GenericMissionManager.getInstance();
And then iterate over manager.getCreators() to remove whatever you like. And then, possibly, replace it with your own version.
My response:
Thanks for the information!

I don't think I will go to that length most likely as it has the potential to break in future updates and be harder to maintain, but it's really awesome that this is possible.